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Toni's POV
Cher and I were getting really close over the summer.
And we kissed on the last night I saw her
But then she had to go off to cheerleading camp for two weeks with no phones until the first day of school.
So now she's probably never going to talk to me because she never has at school.
I get my locker, set it up and wait for some of my actual friends to get here.
"Why are you sad Topaz? You said you wanted to go back to school?" Fangs says as him and Sweetpea get their lockers
I shrug and turn back to my locker
"Girl problems? Or boy problems?" Sweetpea asks "cause I can beat up a guy- but I don't think I can hit a girl,"
"Girl problems," I sigh
"Can't tell you," I say "I promised,"
They joke around for a bit before the cheerleaders strut down the hall- Of course with Cheryl Blossom at the front
I turn away from them and pretend to do something in my locker
"You got involved with a cheerleader dude! You know that's a death sentence,"
"Trust me I know," I sigh
My phone buzzes
Cher 💕: meet me at the bleachers?
I sigh and text back 'no'
Cher 💕: ill be alone tones, i just wanna talk please
I go out to the bleachers and she's already changed out of her cheer uniform and in some jeans and a really nice blouse.
"You look hot today Tones,"
"I wear almost the same things everyday," I sigh
"Yet you still look hot," she says "what's wrong Toni? You wouldn't even look at me in the halls,"
"I like you Cher, a lot- Okay?" I sigh "and I know the kiss meant nothing to you, but it meant something to me. I not this emotionless badass that people think I am- Cheryl I like you and that's not going away and I know.."
"Do you ever shut up?" She says "I like you too Toni. And I came out to Ronnie last week. I wanna be with you,"
"You do?"
"All in Tones, you treat me like a person- like how everyone wants to be treated and you look at me like I'm the only person in the room and that's why I like you so damn much,"
I grab her hips and kiss her and her hands go to my neck
"Cheryl Blossom will you be my girlfriend?" I ask putting our foreheads together
She nods and bits her bottom lip
I smile and kiss her again
"Wanna go back inside?" I ask
"If you hold my hand," she says
I intertwine our fingers and we walk back in towards my locker
"You look hot today Blossom," a football guy says leaning up against the locker next to mine "how about a date?"
"Sorry I'm dating someone already,"
"Of cmon blossom,"
"Bye bye Tailen,"
He leaves and I back her up against my locker
"Am I going to be dealing with a lot of guys like that?"
"Yes, but I know you don't want to because you have so many emotions and you're sensitive and.."
I peck her lips
"Shut up Blossom,"
Someone clears their throat and I turn around to see Veronica Lodge
"Hey Ronnie what's up?"
"We had a meeting that started 5 minutes ago,"
"Ya we've been together for 2 weeks straight we don't need a meeting," she says "I wanted to hangout with my girlfriend,"
"Right forgot about this conversation," she sighs "I'm Veronica Lodge- Cheryl's best friend,"
"Toni Topaz," I say
"As in the serpent,"
"That's why I'm wearing the jacket Lodge," I joke
Her face goes cold and she looks me up and down
"Toni, remember who you're dealing with," she hisses before reggie Mantle comes up behind her and kisses her cheek
"Oh so you're upset that I'm dating a serpent so you date an asshole?" Cher says
"What serpent? Please don't let it be Sweetpea- he's such a douche,"
That's fair
"She's right beside me Reggie use your eyes," Cher says
"Way to go Blossom," he says fist bumping her
"That's what a supportive friend looks like Veronica,"
"You just called him a douche!" She says
It's starting to get pretty heated
"Uh babe maybe we should get to class,"
"Don't let Ronnie scare you Tones, she's not this big of a bitch," Cher says "but I'll see you at lunch, no?"
"Ya I'll meet you here,"
I Kiss her cheek and walk off to math.
"You look happier," Fangs says
"Ya because she's dating Cheryl Fucking Blossom," Sweetpea says
"Toni shes a bitch," Fangs says
"You mean- toni shes hot as fuck congrats,"
"Shut the hell up both of you," I laugh "she's really nice,"
"And Nice to look at,"
"Pea shut it before I beat you up,"
They laugh and I go back to my work.
Both my classes are long and boring until lunch when Cher is leaning against my locker
"Hey Cher,"
"You really know how to make a girl wait Topaz,"
"Sorry my teacher had a few questions for me,"
She giggles and kisses my cheek
"It's alright,"
"Is Veronica still out for blood,"
"Veronica is protective of me- but she likes you, secretly,"
"Doubt it," I laugh
"If your hand goes any lower I'm definitely not going to like you," I hear Veronica say
"Lodge I can't touch her ass around you?"
"You've been dating for a day,"
"We went on 4 dates Ronnie," Cheryl says "calm down please,"
She walks away and I kiss Cher's cheek
This is going to be fun

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