Wuv yo-u

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Cheryl's POV
"Shhh baby, shhh," I laugh tickling our one year old daughter Tessa "Momma worked late last night, she'll be down in a bit,"
It's her birthday today, not that she knows that. She's one.
I finally lost most of the baby weight, Toni assures me I look fine but I don't believe her.
I brush out Tess's Strawberry Blonde hair and kiss the top of her head
She starts crawling away and I crawl after her and she laughs. I kiss her cheek and giggle.
"Where are you going sweetheart?" I giggle
"Ha!" She says flailing
"Cutie pie,"
She starts crawling away again and I follow her to the main hall.
"What are you doing sweetheart,"
"Ah ya!" She mumbles pointing up stairs "ma!"
"Momma's coming down soon Tess," I laugh
I bend down and pick her up.
"C'mon sweetheart, lets go play so Momma can sleep,"
I read a book and we play with some toys for a while.
"There you two are," Toni smiles walking in "give me my baby,"
I laugh and raise Tessa over my head to hand her to Toni.
"Hi Sweetheart," Toni smiles bouncing her "how are you?"
She babbles and claps and Toni kisses her cheek.
"And how is my smoking hot wife?" She asks sitting down
"I'm good," I say "I missed you last night,"
"I know baby, I had to help Pea out a bit,"
"It's No problem Tones," I laugh "this cutie wouldn't go to sleep though," I say tickling Tessa
"Were you being a brat to mommy?" Toni says "did you not wanna sleep?"
"Ya!" She babbles
"Okay cutie pie, lets get you dressed and we can go see uncle Pea and uncle Fangs," Tess claps and Toni kisses her left cheek while I kiss her right
"Fuck we're good parents," Toni says walking up the stairs
"I'm a good parent, you swear around our little girl," I say taking her
She rolls her eyes and changes while I get Tessa  changed.
Tess points behind me repeatedly, usually just telling me Toni's behind me.
"I know she's back there sweetheart, I need to get your dress on," I laugh
I get it on and she looks around me, smiling and pointing again.
"Mama!" She says pointing as I pick her up
"Did she just?" I ask Toni
"I think she did," Toni says kissing me
"Huh girlie? Who's that?" I smile pointing at Toni
"Ma-ma," She says moving and trying to grab on to Toni
She takes her from my arms and kisses her cheek. She has said it a couple times before but she doesn't talk very often.
"Good job Sweetheart!"
"I love you TT,"
"I love you too Cheryl,"
"I wuv yo-u," she laughs grabbing Toni's shirt
"Oh my gosh," I say looking at Toni
"You're growing up girlie, " Toni says kissing her cheek "ya, you're a big girl now,"
"You're funny T,"
We drive to Pops for a little birthday lunch for Tess.
"There's my little princess," Pea says taking her from Toni "how are you today?"
"She's talkative today," I laugh "lots of energy,"
"Is someone having a good birthday?" Fangs asks tickling her
"Mama!" She says pointing at me and trying to get out of Peas grip
"Hey baby," I laugh taking her "What's wrong?"
She starts crying a little and grabs on my shirt.
"Are you hungry sweetheart?" I ask calmly "do you want French fries?"
She stops crying and rubs her eyes.
"Babe can you order?" I ask
Toni nods and I sit in the booth  with Tess
I stand her up on my legs and she looks around and smiles.
"Mama! I wuv yo-u!" She says touching my head
"I love you too sweetheart," I laugh kissing her cheek
"Wow she's really talkative today," Fangs says sitting beside me
"Mhm," I laugh as she "dances" on my legs
She babbles at me and points behind me
"What's wrong sweetheart?" I ask rubbing her back
"Mama!" She says clapping her hands
"Momma's getting fries sweetie," I laugh
Veronica comes in and I wave her over to sit down.
"Hey cher," She says sitting down
"Hey Ronnie, how are you?"
"I'm good," she says "can I see the birthday girl?"
I nod and pass Tess to her.
"Hey baby," Ronnie says standing Tess up on her legs "how are you?"
She babbles and tries to turn around
Ronnie lets her and she points at me, smiles and looks back at Ronnie
"Mama," She says to Veronica, still pointing at me and then babble more and claps
"Someone's talkative today,"
"She's been really happy today," I laugh "we woke up early and had some breakfast and then we play a little bit, isn't that right?"
Toni comes and Fangs lets her sit down beside me.
"Hey babygirl," She says kissing me
"Hey Babes," I laugh
Veronica gives Toni, Tessa so Tess can eat and we talk.
"I feel like we haven't talked all day babes," Toni says kissing my cheek
"Mama! No!"
"No what sweetheart?" Toni asks
Toni giggles and kisses her cheek
"I don't know what you're talking about baby,"
Tess finishes her fries and we decide to leave.
"Hey sweetheart," I say as Toni hands me Tess in the living room
I've slowly been encouraging her to walk more and more so I put her down and hold her hands. She walks a couple steps and smiles at me.
"No!" She says
"What cutie?"
She squirms her hands and repeats 'no'
I let go of her hands and let her stand there she takes one step and then another
"Toni Come here!" I yell
Toni runs in and i stand up
Tess stands there and looks up at Toni.
"Sweetheart Come here," I say bending down again
She takes a couple steps and Toni gasps
"Oh my gosh!" She says bending down and picking her up "good job sweetheart!"
Tess claps and Toni kisses her cheek
"I love you babe," I say
"I love you too Cheryl,"
"Wuv yo-u!"

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