Forever and Always

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Toni's POV

"Babes?" I yell into the seemingly empty house
No answer
I can't believe she forgot my birthday. I guess it's my fault I never really mentioned it because she should know it.
"Cher?" I yell walking into the living room
"Surprise!" I hear coming from all angles
Then they turn music on and start to party
"Hey Tones," I hear as arms wrap around my waist
"There you are baby," I smile as she kisses my cheek "you set this all up?"
"With Sweetpea and Fangs help," she says
"Thank you Cheryl,"
"Did you think I forgot your birthday?" She ask laughing
"Ya, ya I did," I say hugging her
"Don't ever think I'd forgot something as important as your 18th birthday," She says still hugging me
I smile.
"Thanks for this baby girl," I say looking around
"No problem T," she says grabbing my hand
"I love you Cheryl," I blurt out before we start moving
Fuck. We've never actually said that before
"Cher it's ok if you aren't ready I just wanted to tell you,".
"You do?" She asks shocked
"Yes Cheryl I love you,"
She lets go of my hand, turns white like she's about to puke and walks away.
"Cheryl?" I say trying to chase her
Fangs and Sweetpea stop me and hug me.
"Happy birthday Tiny!" They yell
"Thanks," I reply
"Why are you crying?"
"I told Cher I love her and she just walked away,"
"Lets go find her Toni," Fangs suggests
We walk around for awhile before we find her talking to Veronica and Betty in her room
"V, I cant say it- I've ruined every single person I've ever said it to. It's too selfish, I cant ruin her. She's perfect. I cant V. I cant do that to her," she says through her tears "She probably hates me already, so it doesn't matter,"
"I dont think thats the case Cheryl," Veronica says ushering to me and the boys standing in the doorway
She stares at me while standing up. Nods at Veronica and Veronica leaves taking the boys with her.
"TT I'm so so sorry," She says
"Baby its fine," I reply "You dont have to say it back cheryl, I just wanted you to know,"
"Toni that scares the hell outta me, no one has ever loved me and the two people who did- died, Tone- I couldn't even stand if something happened to you,"
"Cheryl, I'm telling you, I'm promising you, I'm not going anywhere. You are my one and only and I promise you I will never get hurt or killed or any of that. Hell Cheryl I would leave the serpents for you because- yes I love you and you are my future," I say starting to cry "Cheryl seeing you this upset, this worried about me breaks my heart more than anybody else ever could,"
"You would leave the serpents for me?" She asks shocked
"Yes I would, I would walk down stairs and tell jughead immediately- right now, because I want a future with you, I want to go to sleep and wake up beside you, I want to marry you one day and move out this goddamn town like you always talked about, I want to fight over whos going to carry our kids and I want a lifetime of memories with you cheryl. Because you are my best shot, my only shot at a good life, at a happy life and marriage, you are my happiness Cheryl, you're smile, you're laugh, the way you dance through the halls of your house and FaceTime me when I'm just across the hallway. The little wrinkle you get when your focusing and the smirk you get when you're right or when you win an argument." I ramble
She hugs me and I hug her back
"I love you Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, and I promise I'll never stop loving you," I whisper
"I love you too Toni Topaz," She says releasing from the hug
I kiss her and she kisses me back before connecting our foreheads
"You can't leave the serpents Toni,"
"I can, and I will Cheryl," I reply "if you want me too,"
"No toni, I don't want you too,"
"Ok, then I'll stay, until it's my time to leave,"
"I love you Toni," she whispers "forever and always,"
"forever and always baby," I say "why don't we go downstairs and enjoy the party my beautiful girlfriend put together?"
She nods and grabs my hand and we walk downstairs.
"Everything ok Toni?" Fangs asks
"Yep, everything's great," I smile at Cher and kiss her hand
"Babe I need to go kick the idiots who are drinking too much out," Cheryl says
"Ok Cher," I say letting go of her hand
"Red, Don't kick the shit out of any bulldogs," Fangs laughs
"No promises," she winks
"That's my girl," I laugh
"Love you,"
"I love you too Cheryl," I say "don't be long,"
She laughs and walks away
"So that went well,"
"Ya it did,"
I post on Instagram and scroll to see Cheryl did the same

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