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Tonis POV
"Hey Cher," I say leaning against the locker next to Cheryls
"Hey Toni," She smiles
"I was thinking maybe we could go out tonight?"
"Antoinette Topaz are you asking me on a date?" She teases
"Maybe," I smirk
"Of course Toni,"
"I'll pick you up at 7?" I ask
"Sounds great Toni, but get to class I don't go on dates with slackers," She winks
"Got it blossom,"
She walks away and I turn to walk to my class.
"Shes out of your league y'know," Someone says
"I know," I say "Wait Heather?"
"You knew I had a crush on Cheryl,"
"Ya... you know I don't give a fuck," I say "We aren't friends,"
"What if I ask her out?" She sneers
"Do what you want bro, as long as she's happy," I say
"Maybe I will then,"
I shrug and head into my home room.

"Hey Toni, can I sit?" Cheryl asks
Its very rare a north sider will sit with us, never mind a vixen.
"For sure Cher," I say moving down the bench
"Thank you," She says sitting down
"Anytime Cheryl, but whats wrong? Don't you usually sit with the vixens," I ask
"Ya but they're being annoying and I like you more anyways," She smiles
"Awe," I laugh "I like you more than the other vixens too,"
She laughs.
"I also spoke to Heather,"
"Great I love Heather," I say sarcastically
"She asked me out," She sighs
"Oh? And what did you say?" I ask kinda sad
"I said I was going out with you, and that I actually like you," She sighs "And she didnt like that,"
"I doubt she would," I laugh
Heather starts walking over.
"Can you put your arm over my shoulder?" Cheryl whispers
I do it just as Heather gets to us.
"Hi Heather," I smirk
"Cheryl what the hell are you doing over here?" Heather asks "You're a vixen, you shouldn't be slumming it with the snakes,"
"Serpents," I correct
"Water snakes, " She sneers
I laugh.
"You're wrong Heather, I'm your HBIC, and if you want to insult the serpents again maybe I'll suspend you," Cheryl says
"You cant do that," She says
"Bullying and harassing other students is ground for suspension and plus its my squad so annoying me is good enough to get you thrown off the squad,"
"Why are you even with her Cheryl? She said I could ask you out, she doesnt care if you date her,"
Cheryl looks at me suspiciously.
"All i said is if she wanted to she could, as long as you're happy," I say shyly
"Thats cute Tones," Cheryl smiles "Bye bye Heather,"
Heather rolls her eyes and walks away.
"You really said that?" She asks
"Ya I just want you to be happy Cheryl," I smile
She kisses my cheek.
"Thank you Toni," She says
"TOPAZ! The bulldog boys are trying to beat Fangs up, you coming?" Sweetpea asks running in to the cafeteria
"I cant," i say "Fangs is fine,"
"Go Toni, I'll go deal with the vixens," she says
"Ok, I'll see you in Math?" I ask
"For sure,"
I kiss her cheek and get up to go save Fangs's dumb life.

Cheryls POV
I walk into math and see Toni in her regular seat at the back, I look at my seat next to Heather and decide to go sit next to Toni.
"Hey is this seat taken?" I ask
"Oh no, Sweetpea was suspended," She says hiding her face
"Toni whats wrong?" I ask
"Nothing," she says
"Toni look at me," I say
She sighs sand turns around. She has a cut on her cheek and her eye is bruising.
"OMG Tones, did the bulldogs do this?" I ask
"The black eye was courtesy of Reggie Mantle, but the cut was from Heather," She says shyly
"I was in the washroom and her and 3 girls cornered me and she slapped me and yelled insults at me,"
"And why pre tell does she look perfectly fine?" I ask
"Because it didnt even hurt and I didn't want to get suspended,"
"Hamilton!" I yell catching Heathers attention "Hallway now,"
"What are you doing?" Toni asks
"Come with me?" I ask holding my hand out
She takes my hand and I walk out
"Heather what the high class flying fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask
"Oh you told her about our little chat," She says to Toni
"Heather, my cheek is bleeding, what did you expect her to say? NOthing?" Toni says
"Heather youre off the vixens
"You heard me, and step off Toni because I actually like her so if youre jealous thats not my problem," I snap
"You little serpent slut," Heather sneers
"What the hell did you just say to me?" Toni says
"You heard me,"
Toni steps forward so they are only inches away.
"You little bitch, you want the serpents coming after you?" Toni sneers
"What are you going to do? You're 3 fucking feet tall," Heather says
"We are the same height, if you dont wear heels the size of your ego,"
"You're just a wanna be washup with dead parents. You know my parents knew yours before they overdosed,"
"My dad overdosed after yours fired him and raped my mother, thats why your precious daddy is in JAIL,"
Heather slaps Toni again and Toni shoves her backwards so she falls.
"Tones," A boy I've never met before says running towards us.
"Fangs," She says hugging him "Hows your head?"
"Not the point right now Tiny, why are you shoving northsiders?"
"This is Heather Fangs, Heather Hamilton,"
"Hamilton?" He asks
"You fucking bitch," the boy spits
I've never seen Heather run so fast.
"Her dad is Harry Hamilton," Fangs asks me
"Toni, what just happened?" I ask
"Cheryl this is my brother, Fangs," She says grabbing my hand
"I didn't know you had a brother, its nice to meet you,"
"You too,"
"You gotta go to class Fangs," Toni says
"Ok, you too,"
"I'm in Class," Toni laughs
"No more beating up northsiders,"
"I'll make sure of that," I say putting my hand on the small of her back
"Thank you Cheryl,"
He walks away and Toni sighs.
"Hey I'm sorry about that."
"Its ok Tones, I didnt know that. I'm so sorry,"
"Its ok it was a while ago," She sighs
"Are we still on for Tonight?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I smile

