Gonna Learn

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Cheryl's POV
I'm slowly getting ready for my date with my SMOKING HOT girlfriend. She's picking me up in an hour and we're going to the drive in.
I look at my phone when it starts ringing
my baby 🥵❤️
"Hey tones," I smile putting her on speaker so I can finish my makeup
"Hey babygirl, I'm sorry but I won't be able to pick you up tonight," she winces
"Did Pea steal your bike again? I can drive to the south side Toni it's fine," I laugh
"No i c-can't go out tonight,"
"What's wrong my love?" I ask
She's done this before, Sweetpea gets her drunk or she has school work.
"I may of, um accidentally gotten stabbed by a guy on the south side," she says
"Baby, why didn't you tell me?"
"Trying to protect you Cher, Sweets is about to take the blade out- talk to you later,"
"No babe no," I yell "are you guys dumb? If you take the fucking blade out you'll bleed out,"
"Cher it isn't that far in and it's only in my calf,"
"Sweetpea stabbed you didn't he?" I groan
"No," she says "Jughead,"
"Why?" I ask
"I lost a bet,"
"I'm calling an ambulance,"
"No please Cheryl don't. They're gunna wanna know what happened,"
"Fine, but do nothing until I get there,"
"Deal," she sighs
I grab all my first aid supplies, throw on Toni's sweater
Not to be all cute and shit- because I'm not getting blood on my clothesline
I speed to the trailer park and let myself into her trailer.
"Hey babe," she says casually
"Don't 'babe' me Topaz, I'm angry at you," I say sitting down across from her
"But why?" She pouts
"Because you're a dumbass," I say "boys why would this even cross your mind?"
"Because Topaz doesn't feel pain," he says
I punch her leg under the knife and she screams.
"Ow fuck Cheryl,"
"Cut throat Blossom," Pea says
"Toni is a bitch, and she's tough but she feels pain," I snap
"Babe calm down,"
"I will not Toni. At least you 4 clowns were intelligent enough to go around the major ligaments but that isn't the fucking point," I yell "Toni, I get you think your tough and I love your daredevil shut but babe- getting stabbed isn't about bleeding out, that's not the only hazard. Sepsis, infection, loss of limb, Hell Toni you could die. Do you not understand that? Since you refuse to let me bring you to the hospital , if I can't do this- you will die. And if I hear one more time that you don't care if you die I will strangle Sweetpea because I care Toni, if you die I die,"
They all go quiet and I start working on her leg.
"I'm sorry Cheryl," she says
"Not as sorry as you'll be in a second," I say preparing to take the blade out.
"What?" She asks
I yank the blade out and she screams.
"Ow what the hell!?" She asks
"Surprise makes it hurt less and doesn't damage the muscles,"
"Great, but it hurt!" She says
I stitch her up and sit next to her
"You have to keep it elevated for a while and no strenuous activities for two weeks," I say "and no sex for a month,"
"What that's not an actual rule!" She says
"Gross Blossom," Pea says
"No the sex thing is my rule,"
"You're so mean," she whines
"You're lucky you're allowed to see me at all,"
"You suck," she says
I kiss her and get up.
"For that comment, I'll see you Tuesday," I wink
"Cmon cher seriously?!" She asks
"One more and I'm blocking your number," I wink and leave
This girl gunna learn

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