Tonis dad

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Cheryls POV

I wake up on the coach to people running through my door and slamming it behind them. I grab Toni's blade that she left me and yell.
"I'm calling the fucking police assholes,"
"Babe?" I hear as the door to the living area slowly "Don't call the police or shoot your arrow,"
"ANTONIETTE you scared me half to death," I say closing the blade
"Sorry babe someone was chasing us," She says coming in with Fangs and Sweetpea
"Tones your face," I say getting a better look
She has a black eye, bruising cheekbone, and a cut on her forehead.
"Just a fight babygirl, I'm ok,"
"WIth who?" I ask
"No one," She replies fast
"A drunk serpent," Sweetpea says
"Some asshole," Fangs says
"Toni lets ask this again, who did you fight?"
"No one important Cher," She says looking at the floor
"Boys.." I say disapprovingly
"Her father," Fangs says
"Fangs why are you a dick?" Toni asks
"Boys privacy please,"
They comply and I sit down.
"Toni, you told me your dad died,"
"My biological father died when I was 5 then my mother married again when I was 7 and was murdered by my step uncle when i was 8," She says quietly "My step father abused me physically and emotionally until I was 14 when i came out as bi and he kicked me out on the streets with only one t-shirt and a pair of shorts, in February. Sweetpea noticed I only wore one outfit to school 7 days in a row so he introduced me to FP. Who saved me and gave me a new, more forgiving family," She finishes in tears
"Oh TT, I'm so sorry you went through that," I say hugging her
"Its ok, I just never expected to see him again, I thought he was still in jail," she sobs
"Why was he in jail?"
"He stabbed me when I was 14, he saw me on the street with my, then girlfriend and stabbed me and chased her out of the state," She says looking at her hands
I just hug her while she cries.

2 weeks later.

Around half a month later the attack was out of my mind completely. The bruises were almost completely gone and she just had a small cut on her forehead.
"How's my beautiful girlfriend this morning?" I ask finding her cooking in the kitchen
She blushes
"I'm pretty good, better now that I've seen you," She says pulling my waist towards her and kissing me
I  brush my hands over the fading bruises on her eye and cheekbone, and then up to the scar on her forehead.
"They're healing nicely," I say
"Thats because my girlfriend acts like a nurse whenever I'm a little hurt,"
"A little hurt Topaz?" I ask raising an eyebrow
She just laughs and I push her further into the counter causing her to jump up and wrap her legs around my waist.
"I love you babygirl,"
"I love you Toni," I giggle
"Why dont you stop cooking and we can go out for breakfast?" I pout
"Ok princess lets go," She says pecking my lips
She cleans up the stuff she was cooking and we head out to pops. She helps me off the bike and I peck her lips.
"I love you," I say
"I love you too," She says grabbing my hand
A large man starts approaching us and she tenses up immediatley and squeezes my hand.
"Babe, who is that?" I whisper with her pulling me closer
From the worry in her eyes I can tell its her step dad. The man stops about ten feet away from us and doesnt say anything, he just stands there.
"Babe lets just push past," I say pulling her
I walk so Im closer to the man and  keep holding Tonis hand. As I pass the man he grabs my arm.
"Not so fast firecracker," He says shoving me back by my arm
I stumbled back 3 or 4 feet with Toni.
"What do you want?" I ask angirly
"Your girlfriend ruined my life," He says through gritted teeth
I just start laughing.
"Babe what are you doing?" Toni whispers
"She ruined your life?" I say still laughing "Thats funny, you stabbed her"
"Babe, stop" Toni whispers
"What did you just say to me you ugly slut?" He says taking a threatening step forward
"What did you just stay to her?" Toni yells stepping forward
"You heard what I said ANTONIETTE," He yells back "That your girl toy is an ugly slut,"
"Shut the fuck up she is the love of my life," she yells "Why do you try and ruin everything good in my life,"
"You think she loves you ANTONIETTE? Your a dumb whore who this little ginger Barbie is using for a piece of ass and will drop you when someone better comes along and we both know your about as bad as they come,"
"Well thats why I love her, because she has an edge but shes good to me," I say kissing her cheek while slipping one arm around her waist and placing my hand on her shoulder
She kisses the side of my head.
"Actually if you could move, I want to have a nice breakfast with my beautiful girlfriend." She says getting some of her confidence back
He laughs.
"We are gunna do this again ANTONIETTE?" He asks reaching into his jacket
He pulls a blade and Toni steps infront of me
"Back off Timothy," She says through gritted teeth
"Or what?" He mocks
She immediately pulls her blade and he takes a step back. Then as if on cue- Sweetpea and Fangs pull into the parking lot and park right beside the confrontation.
"Or I'll do what you and Klide did to my mother,"
"I loved you mother,"
"Bullshit you liked her money and the fact that she was scared of you, you liked the fact that I was a little kid incapable of pushing back," she says with anger in her voice and tears in her eyes
"Let's go then Antoniette lets see if you can stand up to me,"
"Pea," She says turning her head and nodding towards me
Pea puts an arm around my shoulder.
"Cher babes do not get in the middle of this,"
I go to argue and just nod.
In one swift motion Toni turns and hits the blade out of her step fathers hand. He goes to swing and she ducks, and some how pushes him to the ground.
"You know I could kill you, or at least stab you and make you hurt the way I hurt every single day in that god forsaken house but I won't," She says closing the blade and putting it in her pocket while stepping on his ankle "because you aren't worth ruining my life over and you aren't worth going to jail for, have fun with whatever pathetic life your living,"
"ANTONIETTE are you sure you don't want to end me? See me bleed knowing you were the one that slit my throat?" He says trying to bait her into something
"I would, more then anything but unfortunately, my girlfriend doesn't like violence," she says smirking and walking back to where me and the boys were standing,
She hugs me tight and nods at the boys to say thank you, her step father just walks away.
"I love you Cheryl Blossom," She whispers still hugging me
"I love you too Toni Topaz," I say before kissing her temple and stopping the hug "you did the right thing Toni, I'm proud of you,"
"I knew you were going to say that babe," she says laughing a little
I kiss her and we walk into Pops for breakfast hand in hand and have a nice breakfast

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