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Toni's POV
*freeze frame*
Ya that's me. The small one in the middle. The pink hair was Cher's idea.
On my left is my beautiful, absolutely stunning girlfriend Cheryl.
On my right is my sexy, badass girlfriend Veronica.
I know, I'm a lucky little bitch.
You might be wondering how the two hottest girls in Riverdale ended up dating a serpent like me- you're about to find out.

6 months ago

I've been hiding something from Cheryl.
We've been dating for almost a year and I think she'd be cool with it anyways.
I made dinner and we just finished.
"Hey baby? Can we talk?" I ask
"Of course mom petit d'amour," she says "what's up?"
"How do you feel about polyamory?" I ask
She looks at me confused
"Like an open relationship?"
She's hurting I know.
"Not in the traditional sense, never mind. I don't know," I sigh
"No baby explain it to me, if it's something you wanna talk about,"
"Just having another person in this relationship," I say "I love you more than life itself and more than anything in the world, but what if we had another girlfriend,"
She sits there for a minute, thinking and contemplating.
"You still love me right?" She asks
"Of course, oh my god l- Cheryl don't think that's what that is what this is about. Please never doubt how much I love you and how much I support you,"
"I think it's something I could go with,"
"Are you sure? This could just be me talking and you listening I don't care.."
"No toni actually it sounds fun and I think I'd like it," she says "but we'd have the same partner right?"
"That's what I was thinking,"
"Well I mean you'd have to Of thought about who," she says
"I mean, don't laugh," I say
"That would be a fucking power couple,"
"Right?" I laugh "think she'd be down?"
"I mean she stares at your ass," Cher laughs
I roll my eyes and laugh.
"Can you talk to her then?" She asks
"I will baby, but tonight.." I say unbuttoning her blouse "I just wanna be with you,"

3 days later
"Hey Tonikins, What's this about?" She asks sitting down
"Something sensitive," I say
"What's wrong? Are you and Cheryl okay?"
"More than actually, stronger than ever- but we talked a few nights ago and decided something,"
"Do not get her pregnant girl," she jokes
"We want to be polyamorous and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" I ask "I know it's crazy, but.."
"Crazy hot," she says "but how does it work before I agree to it?"
I explain and she's really into it.
"Wait So Cheryl would be my girlfriend too? And she's okay with it?"
"More than,"
"Then ya, I'll be your girlfriend," she says
She moves over to my side of the booth.
"How'd you get Cher to agree to this?" She asks
"She likes the idea a lot," i say "but I did tell her you would ask her out. Let me tell you she's a princess,"
"I think I'll be able to handle her," she winks
"I know you will babe,"
I take a picture of Ronnie and send it to Cher.

Tones 🤪❤️:
Guess who said yes ❤️🔥🤪

Princess 🥵❤️: omg that's a hot picture, can i come down

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Princess 🥵❤️: omg that's a hot picture, can i come down

"Mind if Cher comes to lunch?" I ask
"Not at all,"
I say yes and then turn my attention back to Veronica.
"This town is going to set on fire when everyone hears this," Ronnie laughs "and the boys aren't going to be happy,"
"Obviously not, the two hottest girls in Riverdale are mine," I say pulling her legs on to my lap
"I think we have an issue because my girlfriends are the two hottest girls in Riverdale," she says
I laugh and kiss her cheek

And that's pretty much how it started.
Cher has some trouble adjusting and with her jealousy issues but I helped her and we're all really happy.
I mean look at me, all the boys drooling over my girlfriends, walking to class knowing two of the best girls I've ever met- love me, unconditionally, for who I am
And it's amazing.

A/N: so I tried (I failed) but if you wanna see a part two to this disaster, I'll try again.
Again I'm not trying to offend anyone- just broaden my writing abilities and open my book up to a new thing 🤷🏼‍♀️
Love you all

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