You're Home FINAL PART (for now atleast)

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Toni's POV
Almost 2 years later and everything has been great. Nikki is now almost 5 years old and she is still the cutest kid you will ever meet.
"Mommy!" She says bounding down the stairs
"Hey Nikki," I say picking her up and kissing her cheek "How was your sleep kiddo?"
"It was good," She giggles "Where is Momma?"
"I'm not sure buddy," I laugh
I pour her cereal and she eats as I play on my phone.
"Good morning Beautiful," Cheryl says hugging me from behind
"Morning Babe," I smile closing my phone
"Hey cutie," She says kissing the top of Nikki's head
"Good Morning Momma," She smiles
"Mommy is Uncle Sweetpea coming today?"
"YA sweetie he's coming in a bit why?" I ask
"I thought I heard a knock at the door," She replies finishing her cereal and putting the bowl in the dishwasher
I shrug it off before I remember I forgot my laptop upstairs
"Nik, do you want to do me a favour?" I ask
"Go and get mommies laptop,"
She walks out and Cheryl and I laugh about how much she actually looks like Cheryl did as a kid until we hear her scream.
"Mommy, Mommy there's a women trying to get into our house," She yells
I run with Cheryl not far behind just as the person walks in.
"Nik come here and stand beside me ok?" Cheryl says grabbing her hand
"Penelope?" I say shocked that I am seeing her in the flesh
"Ugh you're still here,"
"Yes Penelope, unlike you- I live here," I say
"Cheryl what are you doing with that child, teaching her this deviant behaviour," Penelope says scoffing at Cheryl
"Nikole is my daughter I am not teaching her anything. If one day she comes to me or toni and says shes gay, I will not blink an eye,"
"Anyways I came because i was talking to an interesting man named Elliot Topaz and he said that your wife has... abusive tendencies." She smirks "and I wanted to make sure my granddaughter was ok,"
"Bull shit," Cheryl yells
"Babe language," I say
"Mother that is absolute horseshit, Toni has never once laid a finger on me in a mean or abusive way and same goes for Nik."
Penelope looks shocked at the aggressive reaction that Cheryl put out
"Um babe future reference, bullshit and horseshit same thing,"
"Very funny Toni,"
"Anyways Toni is too dangerous to be around the little one and you for that matter because shes a loose cannon. She will never be able to control it Cheryl its in her genes,"
"Oh my god mother, get it through your thick skull. I love Toni and Toni loves me and nothing you will say will break us up,"
"ANTONIETTE when was the last time you drank alcohol?" Penelope asks
"Probably 6 years ago, just before we decided to have Nik," I say looking at Nikki
"And why is that? Are you afraid of what you will do to your daughter?" She says taking an aggressive step forward
"No, I dont drink because it brings back memories I dont enjoy thinking about," I retort
"Whatever it is Topaz, you are not safe to be around that child and you know it," She smirks
And with that- she leaves

Cheryls POV
Toni looks shocked and just walks upstairs.
"Uh I just need to be alone," She says continuing to walk up the stairs
I have never seen Toni as broken as she looks now. She walks into our room and closes the door.
"Momma why did mommy go upstairs?" Nik asks
"She got sad from what that mean person just said," I say giving her a sympathetic smile
"Who was she?"
"My mother," I sigh "Your grandmother,"
"She was scary,"
I nod and we go watch a movie in the living area.

