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Toni's POV
I was looking for Cheryl when I hear someone crying in the bathroom. I try to open the door but it's locked.
"Are you ok in there?" I ask through the door
"Tones?" A voice asks
Well I found my girlfriend.
"Baby open the door," I say
"Why would I?" She hisses
"Baby, please. What's going on?"
She opens the door, I walk inside and she locks it again.
"What's wrong baby?" I ask
She falls into my arms and starts bawling.
"What are you doing here?" She asks
"Looking for you?" I say confused "why are you crying?"
She gets her phone out and shows me a text

Baby 💓: Cher, I'm sorry it's over... please just ignore me in the halls- TT xx

"Cher I lost my phone an hour ago," I explain "I was trying to find you to tell you that,"
"Oh?" She asks
I hug her.
"Ya baby, why would I break up with you?"
"I was being a bitch last night," she mumbles into my hair
"Babe I love you even when you're annoying as hell," I laugh
"I'm sorry,"
"No no babe, this text definitely looks bad but I promise you, we're good,"
She smiles
"Let's redo your makeup," I say
She nods and sits on the counter, I fix a bunch of her makeup.
"There, good as new," I say finishing
"Good," She says "Thank you,"
"No problem baby,"
I kiss her.
"It was good to see that you would care so much if we broke up," I laugh
She scoffs
"Well if you shrugged it off I would have questions,"
"I would never shrug it off," she laughs
"I have to talk to Pea and Fangs, meet me in the cafeteria?" I ask
"Sure," She says kissing my cheek "and toni?"
"Ya babe?"
"Thank you, for loving me no matter what,"
"It's my pleasure Blossom," I wink
I walk, talk with Pea and Fangs about the serpent stuff we have to do and then we all go to the cafeteria. Cheryl is standing at the back of the serving line alone. I go up behind her, grab her hips and kiss her cheek.
"You're so fucking beautiful baby, I can't believe you're actually fucking mine," I murmur against her cheek
She blushes and giggles.
"Only for you Cher,"
"I would hope so babe,"

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