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CHONI have been a thing for around 3 months and never really made it official.

Cheryls POV
I was sitting next to Toni in last period- History. We were watching a movie on the civil war. She was really distracted and her leg was bouncing at an alarming rate.
"Tones," I say putting my hand on her thigh "Calm down,"
"Sorry Cher," She says stopping her leg bouncing.
"Its no problem," I laugh
"Do you want to hangout tonight?" She asks
"Wouldn't miss it for the world Toni," I say smiling
She gives me a smile. I put my head on her shoulder and she wraps her arm around me and we turn our attention back to the movie as her leg starts bouncing again. I put my hand on her thigh and gently draw circles on it and rub it until she calms down. After the bell rings she grabs my hand.
"Wanna go for a ride?" She asks
"Ya, I do," I smile
She drives out to the cliff overlooking all of Riverdale, where she set up a small picnic with tons of blankets. She pulls her laptop out of the compartment and leads me to the blanket. Behind the blanket there was 11 jars held up between two trees on a string.
"What are those Toni?" I ask pointing at them
"Close your eyes," She says
I do as I'm told. A few minutes later Toni asks me to turn around. The first thing I see is a blinding light- from her camera and as my eyes refocus I see the jars have candle in them and Toni taped letters to the front


I gasp as she starts talking.
"Cheryl you've made me happy for so many months I forgot we never made it official. Will you be my girlfriend?"
I just nod I can't even speak, I'm so happy. I stand up and walk towards her and hug her.
"Thank you Toni its beautiful," I whisper
"Anything for you Princess," she says back
We go sit down. I lie down so my head is between her chin and collar bone, and my body is like half on top of hers.
"Tones, why would you do all of this for me?" I ask, looking up at her before she starts Netflix "I mean why do you care so much?"
"Because you're amazing babygirl, because you're the best thing thats ever happened to me," She says looking at me, smiling "Because I love you Cheryl Blossom, more than I love myself some days, and if you aren't ready to say it back, just know it ok?"
I sit there in shock.
"Tones I love you too," I say smiling
we kiss and then she starts Netflix as I post on IG.



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Tagged: @/tt.topaz3
@/cherylbombshell: love you tones 💘 #official


@/kkeller.ships: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
@/kkeller.ships: CHONI IS OFFICIAL
@/kkeller.ships: AND THEY SAID I LOVE YOU

"Babes I just got a text from fangs that said you caused Kevin to faint?" Toni asks suspiciously
I laugh and show her the post.
"Ew I look ugly," She scoffs
"You do not," I laugh back "You could never look ugly,"
She goes on her phone and three notifications pop up on my screen

@/tt.topaz3: i love you babygirl 💞😘
@/tt.topaz3: even though you post pictures that make me look ugly 🙄
@/tt.topaz3: why did I get so so lucky?
@/tt.topaz3 tagged you in a post

She smirks as I open the post I was tagged in


Tagged: @/cherylbombshell

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Tagged: @/cherylbombshell

@/tt.topaz3: my girlfriend is hotter than ur girlfriend 💞💘 love ya babe


@/juggiejonesy: wow finally grew a pair topes
@/sweeterpea.nis: Fuck Topaz, y the hell do you get all the hot ones
    @/tt.topaz3: @/sweeterpea.nis back off my girl dickhead
@/Serpentfangs11: my bf is currently crying thanks t&c
@/cherylbombshell: love u with my whole heart 💜
    @/tt.topaz3: my love 💗
@/cherylbombshell: ur s'cute tt

"I love your caption T,"
"Good because its true,"
She kisses me and then caresses my cheek.
"You're sensational TT,"

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