Bad Girl

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Toni's POV
I'm kinda your typical "bad girl"
I'm hot
I know it
And I don't care about anything anyone thinks of me
Except maybe Cheryl
She's my girlfriend
But she has a boyfriend because she's in the closet.
She doesn't even let me hug her or kiss her or even ask her to be my girlfriend
But like we're a thing got it?
I walk into the bathroom and she's fixing her makeup
"Hey Princess,"
"Toni, how many times do I have to tell you- I'm not into you,"
"Anymore, since I know you were into me yesterday. And I also know you were stalking my Instagram around 2 This morning Mrs. Perfect," I smirk "so what, between 2 am and now made you hate me,"
She blushes and looks straight ahead.
"It's a weird hour to be stalking my ig Cher, lonely?"
"How do you even know that?" She snaps
"I didn't til now," I smirk
"Toni I have a boyfriend, we can't even if we wanted to,"
"Cheryl you're a lesbian, you can't deny that he sucks,"
She glances at my lips and back at my eyes.
"It doesn't matter it's too dangerous,"
"I would never let anyone hurt you, ever,"
She nods
"I want to break up with him,"
"Do it then,"
She nods and takes her phone out to call Liam.
"Hey Cher bear, where are you?"
"Liam can you meet me in the main lobby?"
"Uh okay?"
She hangs up and looks at me
"I really like you Toni. But I know your reputation. Tell me now if you're just planning on fucking me and dropping me,"
"I like you C, more than anyone I've ever liked okay?"
She nods and smiles
"Wait for me in the parking lot?"
I nod and she leaves
That's my motherfucking girl