Its around 4pm and I havent seen Toni all day.
"Hey Nik, I called uncle sweetpea and uncle fangs to take you out for dinner, theyre waiting outside,"
"Ok mom,"
"I love you Nik have a good time ok?"
"Love you too and ok!"
I tie up her shoes and help her with her zipper and she walks out to the car.
i walk up the stairs to our bedroom and put my ear to the door- silence. I walk in to see Toni sitting on the side of the bed looking at a peice of paper with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Babe?" I say approaching her
"Cher, wheres nik?" She panics
"With the boys at dinner,"
She nods as I sit down beside her.
"Tones," I say placing my hand on her thigh
"I'm sorry Cheryl," She saysthrough her tears
"Toni youve never done anything to hurt me or Nikki," i say hugging her
I take the paper out of her hands and look at it. Its a picture of me her and Nikki the first day we left the hospital with her. Nikki is in her arms and Toni has the biggest smile.
"This is my favourite picture," She says "It was probably the only time I thought I might be good at this, at being a parent,"
"Toni, you are absolutley amazing with Nikole, you are the best wife ever and I love you with my whole heart,"
She hugs me and I hug her back.
"Don't leave me- ever please Cheryl. I wouldnt survive," She whispers
"Never babygirl, never would I ever think of that,"
"I'm sorry I let what she said get to me," she says pulling away from our hug
"Hey Toni don't apoligize ok?" I say wiping a tear off her cheek
I kiss her and then look in her eyes.
"Youre amazing ok? and I'll remind you everyday if I need to,"
She smiles.
"Do you want to go meet Nik and the boys at Pops?" I ask
"Ya," She nods grabbing my hand
She drives the motorcycle to Pops and helps me off as she parks.
"I love you Tones,"
"I love you Cher," She says smiling and grabs my hand
"Mommy? » We hear as we walk in
"Nik!" Toni says bending down to where Nikki had run to and hugs her tightly
She kisses the side of her head.
"I love you Nik," She says standing up
"I love you too Mommy," Nikki smiles
"What are you eating sweetie?" I ask Nik as we walk towards the booth still occupied by Fangs and Sweetpea
"Uncle Pea let me get a chocolate milkshake and I got chicken fingers," She says
Toni picks Nik up and sits down and puts Nikki on her lap. I sit beside her.
"Toni are you feeling better?" Fangs asks
"Ya, a little anyways. Cher and I talked about it." She replies
"Thats good, life's to short to worry about the cockroaches of the world," Sweetpea jokes
"true, plus I dont want to miss this one growing up," she says kissing the top of Nikki's head
We joke and laugh for a few minutes before the bell chimes and Toni's jaw drops. I look at the door to see not only her father but my mother by his side.
"Nikole, I dont want you listening to this ok? Plug your ears and whatever you hear is not true ok girlie?" I whisper
"Ok Momma," Nikki says plugging her ears
"well well well Antoniette, you still havent beat the child?" Her father mocks
"Just leave Elliot, we get it- you dont think anyone can love Toni, and shes abusive and she is bisexual. Did that just about cover it?"
He moves to speak where as I continue.
"Ahaha I'm not done yet. My time to talk. You are so wrong about Toni it's unbelievable because every time you mention it she feels sad. Every fucking time you come around to ruin her life- she feels. And thats the difference between her and you- not only does she care about everyone in her life but specifically she cares about her daughter so so much. Unlike you two sociopaths or psychopaths or whatever you are, she gives a fuck About her family and friends. Next you say she has tendencies because of her past but FP Jones was more of a father than you ever were to her. Toni is the best thing that ever happened to me, because despite her pain and despite her past she loved me. When I couldn't love myself and when my own mother called me anorexic and loveless and Toni saved my life. You two are unbelievable pieces of trash that should go back to California or even better Florida because its closer to hell. So good luck, goodbye, and good riddance," I say finally stopping
"When Toni-" Elliot begins
"When Toni starts hitting me and Nikole I'll be sorry," I say rolling my eyes
And with that both of them just leave. The boys were laughing, and Toni was smiling at me.
"Thats my girl," Toni says kissing my cheek
"I love you Toni Topaz,"
"I love you Cheryl Blossom," She says pecking my lips
Nikki keeps eating and Toni kisses the top of her head and bounces her leg up and down.
"Hey we need to get going," Fangs says looking at the clock
"I'll walk you out," I say getting up "Be right back babes,"
"Ok," Toni says playing with Nikkis hair
We walk out.
"How's Toni doing?" Fangs asks
"Better I think, she had a lot of time to think today," I sigh
"Thats good, I think she'll be fine,"
"Ya I do too," I nod looking in the window and seeing her kiss Nikkis cheek
We say our good byes and I go back into the restaurant
"Hey beautiful," Toni says seeing me walk in
"How are my two favourite girls?" I ask sitting down
Nikki smiles at me and Toni laughs and grabs my hand over the table
"I love you Cheryl,"
"I love you too Tones," I smile
Toni has always had her insecurities with being a mother, but sitting here watching her joke with Nik and smile and laugh- I think she'll be just fine.
"What are you thinking about babe?" She asks
"How good of a mom you are," I reply
"You're cute," she says squeezing Nik tighter
I think we will be just fine

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