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Cheryls pov
I'm woken up by my phone ringing at 3 am
"Cheryl? It's Sweetpea. Is there a way you can get to tonis trailer? Like now,"
"Ya I'm on my way, is she okay?"
"It doesn't seem like it,"
I hang up and drive to my girlfriends trailer
If she's drunk again I swear..
I walk in with the key she gave me and hear arguing in the bathroom.
"Baby?" I call
"You fucking called her? Can you not listen to one fucking thing Pea?"
I walk in and it's obvious she's drunk.
"Toni what the hell?" I sigh "you promised,"
"Leave me alone Cher. I still don't know why you FUCKING CARE. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE- BOTH OF YOU,"
"Sweetpea, thank you for the call. You can go,"
"You sure?"
I nod and he leaves
"Toni, sit down,"
"Fuck you, I know you're fucking playing me. Just like Mia, and Emma, and Jonathan, and all the others. My dad was right Cher, I'm fucking loveless,"
"TT you never say that okay?" I ask hugging her "I love you,"
She tries to break out of the hug but I don't let her and eventually I let her go
She throws up and I hold her hair back
"It's alright Tones, get it all out of your system baby girl,"
She stops and I hand her a bottle of water from the counter
"Babe that's tequila,"
I smell it and nod
"Yes it is,"
I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water and go over to her
"I'm sorry," she says taking the water
"I'm not going to lie Tones, I'm really disappointed. You said you were done with this shit,"
"I can't be done," she whispers
"Why baby? What does tequila give you that is worth all of this?"
"It makes me blackout for a while. Let's me sleep, let's me forget about.."
"About what Toni?"
"What happened to me as a kid,"
"Oh baby," I say kissing her temple "you should've talked to me,"
"It's embarrassing,"
"No it's not TT, okay? I promise you have nothing to be embarrassed about,"
She nods and yawns
"Come on baby let's go to sleep okay?"
"Okay," she says sleepily
We go to her room and we cuddle and fall asleep.
I hope she'll be okay.
She's my baby and

I need her

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