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Tonis pov
I tracked mud into the house and I knew Cheryl was going to be mad but I didn't really care- I was making us a cake.
"Antoniette Topaz, what the fuck," she says walking in
"Hello to you too babe, my day was great, thanks for asking,"
"Toni why the fuck is there mud in the kitchen?" She asks
"Because you see it rained and I took my bike to school because someone left without me and the dirt roads got turned into mud,"
"And why pretell is it in the kitchen?"
"You know you're cute when you're angry babe,"
"Oh am I? Then I'm about to be fucking gorgeous because I'm pissed Toni,"
"Awe," I pout "come here,"
She walks over and looks at me with her arms crossed.
"Bend down and give me a kiss," I pout
As she bends down I grab a handful of icing and smear it across her face.
"Toni Topaz, tell me you did not just do that," she yells
I run away before she can do anything.
"You are unbelievable," she says
"Ya and I'm um going to go see Sweetpea," I laugh "I'll be home for dinner,"
"Whatever fuck you," she mutters

"Why am I here again?" Sweetpea asks
"Because I pissed Cher off and if I get murdered I want witnesses," I say opening the door
We walk in and immediately I smell dinner.
"Cher baby I'm back," I yell entering the kitchen
"Hey baby," she says sweetly
"How are you?" I ask concerned that she's not angry
"Are you still angry?" I ask
She walks over and kisses me.
"No because I love you and I was really mean to you when you were leaving and I kept thinking you weren't going to come home and the last words I would've said was fuck you," she rants
"Baby, I'm so sorry," I say "I'm always going to walk back through that door," I say kissing her
"No more leaving when I'm angry TT ,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too Cheryl," I say "plus you're gorgeous when you're pissed,"

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