I walked

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Cheryls POV

Toni and I only started dating a few weeks ago. And I wouldn't even call it dating because we never really made it official. Anyways I was sitting in bed at 2 am not being able to sleep, so I texted her.

Cheryl: Hey

I'm such an idiot its 2 am on a school night Toni is sleeping. About a minute later my phone buzzes

Toni: Hey Cher, is everything ok?

Cheryl: Well, ya I guess. I just couldn't sleep, I'll let you sleep though didn't want to disturb you. ❤️

Toni: You could never disturb me princess,

Cheryl: Thats cute T 💞

A few moments pass without an answer so I assume she just fell asleep again. I try to fall asleep when my phone buzzes again.

Toni: Come outside

A little confused I throw my hair in a bun and a sweater over my head and quietly walk downstairs. I open the door tp see Toni standing there panting.
"Sorry it took me so long, Pea has my motorcycle key and I couldn't find Fangs,"
"Then how did you get here?" I ask concerned
"I ran," she says
"Toni thats dangerous,"
"I'm in a gang Cheryl, Remember thats why I wear this jacket," She jokes
"It doesnt matter Toni I dont want you getting hurt,"
I let a tear fall down my cheek and Toni looks crushed.
"Oh babygirl dont cry ok? I'm so so sorry, I promise I'll never get hurt ok?" She rambles hugging me
"Its ok Toni, I just dont know what I would do if I lost you, or you got hurt because of me,"
We sit on the porch, she puts her arm around me and I lay my head on her shoulder as we sit in a comfortable silence.
"Cher you should try and sleep,"  Toni whispers
"Ya you're probably right," I agree
We get up and she kisses my cheek.
"Goodnight princess," She says letting go of my hand and turning to walk home.
"Tones, you should stay, its too late and you live to far away." I say
"Cher, I know you said you wanted to go slow, I dont need to stay over its ok,"
I walk over to her and I decide something I thought I would never do.
"Screw going slow,"
I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her. Hesitantly she wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me closer into the kiss. The  kiss was- wow, I've kissed boys before but this was electrifying. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before we pulled apart and we locked eyes.
"Still want to walk home Topaz?" I ask
"Actually no, I kinda want cuddle with the beautiful red head in front of me," She flirts
I grab her hand and lead her into my bedroom.
"Be quiet and skip the 4th stair, it creaks," I whisper.
We make it to my room and I give her PJ's. I change out of my sweater and take my hair out of its bun.
"Uh what side of the bed you you usually sleep on?" Toni asks shyly
"Doesn't matter T, I'll be back in a sec," I say going into the en suite bathroom
I decide to wash my face again and then went back into my room. I lie down beside TOni and she immediately starts playing with the tips of my hair.
"Goodnight T," I say cuddling closer to her
"Goodnight Cher," She says putting an arm around my shoulder.
We both instantly fall asleep.


I wake up in Toni's arms cuddled up right under her chin. She was still sleeping and I started playing with her hair. When I realized we needed to get to school in an hour so I kissed her cheek.
"TT we need to go to school,"
She groans and hugs me tighter.
"Or we can stay here and cuddle,"
"As much as I would love that, we have school," I say getting up
I get up and go to the bathroom, got changed and went back into my room. Toni was sitting in the pants she was wearing last night, her serpent jacket and the t shirt I gave her to sleep in.
"Can you drive me home to get new clothes?" She asks
"IF you want but your welcome to wear my clothes,"
"Ya sure why not,"
She goes to my closet and picks out a black and white crop top I've never worn.
"I dont think I've ever seen you wear this." She says putting it on
"I don't know if I ever have," I laugh
"Thank you for letting me stay over last night," She says grabbing my hands
"Anytime Toni,"
"Can I ask you a question?" She asks after several moments of another comfortable silence
"Of course Toni," I reply
"I was wondering if um, you wanted to be my girlfriend?" She says nervously
"Yes Toni, I would love to be your girlfriend," I smile
She kisses me and I felt the same as I did last night- electrified. We pull apart and she moves a stray piece of hair from my face.
"What?" She asks noticing my stare
"Nothing you're just a really good kisser," I say
"You're not bad yourself Blossom," She flirts
"Do you want to go public?" I ask
"Its up to you blossom, I wasn't the one who was straight up until a few months ago,"
"I think we should,"
"Are you up for that babe?" She asks
"As long as you're with me, I'll be fine,"

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