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Cheryls POV

"Go to the store. If you aren't back in an hour, I'll fucking kill you,"
"O-okay," I stutter
"Remember I track your car- no funny shit Cheryl,"
"O-of course Sean,"
I grab my car keys and start heading out when he grabs my hair
"I'm serious babe I'll kill your precious little puppy,"
I never should've gotten that dog
But I thought he might make me feel better.
"Milk, eggs, bread," he says "and peanuts,"
"I'm allergic to peanuts," I whisper "remember last time we had them,"
He punches me in the eye and laughs
I nod and leave to drive to the store.
Why don't I leave?
I don't know
Because no one else would give me a home. My mom made that pretty clear.
Plus, I'm gay
And he knows and he'll tell everyone.
I go inside, grab a basket and start grabbing the things Sean told me to.
I'm looking at the milk when someone starts talking to me
"Hiii," a little girl giggles
"Hi," I laugh
"Your eye?" She asks concerned
"It's alright, where's your parents sweetheart?"
"Nova," someone laughs "come here babygirl,"
A girl my age, with brown and pink hair picks her up and kisses her cheek.
"Sorry about her, I got distracted and she loves taking to strangers,"
"It's no problem," I say with a small smile
"Mama, her eye like yours before dada left," Nova says pouting at her
"Oh.." She stutters putting her down "stay here baby okay?"
"Yes mama,"
"I'm sorry about her, she's still shaken up. My ex used to hit me and she saw.. how did it happen?"
"My boyfriend has a temper," I whisper
"Here's a card, the detective that worked with me was very very good," she says getting something out of her purse
"I'm okay, really,"
"I said the same thing- but he almost killed me and my daughter,"
"He will kill my dog, so I need to be home within the next 15 minutes, I'm sorry," I say leaving
"Wait.. you're Cheryl blossom!" She says "I knew we knew each other, well knew of each other anyways,"
"What do you mean?"
"I dated Veronica Lodge in senior year- she left me because she liked you, she said you were a lesbian,"
I stutter and sigh
"I am, but I can't be," I say "it was nice to see you,"
I leave but take the card from her
"Cheryl.. here's my number, if you ever need a dog sitter, I have a couple,"
"Thank you,"
"I'm Toni by the way,"
"I know," I say with a small smile
I go home and Sean is sleeping so I text Toni.

Hey can I actually get you to take my dog for a night?

Sure, what's your address

24 palm street

"Just putting the groceries away,"
"Why am I getting texts from someone named Toni?"
Fuck I forgot he mirrored my phone
"She's an old friend and her daughter is looking for a dog," I say
"Good get rid of the mutt,"
I get all of his stuff together and secretly get mine too.
"No funny business Cheryl,"
"Of course," I say going outside
Weston is a Golden doodle and he's still very very small.
Like 4 months
"Come on Westy,"
I go outside and sit on the grass until Toni pulls up.
"Hey," she says "it's a lot of stuff for a dog,"
"Would you mind dropping me off at a shelter?" I ask quietly
"Of course not Cheryl," she says
Weston starts licking her and I laugh
"Westy, get down," I say stopping him from jumping on her
"It's okay,"
"He's a really good dog, housetrained, I'll pick him up.. tomorrow, god willing I find a place to stay,"
"You can stay with me,"
"That's alright, you're already doing enough for me,"
"I live with Veronica and Archie, it would be nice to not be a third wheel at dinner,"
"Sure then,"
"CHERYL," Sean yells
"I'm talking,"
"We're actually going to grab some coffee," Toni says "I'll drop her off later,"
"No, she doesn't drink coffee,"
"I'm leaving,"
"We'll talk about this later,"
I nod and get into Tonis car
Maybe I'm safe now
Who knows where this will go.

AN: I forgot who recommended this but I'll shout them out next chapter

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