Cheryls pov
Liam comes up to me and grabs my hips
"Hey Cher Bear,"
"Liam we need to talk," I sigh
"About what?"
"We need to break up,"
"Why everything was going great, you said the other day you thought you'd be ready to have sex,"
"That's the problem Liam, I'm never going to be ready to have sex with you. I'm a lesbian. I thought I was into you at first but we aren't right for eachother," I sigh "I'm sorry,"
"So you never liked me?"
"We've been dating since 6th grade Liam. I didn't know I was a lesbian back then,"
"You met someone didnt you?"
"I didn't cheat on you Liam. But I realized I felt more in one hour with her than I ever felt with you and she looks at me like you never have looked at me,"
He slaps me and I start crying.
"That's all you ever doLiam! You wonder why I'm nervous around you? Maybe it's because you hit me when I try and be honest,"
"You're a bitch Cheryl. You promised me your hand in marriage,"
"I said if you asked me when I was 18 I'd be impressed. Cmon Liam, I know you slept with Ronnie and Betty, and Ginger- you don't love me. You love the idea of my money,"
"Don't think that C, I also liked the idea of fucking you so hard you couldn't walk,"
He hits me again and I run to the parking lot crying
I see Toni and she looks up and waves
I run over and she hugs me when she sees somethings wrong
"Cheryl, what happened?"
"H-he hit me," I sob "a-and he y-yelled a lot,"
"I'm so sorry," she says
Liam comes outside and sits on the hood of his card.
Toni starts walking towards him and I grab her hand
"Toni please,"
"Cher don't worry I'll be okay,"
"Babe, I'm okay,"
I nod and half follow her
"What do ya want Topaz I'm kinda busy,"
She shoves him to the ground and kicks him
"You're lucky she even dated you, do you not understand how good she actually is? How rare a girl like Cheryl is?"
"So you're the whore she left me for?" He laughs getting back up
"She probably left you because you're an asshole? Ever think of that bitch?"
He laughs and swings at her
She dodged it and punches him hard
"Butch you broke my nose,"
"Couldn't make you any uglier, Cmon C,"
We walk back to her bike and she hugs me
"I'm sorry he did that Cher, okay? I'll try and make sure no one ever does again okay?"
I nod and we drive to her trailer on her bike
I've been here once before.
It's a nice little place.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"I wanna start a series," I sigh
"Okay, what haven't you seen,"
We pick an old Disney show I used to watch and I cuddle into her
"Cher, are you ready to date or do you need some time?" She asks "because I understand, but I kinda wanna know,"
"I'm ready T," I say
She kisses the top of my head and I smile
I feel so warm with her
So safe
"You're amazing Tones,"
"So are you Cher,"
She lightly draws on my exposed thigh while kissing my jawline and my ear.
"Toni... what are you doing?" I ask
"I'm not putting moves on you Cher, I'm just showing you how much you deserve to be loved," she says "I don't wanna go fast with you. Your my girl okay?"
I nod and go back to watching the show
"Tones?" I ask
"Ya princess?"
"If my mom kicks me out is there a way I could stay on your couch,"
"Not a way in hell," she says "I will sleep on the couch, you can take my bed,"
"No tones it's okay, I just want somewhere to sleep that's not outside,"
"C, if your mom kicks you out you have a place to go. You always have a place to go Cher,"
I flip so im facing her and kiss her.
"Thank you Toni,"
She kisses me again and I smile.
"Wanna go out for an early dinner?" She asks
I nod and we get up
She drives to pops and helps me off her bike.
"Are you okay with being public?" Toni asks
I nod and hold her hand
"Liams probably told everyone by now anyways,"
She kisses the back of my hand and I give her a small smile
"You're a lot different around me than around other people," I say as we sit down
"I like you, I don't like many other people," she says "plus If I didn't act tough people would go back to beating me up for being gay,"
I kiss her cheek
"No ones going to do that anymore," I say
She slips her hand around my back and kisses my temple
"We aren't going to talk about that okay? Let's just have fun, I've been trying to get this date forever now,"
"How did you even know I liked girls?" I ask "you asked me out before I even knew for sure,"
"I didn't know, but I knew your boyfriend made you very uncomfortable and that after I asked you out you kept finding reasons to talk to me and you started pushing your boyfriend further away when he tried anything," She sighs "I just knew I liked you and you had to be special for me to stop my lifestyle to find you,"
I smile and she orders for us and we wait for our food.
"I like the pink in your hair," I say playing with it "it's very pretty,"
"You're very pretty," she says kissing my cheek without taking her eyes off her phone
"What are you looking at?" I ask
"Nothing babe, don't worry,"
"Please tell me?"
"If you must know some of the football boys are not a fan of us dating,"
"Let me see," I say
"No thanks," she says putting her phone away "it's cool Cher,"
I nod and pop brings our food in
"Cheryl, should I be getting Liams regular ready?" Pop asks
"I don't know, we broke up," I sigh
"Good for you, you could do better than him,"
"And I am, this is Toni Topaz, my girlfriend,"
"I hope that means I'll be seeing you around at better hours Ms. Topaz,"
"I think she'll do a good job at keeping my out of trouble,"
He nods and leaves us alone
"Better hours?"
"I come late at night when I can't sleep,"
I kiss her cheek and sigh
"Babes, you call me when you can't sleep okay?"
She drops me off at home and I do my homework and she calls me
"Hey baby," I say
"Hey C, how's it going?"
"I'm alright, just finishing my homework, what's up?"
"Just wanted to see how you were doing? People are making noise outside my trailer," she sighs "I want to strangle them,"
"You're hot when you get aggressive," I giggle
"And you have a very pretty laugh," she says
I hear her trailer door open
"Hey baby," someone slurs from the other side of the phone
"Uh Toni. What's going on?" I ask
"My ex just broke into my trailer," she sighs "can I call you right back?"
"Of course,"
I hang up and finish my homework.
I hear pebbles hitting my window and i look down
"Prince Charming?" I joke seeing Toni
"Hey can I sleep on your floor?" She asks
"Come up,"
She climbs a ladder she must've found and comes in my room.
"Mind if I crash for the night? Can't find a new lock for my door,"
"Of course but you don't need to sleep on the floor," I giggle
I hand her pyjamas and she goes to the en suite and comes back
"Come up here," I laugh seeing her lay on the love seat
She crawls from the bottom of my bed and kisses my neck and then softly on my lips
"Thank you C,"
"No problem,"
We fall asleep and somehow I feel

Like I'm going to get this right

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