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Tonis POV
6 years after high school ended and Cheryl left for Harvard I still bartend at the white Wyrme. I run a support group for LGBTQ+ teens and displaced teens as well. After graduation I told her to go, which was dumb but it was only fair. I told her to find herself, to go be the successful person she could always be and come back if she wanted to. She said 4 years tops but that was 6 years ago I kinda lost hope. I was ok, didnt find anyone romantically,not that I was ever looking, cheryl was the best romance I could ever want and if it was over? Well that would be that. Life was pretty good, I'm serpent queen and sweetpea is my right hand so I have fun.
Alone in the bar I hear someone walk in. Thinking it was Sweetpea getting ready for his shift I finish my paperwork for 15 minutes before heading out to give him his paycheque.
"Sweetpea here's your cheque," I say without looking up
I dont get a reply so I finally look up and my eyes meet with the bright red, faded serpent jacket I used to see every day, and long red hair down the back.
"Cheryl?" I say
"Tones!" She says turning around
I hug her and she melts into my arms
"I missed you so much TT," She says burrowing her face in my hair
"I missed you too Cher," I say relieved
We pull apart and I kiss her.
"I missed that too," She smirks
I laugh. I get her a cola and sit down beside her.
"Still Cherry Cola Bombshell?" I smirk
"Always Antoinette," She laughs
"So are you back in town permanently or just visiting?" I ask
"That depends on this girl," she says
"Girl?" I say half heartbroken
"Ya, this smart, nice, sexy girl, shes perfect in every way and makes me feel like I'm at home," She gushes looking at the ceiling
"I'm happy for you Cheryl, do I get to meet her?" I ask
Atleast I got my one last kiss, at least I got my one last hug, at least I know she's Happy
"TT, I'm talking about you. I. Still love you, I never stopped loving you and if this last 6 years has taught me anything is that you make me a better person and you push me to be my best. Toni, will you be my girlfriend again please?"  She asks holding my hand
"Of course Cheryl," I say hugging her
"I'm never leaving again," she whispers
"Good, because I never stopped loving you," I say kissing her temple

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