"Hey Cher, you ready?" She asks as I open the door
I grab her hand and she leads me to her motorcycle.
"A motorcycle?" I ask
"Do you trust me?" She asks
"Alright Topaz, lets go," I laugh
We drive through Sweetwater drive past to the south side.
"The Whyte Wyrme?" I ask
"I have pops," She says grabbing a bag out of her compartment "And I closed the bar tonight, when I was at Pops the vixens were there with the bulldogs,"
"You closed the bar?" I ask
"Its my uncles, he's not in town right now so I run the business," she says
She leads me into the bar and we eat and laugh for like an hour.
"So you joined a gang at 12 years old?" I ask
"Yep, youngest serpent ever," She says
"Thats so cool,"
"Ya its been fun," She says "What about you? What's your big past secret?"
"I'm not sure, I've had a boring life,"
"Oh I doubt it, Cheryl Bombshell," She teases
"I once replaced Heathers shampoo with Nair,"
"Thats amazing, I love that," She laughs
"Cheryl, I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?" Toni asks
"Of course Toni," I smile "I would love to be your girlfriend,"
She tries to move so we are on the same side of the booth, but she misses the bench and falls
I laugh.
"Don't laugh,"
"Awe, are you ok?" I ask
"I'm fine," She says standing back up
"TOPAZ! FANGS THREATENED A GHOULIE AND NOW THERE IS LIKE 10 OF THEM," Jughead yells walking into the bar
"Sounds like a him problem," She says rolling her eyes "How many serpents?"
"Then you out number them, LEAVE ME ALONE," she says
"Ya but the ghoulies are scared of you,"
"Bye bye, if Fangs gets hurt send him here," She says
He rolls his eyes and leaves.
"Sorry about that, my brother is an idiot,"
"Are you two twins?"
"No but we are the same age, my parents adopted him from centre-ville when we were 3," she says "Our birthdays are the same though so it kinda funny,"
I laugh
"He seems nice,"
"He is REALLY dumb though, thinks he's tough shit but he calls me whenever someone is beating him up,"
I laugh.
"Your smile is really cute y'know that?" She says
"Mhm?" I hum
She leans in and kisses me and I kiss her back- when Fangs, and another boy come in.
"TONI!" FAngs yells
She groans and sighs.
"Do you want me to take you home? I might be a while with this,"
"No I can help if you want,"
"Fangs what the fuck were you thinking,"
"He started it he wanted my wallet,"
"I don't give a fuck, you walk away, you dont carry a wallet anyways,"  She sighs "What was the one thing I said?"
"Don't be fucking dumb tonight because I dont want to deal with your shit because i really like Cheryl and want this to work out without her being scared away by my dumbass brother. Oh and shes so pretty and nice and,"
"Okay okay that's enough,"
"Hi Cheryl," He says
"Hello Fangs,"
"DO not think you can get out of trouble by getting in her good graces asshole," Toni says
"Tones take it easy on him," I say "He was standing up for himself,"
"But.." She starts
"For me?" I cut her off,"
"Fine," she sighs "only for you,"
"Thank youCheryl," Fangs says
"Anytime Fangs," I laugh
Then my girlfriend drives me home,


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