Ruin your night

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Cheryl's POV
"Get your rag tag, gross ass hands off my girlfriend," I sneer as I approach Toni and Amanda talking
Amanda was laughing and put her hand on her arm
"Cheryl," Toni says "calm down baby, it's okay,"
"Leave," I demand
Amanda rolls her eyes and leaves.
"Babe," Toni smirks "what's going on?"
"She was flirting by with you, and only I get to do that,"
"Simmer Down Baby," she laughs "I'm yours,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
"We on for date night tonight?"
"Ohhhhh babe, I totally forgot babe. I promised Pea and Dill that I'd go drinking tonight,"
Dill- her hot ex boyfriend
Probably Sweetpea- Dill's brother who is actually cool
And Fangs- her dumb brother who doesn't care about her well being- but he's nice
Ya but okay, that's not happening
"No babe you promised,"
"C'mon Cher- it's Dill's birthday. I know you hate it at the wyrme- that's why I didn't mention it. I'll sleepover after though if you want?"
"Whatever T," I say rolling my eyes
"Cheryl what's the matter?" She asks annoyed
"I said it's whatever Toni," I say slamming my locker and walking away
It's 10 pm and I've been ignoring Toni's calls all night.
"Baby?" I hear her call into the  empty house
"I'm up here,"
I've been crying for the last few hours. I don't want her to be angry.
"Baby?" She asks walking in
I wipe my tears and give her a small smile
"Hey, Back so early?" I ask
"Ronnie called me C, she said you were crying,"
I nod and look at my hands
"What's going on Cher? Did I do something?"
"Toni you're perfect, and I'm a mess," I say "I get jealous because I know you can leave me for whoever you want. Everyone has a crush on you Toni,"
"But I love you baby," she says sitting beside me "and only you,"
"Tones, people have said that to me before- and then they left," I say "and I was alone,"
"I'm never leaving you alone, I know it wasn't cool to take a rain check today- that's my fault,"
"You have friends and that's okay T, it's just.. Dill doesn't like me and I think it's because he still likes you,"
"I told you whenever I'm hanging out with them you can come," she says
"Dill said that you didn't like me tagging along,"
"I'll kill him," she says "I never said that C, I thought you didn't like coming out with us. I love you- always will,"
"I'm sorry," I say looking at my hands
"Hey," She says turning my face to look at her "you have nothing to be sorry about,"
"I ruined your night and chase away everyone that talks to you that's not the boys,"
"I don't care C," she says "I care that you're happy, that's all I care about,"
I give her a small smile and she kisses me.
"Okay, wanna watch movies?"
"You can go out with your friends T," I say "I'm okay,"
"What friends?" She jokes "my annoying brother, Sweetpea, or my dumbass ex boyfriend who makes you feel bad?"
"They're your friends,"
"Too bad next time I see Dill I'm going to punch him,"
I laugh and shake my head
We have a good night just hanging around and she sleeps over.

"Bro where did you go last night?" Dill asks walking in to the lounge
I'm sitting practically on top of Toni and I glare at him
Fuck Cheryl stop being jealous.
"I had to go talk to Cheryl, she wasn't having a goodnight,"
He rolls his eyes
"So you ditch me?"
"Yes Dill, I do- if my girlfriend is crying I will leave and make sure she's okay," she snaps "plus- why would you tell Cheryl that I don't want her around when we hangout?"
"Well, no one likes her," he says
Toni stands up and gets in his face.
"What are you going to do to me sweetheart?"
"Dill, you tried to intimidate and bully me when we were dating- it didn't work then it Won't work now," she sneers "I forgave you then, but if you say anything to my girlfriend I will beat your ass,"
"Bullshit," he spits "you would beat me up and then my brother would kill you,"
"Oh Sweetpea?" She says
Pea walks over and Toni doesn't break eye contact with Dill.
"Did I ever tell you about the time your brother tried to force himself onto me? Or when he punched me when he was drunk?"
Pea shoves him.
"Bro What are you doing?" Dill asks
"Dilly- Toni's my best fucking friend," pea snaps "Why the hell would you do that?"
"You said you'd never tell him,"
"You told my girlfriend to stay away from us,"
"Sweets- look at her, she told me she was straight the entire time we were dating and now suddenly she's bisexual," he says "she's just looking for attention,"
"Toni came to me, she said she tried to talk to you about the idea of her being bisexual and you dismissed her. I told her to do what she thought was healthy for her," he says "that's why she broke up with you and that's when she met Cheryl,"
I stand beside Toni and put my arm around her waist
"You're just a jealous bitch- you know she likes me more than you," he spits at me
"I'm jealous because I know Tones is perfect, and could get way better than me and.. that doesn't include you," I say "but you're right she likes you more- because she loves me,"
Toni kisses my cheek and dill leaves
"Get jealous more often," she says "it's hot,"

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