The unpredictable life of dating THE Cheryl Blossom

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Toni's POV

Cheryl and I have being going out for 2 months now and we still havent told a soul. She wasn't ready to come out and that was fine with me, we pretended to hate each other, never talked. Usually people in this position would be at least pleasant to each other but Cheryl thought that would be too obvious if she was nice to me. I didnt mind though, we would meet up at night and I was having a lot of fun with the sneaking around with her and I love her so much. Today I was sitting on the couch in the lounge, I was talking with Veronica, Betty, Jug, Fangs, Sweetpea and Kevin, when Cheryl walks in.
"TOPAZ!" She says angrily coming towards me
"Oh shit," Veronica says
"RIP Toni," Kevin continues
"Stand up Topaz," Cheryl says reaching the couch
"Cheryl what do you wa-"
She cuts me off by kissing me and wrapping her arms around my neck. I put me hands on her waist and kiss her back. We break apart and I'm speechless.
"Baby why are you so speechless, its not like thats the first time we kissed," She says teasing me
"Cher what are you doing?"
"Oh I'm late for a meeting, see you after school,"
"Ya sure babe, I got my motorcycle if you want to take a ride,"
"Perfect see you then TT," She says kissing my cheek
"You confuse me Cher, bye, love you,"
"Love you too,"
And she leaves just as fast as she came.
"Uh Toni wanna fill us in?" Betty says as I sit down
"I want Cher to fill me in," I grumble still confused as to why she did that
"How long has that been going on?" Veronica prys
I don't know how much Cher wants everyone to know, I'm baffled. So I avoid her question.
"Toni, Cheryl just did probably the most scandalous thing ever and you're not gunna give us anything?" Kevin says
"Tiny, What are you even doing with that bitch?" Sweetpea says
"Can it pea- Cheryls hot," Fangs rebuttals
"She's still a bitch,"
"Say that one more time Pea and I swear on my life I will kill you with my index finger," I say through gritted teeth glaring at Pea
"It's serious, Toni's being protective of her," Fangs says laughing and giving Pea a high five
"Tell us details Tiny,"
"I'm surprised you're surprised Veronica, thats all I'm saying until I talk to my psychopath of a girlfriend,"
Shit I let it slip.
"Oh My God. I was right, I did see you two kissing at the SOQM, Cheryl told me I probably had inhaled the crazy fumes from the nuns,"
"We can come back to that later, but Toni said 'my psychopath of a girlfriend," Kevin Squeals
"I hate all of you," I mutter
"But you luuuuuvvvvv Cheryl," Fangs teases
"That's it no more talking about me, or Cheryl," I say
"Awe Tiny having girl problems?" Jughead fake pouts
"Fine, but if Cher yells at me tonight, I will personally break all your shoulder blades," I threaten
"Spill Toni,"
"We started dating, 2 months ago to the day and no one has known anything until now, I have a room separate from hers at her house and I sleep there a lot,"
"SO you're not crashing with your uncle?" Fangs asks
"My uncle has been out of town since January Fangs," I laugh
"So who asked who?" Betty asks getting intrigued
"I asked Cheryl, on the cliff I used to go to with my parents,"
We keep talking until the bell rings.

The Next Day

Last night Cheryl just dodged my questions about what happened at lunch, and she didnt care that I told them about the last 2 months, she acted like it was the most normal thing in the world that she just made out with me in the middle of the student lounge. Today was a similar situation I was talking with the same people and Cheryl walks in and sits on my lap with her head on my shoulder, like it was the most normal thing ever. But she seemed upset.
"Hey baby girl," I say kissing her "Whats the matter?"
Ignoring everyone's taunting she replies
"No one knows were together and I think its time you and I tell people," She says smiling
"Really well, I thought yesterdays little show put all the rumours to rest," I joked
"Well its official, were dating and everyone can know it," She says proud of herself and standing up
"Well its been official for a while princess but if you want everyone to know, you do your thing," I say rolling my eyes
"I wasn't asking permission I was letting you know, meet me outside the gym before the assembly ok?"
"You got it Princess,"
She leaves and I just laugh.
"Well that was entertaining," Veronica says laughing
"She surprises me everyday," I say shaking my head
"What do you think is her next move," Fangs asks
"Something subtle like a instagram update to make people ask questions, she wants to be trending, correction she will be trending by the end of the day,"
"Wow your speak Cheryl pretty well," Betty says
"Ya I guess I do," I chuckle.
The bell rings for us to go to the assembly.
"Save one seat for me and another for Cheryl," I say to Jug
"Will do,"
I meet Cher at our usual spot and greet her with a hug.
"Hey princess,"
"Hey TT, wanna go in?" She asks grabbing my hand
"Only if your ready cher, if youre not Im totally ok with staying how it is,"
"Im dine T, lets go,"
We walk into the gym hand in hand and as I start walking towards where Jug and all of them are sitting on the bleachers
Cheryl drags me the other way.
"Detour Cha Cha,"
She walks the other way which confuses me at first until I see the microphone.
"Seriously Cher?" I don't even get to finish my sentence before see gets everyone's attention through the microphone. I make eye contact with the rest of the gang who are all laughing their asses off.
"Help me," I mouth
Veronica and Betty just get their phones out and start recording and the boys just give me an L.
"Mhm, Hi as all of you know I'm Cheryl Blossom and this is a gossip blast about my love life,"
There are gasps from almost everyone in the crowd
"I know its rare, anyways I'm dating ToniTopaz," She says grabbing my hand again "SO be jealous,"
"PROVE IT," Someone yells from the bleachers
"What are you 7 years old?" I say into the mic "Lets go babe I think thats enough blast for today,"
Embarrassed I grab her hand and attempt to drag her away from the mic. She pulls me back and kisses me with her hands around my waist. I put my arms around her neck and kiss her back. We finally leave the stage area and get to the bleachers.
"Oh princess, you're so unpredictable," I say laughing
"What?" I say confused
"That was the move of a queen,"
"Oh Keller, Cheryl will always be my princess,"
"Tones stop being so cute, and you know I hate it when you call me princess,"
"Awe sorry babygirl," I say putting my arms around her neck
She pouts. Mockingly
"Why dont I turn that frown upside down?" I say kissing her
"Now that's as predicted," Jughead laughs

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