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Tonis POV

My girlfriend was supposed to be here... 30 minutes ago?

"Would you like another water?" The waitress asks

"Uh sure," I nod sadly

"There's a lot of traffic on the freeway, I'm sure that's it,"

I nod politely and sigh.

I call her and hear her ex boyfriend laughing in the background.

"We're done," I say simply and Hang up

I wait, to see if she might come back for me.

"Hi I'm Cheryl, sorry I'm late.. traffic sucks sometimes," a pretty girl says sitting across from me


"You got stood up," she whispers "happens to everyone, but a hot girl like you shouldn't eat alone and I have no where to be,"

"T-thank you," I stutter

We order and I talk to this mysterious girl

"I never caught your name,"

"Toni Topaz,"

"Oh my god, you're Jughead's friend!" She says "he said you're coming to my party tonight to meet everyone,"

"You're Cheryl Bombshell?" I laugh "don't seem like it,"

"I'm meaner to people who aren't special," she winks

"Well bombshell I will not be in attendance tonight as I will he wrists deep in an ice cream bucket," I say with a small smile "I don't take break ups well,"

"You broke up with.. what did he say her name was? Claire?"

"Yeah, she stood me up one too many times. We've only been exclusive a few weeks though.. guess you shouldn't fall for the ones who were straight until they met you huh?"

"Never a good sign," she sighs "I would love to see you at the party Topaz,"

I hum and shrug

"I don't like anyone coming, I promise it will be fun,"

"How did you know I was waiting for a girl?" I ask

"Because when someone waits for a girl... they want to believe everything's okay. When you wait for a boy it usually means you already knew it wasn't," she hums "and you thought she was walking through the door any second,"

I sit and nod

Kinda true I guess

"Did you drive?" She asks


"Well, do you want to hangout at mine? And then if you want to leave I'll drive you home,"


She drives to her house and I follow her inside.

"Make yourself at home.. I was thinking movies?"

"Yeah sounds good,"

"Netflix should be up, I'll get something to eat. What do you want to drink?"

"Water's fine," I nod

I go into the room she pointed to

It's a theatre. Really nice.

I pick a comedy and wait for Cheryl

She's super pretty. And really empathetic, maybe it's a good thing Claire stood me up..

"Hey, you like popcorn?" She asks

"Yeah, I picked a comedy,"

"Good, I didn't wanna redo my eye makeup from crying anyways," she laughs

She sits in the chair beside me and we sit through about half the movie.

"Was Claire supposed to come tonight?" She asks

"Uh she was, but she would've bailed. We were only dating for 2 weeks so I'm not too worried about her,"

She nods and gives me a small smile

We watch the rest of the movie and just talk for what seems like hours.

We get quiet and both start leaning in for a kiss.

It's electric.

"Toni.." she says backing up "I don't wanna be a rebound, I-I can't,"

"You're not," I assure "you won't be okay?"

She nods and kisses me again.

She turns so she's straddling me and my hands go to her ass.

We have a short makeout session and both pull back panting.

We catch our breath, staring into each others eyes.

"If you aren't ready for anything, I'm not a hookup person Topaz,"

"I'm ready," I say "do you want to be my girlfriend?"

She nods and kisses me

I kiss in her neck and up to her ear

"Good, because I really like you,"


"You know it, but I need to go back to my trailer cause I promised jug I'd drive him,"

"Cmon really?" She complains

"Hey, we'll hangout all night okay? I'll be back in an hour,"

She nods and I kiss her goodbye before jogging home.

I shower, get the lipstick off my face, and change.

"Topaz you ready?" Jughead calls from outside my trailer

"Yep all good,"

I drive to Cheryls and we get greeted at the door by her and Betty.

"Toni this is the infamous Cheryl Blossom, Cheryl this is my friend Toni," he says

"I know who she is Jug," I laugh "hey baby,"

"Hey Tones," she smile reaching out her hand

I take it kiss her cheek and follow her into the house

"Uh topes what about Claire.."

"Stood me up today and was with her ex," I say "all worked out for the best, I got an upgrade,"

"I thought you hated the serpents Cheryl,"

"Oh Jughead, I hate you," she laughs

Maybe everything works out in the end

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