Gonna Learn 2

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Cheryl's POV
It's Tuesday and i get to see Toni again.
I know it was my rule- but it was really hard on me too. I avoided her in the hallways all day yesterday, but she looked sad and I felt really terrible.
I lean against her locker and wait for her to come.
"Baby!" She says rubbing towards me
She really shouldn't be running. I meet her in the middle and she grabs my hips to kiss me.
"I love you so much babygirl," she says kissing my cheek and down my neck
"I love you too Toni, but you shouldn't be running on your leg," I say
"I'm fine babe," she laughs
I raise my eyebrows.
"Fine, no running, but you let me take you out tonight," She counters kissing my neck  and up to behind my ear
"Where are we going Topaz?"
"The drive in, I felt bad since you were so excited and then we couldn't go,"
I kiss her and she smiles against my lips
"Sounds like a plan," I say "and can we please get lunch together today?"
"Of course princess," she says
"I gotta get to class Toni," I say as she pins me against my locker
"I'll walk you," she says putting her hand around my waist
We walk to my class and her hand lowers to my ass
"Topaz, hands above the equator," Veronica says
Veronica is my absolute best friend. We do everything together, she likes Toni but she also likes to be protective.
"Lodge, eyes off my girl's ass and you wouldn't have an issue with it," Toni jokes
"Oh Topaz, I didn't see you al weekend, Why is that?"
"My girlfriend is a bitch," she mutters "and I got stabbed,"
"Okay badass babe," Veronica says
"Veronica we talked about that, Toni gets way to confused when you call her babe," I laugh
"Right Sorry Toni,"
Toni rolls her eyes
We tease her all the time about this. The first time Veronica called her babe, she didn't look up and said 'hey baby' and then we started laughing and she looked up and only said 'Cheryl did you dye your fucking hair?'
So it's a joke now
"Bye baby," she says kissing me
"Bye Toni, ill see you at lunch," I smile
"Yes you will,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too babygirl,"
Ronnie and I walk into the classroom and sit at the front.
"Look it's the three stooges," Veronica laughs
"Blossom," Sweetpea says
"Boys, anymore knives to stab my girlfriend with,"
"Nope after you left toni ripped into us about our bets,"
"Good, because the next time I pull a blade out of my girlfriend, I'm giving it to Ronnie," I say "and she will find it's original owner,"
"I get to stab sweetpea?!" Veronica asks
"If he stabs Toni, Yes," I say
The boys eyes go wide and sit at the back.
We talk shit for the entire first two periods and then go to meet Toni.
"Where's you're girl?" Veronica asks
"I don't know," I sigh "where's Archie?"
"Saving our seat," she says
We sit with Archie and talk for a bit.
"There you are babygirl," Toni says hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek
"I've been here all lunch,"
"Ya well I was outside and I ran into something," she says
"Antoinette Topaz you did not run into a car," I say
"Negative," She says "I jumped over a car,"
"Toni," I groan "you said you'd stop,"
"Pea promised to drive under 13," She says
"Toni," I sigh "Toni you're unbelievable,"
"Cher chill out," Veronica says "did you get a video?"
"Oh ya,"
She starts a video of her running towards a car and then stopping at the same time as Pea.
"I would do this but my girlfriend would get angry,"
"And her best friend would stab me," pea says
And the video ends.
I slap the back of her head and roll my eyes.
"It was a joke,"
"You're a joke," I laugh
She kisses me and I get into it
"Cheryl, in the middle of the cafeteria? Really?" Ronnie asks
"I hate you," I say throwing a fry at her
She rolls her eyes and I lean into Toni
"What's wrong baby?" She asks
"I haven't slept since Thursday,"
"Why not?" She asks
"Because you weren't beside me and I was lonely,"
"Well who's fault was that?"
"Yours, because you're dumb,"
"You're funny, no more dumb shit," she says "I promise,"
"I have a spare next period, then gym," I sigh "Veronica we're cancelling cheer, I'm going home to sleep before I go out tonight,"
"Can I come?" She asks kissing my cheek and down my neck
"If you're actually going to let me sleep,"
"Are you going to let me kiss you?" She pouts
"Topaz literally stop," Ronnie says
We laugh and decide to skip the last two periods
"Hey baby I love you," she says helping me off her motorcycle
"Hey Tones, I love you," I say kissing her cheek
She grabs my books and we go inside to my room.
"You're cute," She says noticing me turn around to change my shirt "I've seen your boobs babe,"
"Funny Toni," I laugh "you know I'm self conscious,"
"Well I can tell you princess, that you have nothing- nothing to be self conscious about," she says grabbing my hips
She drags me by the hips- still half naked into the bathroom.
"Look C, you're absolutely beautiful," she says "the cutest, sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Believe it C, believe me, I love every part of you,"
She kisses the back of my head and I smile.
"Thank you Toni," I say with a small smile
"Everyday for the rest of our lives Cheryl," she whispers against my temple "I love you,"
"I love you," I smile
She grabs Pyjamas and we lay in bed,
I nuzzle into her side like usual and lay my head on her collarbone.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I ask
She giggles and pulls me closer
"You're amazing babygirl,"
I fall asleep in my SMOKING HOT girlfriend's arms
I think she got it

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