I hate you

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Cheryls POV
Toni, Veronica, Betty, Josie, and Heather were over for a sleepover. Let me tell you straight out Heather HATES Toni and I's relationship. I dont really care about her opinion, I hate heather, the only reason shes here is because she got really close with Josie. Toni and I have been dating for almost 6 months now and I couldn't be happier.
Suddenly Toni takes me out of my dreamland by kissing my cheek.
"Babe do you want to play?" She whispers in my ear
"WHat are we playing?" I ask suspiciously
"Truth or dare," Heather replies
I roll my eyes
"I'm in,"
We sit in a circle, well they do, I sit in Toni's lap.
"Cheryl, Truth or dare?" Veronica asks
"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room,"
"How's she supposed to do that? She cant kiss herself!" Toni says
Everyone laughs. I turn around and kiss her.
"Your the hottest person in the room," I flirt
She blushes as I turn back around. 
We play a few rounds before I have to go to the bathroom.
"I'll be right back Tones,"
"Ok," she nods

Toni's POV
Cheryl leaves and I'm already dreading it.
"Toni truth or dare," Heather says
"Truth," I reply
"What are 10 things you hate about cheryl," She says "And dont worry, no one will tell her,"
"1. I'm not doing that, and 2. there is nothing to hate about her,"
"C'mon Toni its a game," Heather says
"I hate that her ex is an annoying little bitch," I sneer
"Fine, what about I ask your girlfriend and see if she opens up," Heather retorts
"Fine, and I'm sure she will, I'm an annoying person," I laugh
Cheryl walks in a minute later and instantly heather says.
"Cheryl truth or dare,"
"What are 10 things you hate about Toni?" She asks smirking
"C'mon thats not fair," She whines
"Cheryl its a game," Heather says through gritted teeth
She looks at me sympathetically
"Love, do it, its fine," I say
"Ok let me think," She says
"Whats there to think about? You live with her," Heather says
"Unlike you, who I could write a novel about the reasons I hate you, I love toni so I have to think," Cheryl snaps
After a minute she looks at me and nods.
"Ok," She starts "I hate the way you talk to me, the way you part your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare, I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind, I hate the way youre always right, I hate it when you lie about serpents meetings and events, I hate it when you make me laugh, and hate you even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when your not around, and the fact you never call. But I think the thing I hate about you most is that I don't hate you, not even close, not a little bit, not even at all,"
I smile and get up.
"You're cute you know that?" I laugh as she hugs me
She giggles.
Everyone decides to go to bed after that so when Cheryl and I get into her bed- Heather has something to say about that.
"Why do those two always get the bed and we are stuck on the air mattress," She complains
"Because its Cheryl's house you dumb cow," I say lying down
"Its our house actually," Cheryl says Cuddling into my side
"Just because she sleeps over every night doesnt mean its her house,"
'Her name is on the mortgage heather,"
She shuts up after that.
"I love you Cheryl Blossom,"
"I love you too Toni Topaz,"
"You know they asked me the same question, 10 things I hate about you, and I could only come up with one," I say
"And what was that?" She asks suspiciously
"That your ex is an annoying little bitch," I laugh
"You did not say that,"
"Yes I did,"
I kiss her.
She cuddles into my side and we fall asleep- because I hate it when I fall asleep without her by my side

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