Shooter (pt. 1)

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(I haven't been in a situation like this so I'm trying to be respectful about it NOT TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE)
Toni's POV

Lunch was almost over, and it sucked because I didn't have next period with Cheryl.
"Babe why don't we skip?" Cheryl suggests "Go home, watch a movie,"
"Cher I would love that but I have a science test next and I can't miss it," I say hugging her
"Fine well, I only have gym so I'm skipping, come see me here after you're done,"
"Ok I will," I kiss her and leave the lounge,"
I walk down the two long hallways and am almost at my science class when I hear multiple gunshots.
My mind immediately goes to Cheryl and how she would be in the lounge, a pretty dangerous open space. Before I could turn and run a hand grabs me and drags me into a classroom.
"Fangs what the hell?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing? Why were you going to run towards the gun shots?"
"Cheryl is in the lounge,"
"Well that's shitty, why the fuck do you care?" Sweetpea asks
Cheryl and I haven't told anyone we're dating yet but I guess now is a g00d time
"BECAUSE SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND, Sweetpea thats why I fucking care! We've been dating for fucking ever now,"
"That's who you've been dating?" Jughead says shaking his head
"Ha you owe me $50 bucks," Fangs says
While they argue, I slip out the door and close it behind me.
I run down the hall as quietly as possible and try to stay to a side of the hall so I can hide if needed.
"Why am I so fucking dumb?" I whisper approaching the corner
More gun shots ring out, I can't figure out if they're in front or behind me. So I book it. I run as fast as I can towards the lounge. The hallway is so loud and there are so many people slumped over. Maybe 8 people, shot dead. It's so overwhelming but I have to find Cheryl. I stop at the door and try the handle- why the fuck did no one lock this door.
I creep in a see a person with a gun walking around with their  back turned to me. I look around and see 3 kids hiding behind a desk, a kid backing away trying to reason with the shooter but no sign of Cheryl. The guy shoots the pleading kid right in the head and I hear a familiar scream. Cheryl was hiding behind the couch and gave away her hiding spot. She begins crawling backwards and pleading with the guy.
« I'll do anything please, Archie, I don't want to die, »
« You don't want to die? You tried to commit suicide and I had to get you out of that, »
Archie? Why the hell was Archie Andrews- the golden boy, shooting up the school?
« That was a long time ago Archie, I've changed. Please, I will buy you the best lawyer money can buy. »
« What do you even have to live for? Jason died, your mother hates you, Veronica and Betty wish you were dead and you're dead to Jughead and I and what else do you have? NANA ROSE DIED CHERYL, No one loves you. I'll be doing you a favour, »

Cheryls POV

« Archie I have a girlfriend now, I'm getting my life back together PLEASE dont shoot, Even if she doesnt love me I love her, Archie please let me tell her that. I'm young please Arch I have my whole life ahead, drop the gun and we can work things out together» i beg Archie to drop his gun
I see someone moving behind him but keep looking at him, I dont want to get that person shot too.
« Mr. Lodge told me now that the black hood is gone I must do a task, I have to make sure none of our generation grows up to be hateful, or sinful. You're a Blossom by nature you're sinful and on top of that your a lesbian? Wow poster child for sinfulness, »  I close my eyes after he loads his gun. « after this I'll just have one final task to find your girlfriend and make sure she doesn't spread the si-«
I look up to see Archie unconscious slopped over the arm of the sofa. I cant move to see what even happened. Who ever clonked him over the head, kicks his hand and slides the gun to the corner of the room with her foot. I finally look up at the person that just saved my life.
« T-toni? » I stutter standing up, i couldn't really see her face but I saw her hair
« Cheryl, Thank god you're ok! » she says hugging me
« I love you Toni, I'm sorry I haven't said it before- I love you so much, and it's ok if you aren't ready to say it back I just wanted you to know, » I whisper as we hug
« Cheryl. Look at me » She says breaking the hug « I love you too, don't ever think I don't love you ok? Because I love you so much Cheryl, »
Then she pulls me into an electric kiss.
« POLICE DON'T MOVE! » They burst into the room and Toni immediately turns and puts her hands up
« Suspect described by Archie Andrews as a Native student with pink hair, might be wearing a Southside Serpent Jacket and/or other gang related items, suspect is armed and very dangerous, suspects name is Toni Topaz » A police scanner reads
« Fuck, Cheryl I love you remember that, ok? Whatever happens,"
"ON YOUR KNEES," A policeman orders Toni "HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD,"
She does as she is told and starts talking.
"My name is Antoinette Topaz, I'm 17 years old, I did knock Archie Andrews unconscious but my reason was that he had a gun to my... to Cheryl Blossom's head,"
"WHERE'S THE WEAPON?" the policeman yells at her
"I kicked Archies gun to the corner to the left." She says and then shifts her eyes up to me "Ba- Cheryl please point for me,"
I pointed towards the gun and another cop went to it.
"The bat I used to knock Archie out is on the ground to your left,"
They start handcuffing Toni and her face just drops.
"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to back up,"
"Do you know who I am?" I snap "I am Cheryl Blossom, last time I checked you weren't the one with a gun pointed at you 5 minutes ago and it wasn't Toni, it was Archie Andrews,"
"Cher, baby calm down they're aren't going to believe you anyways,"
"We're going bring both Archie and Antoinette,"
After multiple protests they drag Toni out in handcuffs, in front of the media, in front of the teachers, staff and probably most important to Toni- in front of FP.
"Red whats going on?" Sweetpea asks running up to me
Fangs hugs me as I'm crying and struggling to get the words out.
"Tones saved my life but the cops think she's the shooter,"


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