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Toni's POV
Cheryl's bitchier than usual and I think she's on her period.
"Toni I'm fucking hungry," she groans
"Baby, is it that time of month again?" I ask sitting beside her in the bed
"Shut the fuck up, it's not my fault that you've never had a fucking period," she hisses "don't judge,"
"Oh baby, I would never judge you- are your cramps back?" I ask calmly
She nods and puts her head in her pillows.
"What if I get the heating pad and some food and I'll lay with you?" I ask
"Would you?" She says with her voice cracking
"Of course princess,"
I'm intersex and don't get a period and she gets especially cranky on hers.
"Babe I got cheese and crackers," I say walking back in
"Okay," She says through tears
"What's wrong baby?" I ask
"They hurt so bad,"
I give her Advil, food, water and her heating pad and then I crawl on the bed.
"You're okay baby," I say rubbing her back through another episode
I've never had a period but they made me sit through the girls version of sex Ed- even it basically prepared me 0% for life with a dick.
"Toni," she says
"Ya babe?"
"Thank you,"
"No problem baby, are you feeling better?"
"No but I don't notice it as much since you're here
I kiss her cheek and let her rest on me
"Toni would you go on a walk with me? Sometimes it helps,"
"Of course I will baby,"
I sit her up enough to sneak out from under her and help her off the bed.
We go for a small walk and I rub her back as she starts calming down from the cramps.
"I love you Cher," I say kissing her temple
"I love you too Toni," she smiles interlocking our fingers
"You're lucky you don't get a period," she says
"I'm lucky I have you," I say kissing her
"Funny Topaz,"
"I am Cher, you know many girls are weirded out by the dick, you just treat me like a person. And I love you,"
"I love you too," she smiles
We walk home and she falls asleep on top of me.
I draw on her back and turn the tv down so she can sleep peacefully
"That can stay on," she whispers "I don't want you getting bored,"
"I'm alright Cher," I say kissing her temple
"I like the noise anyways," she says
I turn it a little louder and she cuddles into me and falls asleep.
I play with her hair and watch tv until she rolls further into me and opens her eyes
"Well good morning princess," I say as she smiles up at me
"Heyyy," she hums
I kiss her and laugh
She cringes and grabs her side
"They still hurt baby?" I ask
She nods and sniffs
"Want more Advil?"
"Yes please," She says
I reach to the nightstand and grab her one tablet
"Only one?" She pouts
"Baby you took 2, 6 hours ago- you can't take 2,"
She sighs and takes it
"Want me to give you a back massage?"
She shakes her head
"It's okay, just keep drawing please and thank you,"
"Sure baby,"
We cuddle and laugh for the rest of the day
I hope my girl feels better soon
I hate seeing her like this

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