5 Messages

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Narrators POV

Cheryl has been missing for days, Toni left 11 messages she wont pick up the phone. She know her mother is lying, but she couldn't figure out where Cheryl was.

Message 1

Hey Cher, You havent been returning my texts or posting online. Are you feeling ok? Do you want me to bring you your homework or just come hang out? Please just give me a sign you're ok see you soon

Message 2

Cheryl, where are you? I'm really getting worried although no one else seems to care, I do. Cher please, I want you to call me back. I thought we were friends Cheryl, please I just want to make sure your ok. If you need to talk about anything just call me back.

Message 3

Cheryl just give me one sign your ok. Your mother told me your in Swisterland which is obviously not true because you would be on your phone. Cher I can't eat, I havent slept in 2 days, please Cheryl I'm worried. Call me whenever, I wont be sleeping anyways bye.

Message 5

Cheryl, we're coming to get you I think we found where you are, we are coming. Please Cheryl hang on for 4 more hours. See you soon.


Cheryl's POV

Toni left me almost 11 messages but those 5 were my favourite. She is so sweet, I dont even deserve her. I walk into the living room where she slept and sat beside her on her the pullout.
"Hey sleeping beauty," I say moving hair from off her face
"Hey Cher, how was your sleep?" She says sitting up on her elbows
"The best I've had in a while, but you didn't have to sleep on this pullout couch,"
"Yes I did, I wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible,"
"Tones, I just listened to some interesting messages," I say smirking
"Oh shit you heard those," She says putting her hands on her face "AAARRRRGGHHH, thats so embarrassing,"
"It's not embarrassing T, its cute. You know you were the only person to call me? Actually there was one other person,"
"Who?" She asks confused "Veronica?"
"No, Fangs called me," I say playing the message
"Cheryl, I know we have never gotten to know each other or even talked at all but I need your to hear this. Toni is worried sick about you. Like physically sick. She cant eat without throwing up, she hasn't drank anything, slept. Toni looks like a ghost of herself. Cheryl I dont know anything about your and Toni's relationship, but I do know Toni and how much she must care about you to act like this. If this is some sort of game, if your trying to play a prank please cut it out because Toni looks like she is dying. I hope you are ok, even though i dont know you, I know if Toni likes you, you must be a great person. I wish you all the best and please come home soon, for Toni's sake. Bye."
I turn off my phone and look at Toni, she is so embarrassed.
"You know you're cute when you blush?" I say laughing
"I was just worried about you," She rebuts
"I know. Can I ask you a question?"
"Toni Topaz will you be my girlfriend?" I ask hoping I didnt make the biggest mistake of my life
"Cheryl Blossom, I would love to be your girlfriend,"
I smile and she pulls me in for a kiss.
"Well do you want to go to Pops?" She asks breaking the kiss
"Ya sure," I say getting up "Let me just get dressed,"
"Do you mind if i call the boys to come too?"
"Whatever you want, also call Kev and Veronica,"
"Sounds good,"
I get dressed in Tonis clothes since I have none of my own as of now. She had a cute white and red crop top and some black leggings. She put a blue crop top and a similar pair of leggings. We head out and hop on her motorcycle.
"Cher, your going to get cold, take this," She says shrugging her serpent jacket off her shoulders
"No, its o-" I begin to argue
"HEy no talking the boys are already there,"
I give up and put the jacket on. We ride to Pops and she helps me off her bike.
"Are you ready to go public?" She asks before we start walking
"Yes," I smile kissing her
She kisses me back and puts her hands on my hips. We break apart and she wraps her hand around my waist as we walk inside.
"Tiny! You dont look like complete shit anymore!" Sweetpea says as we approach him and jughead
"Wow fuck Pea, nice to see you too," Toni says slapping him
"Ya we can get back to that, but Tiny?" I say laughing
"Cher don't laugh i don't control my height," She says pretending to be angry
"Awh babe, I'm sorry your height is hilariously cute,"
We sit down and talk for a bit until Veronica and Kevin walk in.
"CHERYL!" She says running towards the table
"RONNIE!" I say running over and hugging her
"How are you doing Cheryl?" She asks
"Pretty good," I say sitting down
We talk for a while before Toni spills her water all over me.
"ANTONIETTE!" I scream picking up her glass "I'm all wet now,"
I pout and let go of her hand.
"Awe sorry princess," She says cleaning it up with napkins "forgive me?"
Now shes pouting.
"Always," I say kissing her
"Ha Kevin you owe me $20," Veronica says
"Damn it, you two really liked each other?"
"Yes and when did she bet you?"
"Last night after we dropped you,"
"Ya she saw us kiss in the sisters, she scammed you," Toni laughs
"Not paying you,"
We laugh and talk for another 1/2 an hour before Fangs comes in.
"CHERYL! You're home!" He says relieved
I get up and hug him for like 20 secs.
"Since when are you two friends,"
"SInce Fangs left Cheryl a voicemail embarrassing me," Toni says through gritted teeth
"Awe Tones got her feelings hurt," I tease
"Fangs why do you have to be a dick all the goddamn time? I was completely fine." Toni says punching him
"Toni when I sent that voicemail, you threw up for the fifth time that day and i checked, you weren't Drunk, and it was noon,"
"Shut the fuck up," Toni says glaring at him
"Calm down TT, it was cute,"
She rolls her eyes and backs down. Just when Betty and Jughead walk in.
"CHERYL!" She says running over "I'm so glad your ok,"
"Thanks Betty," I say hugging her
We talk and laugh until I hear the bell ring and Betty and Veronica's faces go white.
"CHERYL MAJORIE BLOSSOM, You're supposed to be at the Sisters," I hear from behind me "Lets go Cheryl,"
Toni literally jumps over the table and gets in my moms face.
"No way in hell is Cheryl going anywhere with you, never mind the nightmare factory we rescued her from last night."
"And who pre-tell are you?" She snaps at her
"She's my girlfriend, mother, Toni Topaz," I say putting my arms around her waist and hugging her from behind
"Well its disgusting,"
Toni just rolls her eyes.
"Cheryl you're coming with me,"
She grabs my wrist off Toni's waist, I dodge it and she grabs the waistband of Toni's pants
"Jesus, sorry Penelope I'm taken,"
We all start laughing until my mother leaves. Toni turns and kisses me.
"Proud of you,"
"Thanks," I smile
We all reconnect and laugh for a couple more hours and then go get ready for auditions for Carrie the Musical.

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