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Toni POV

I dont know how long its been. Probably almost 3 hours, the sun is almost set. The last thing I remember is getting on the Lodge aircraft and taking off. Me, Jug, Pea, V, Betty, and Cheryl.
"CHERYL!" I yell
I yell for a few minutes getting up and seeing no one around me
"TONI?" I hear from behind me
"Fangs? Sweetpea? How long have we been out?"
"A while man I dont know," Fangs says from behind me
"Have you seen anyone else?" I ask
"Yes, V, Betty, and Jughead are ok, they're over there V and Betty are in shock and Jughead... is unconscious still,"
"What about Cheryl?" I asked panicked
"We can't find her Tones," Fangs say looking at the ground "We thought you would be with her,"
I keep looking, the only injuries I have is a gash in my head, my hand was crushed by something, and that's it. Probably a bad concussion or something I cant feel yet but I need to find Cheryl,"
I walk around, alone in the woods, making sure I know how to get back to the "campsite" Fangs and Pea made.
On my way back, with my broken spirits I hear Cher yelling.
"Tones!!" I turn and see her limping towards me
"Cher!" I run as fast as I can and hug her noticing several traumatic injuries
"Toni I can't find anyone, I've been walking for like ever,"
"I know where everyone is," I say
I lead her back to the campsite and since I'm in the best shape compared to everyone else so I look at people injuries
    - Jughead: Impaled by a metal pipe in the L. leg; still unconscious but breathing well; cuts and bruises on torso and     arms
    - Betty: Dazed and Confused, broken arm (R) and dislocated R. Shoulder. Conscious but not verbally responsive yet
    - Veronica: Throwing up consistently, broken L. Leg and gash to the l. Side of her head. Significant gash to her     stomach area
    - Fangs: impaled arm with some sort of metal; face scratched to shit; consistently forgetting details
    - Sweetpea: bruising on both arms, broken leg and nose
    - Cheryl: In worst condition. Bruising all up and down her Right side, in and out of consciousness, missing her l.     Arm to her elbow. Head injury, stomach injury.
So ya, things weren't good.
"Toni, I'm not feeling well," Cheryl says collapsing
I run and sit beside her
« Cher Baby, stay awake please," I say grabbing her hand
She opens her eyes and Sweetpea and I prop her up on the piece of the plane near us beside Veronica and Betty. I use the limited first aid supplies we have to help everyone as much as possible, until the sun goes down. we have 5 warming blankets and a fire. Betty and Jug are under the same one even though Betty is sleeping and Jughead only woke up for a bit. Then Veronica, Pea, and Fangs had one to themselves and then Cher and i shared one. She curled up beside me laying her head on my chest.
"I love you Toni," Cheryl says for the first time "I just wanted you to know,"
"Cher, I love you too," I say kissing her forehead
"But Tones I'm so tired, and in so much pain,"
"I know babygirl, I know you are but just hold on for a little while longer, someone will find us, i promise,"
"T i don't think i can," She says before coughing
I panic and scan her injuries, her arm and stomach are both bleeding profusely through the bandaids and there is no way I can stop them.
"Cher, please hold on for me ok? Our story isn't finished. Cher, baby, please hold on, for the night, I love you with my entire heart. If you die I don't know what I'll do," I say crying
"Toni if your love was enough I would live forever, remember that ok, I love you. But you have a lifetime of fun and success and love and happiness ahead of you. Be the person I know you are ok, you're beautiful and you're smart and you're going to do great things my love," She says
"I will do those things with you right by my side, we will leave Riverdale like you always wanted to, live on the coast or in Canada, get married, raise a family, and have a life time of laughs and smiles and kisses,"
"T, I'm dying and you know it. Remember I love you, remember me, but live your life,"
"I'll never love another person the way I love you Cheryl," I say pressing my forehead to hers
"don't be scared of new love- because you deserve it. You're the best thing that ever happened to me Toni, you saved me," She says beginning to become cold and going pale
"Cheryl, what do you want me to do? How can I help you?" I say panicking
"Tones, you've done everything you can, just hold me please, so I'm not alone,"
"You'll never be alone Cheryl, go see Jason, go see Nana Rose, say hi to my grandpa for me Cher ok? I'm proud of who you are, I'm proud of you babygirl," I say while hugging her
"Tell everyone I love them ok? You're my everything, my first love and my true love, Toni Topaz," She says kissing me
"You're my soulmate Cheryl," I whisper as she hugs me
"Soulmates," Was her last word before she went limp in my arms and I felt her last breath on my neck.
"NO!" I scream waking fangs and Sweetpea up
"Whats wrong with Red?" Sweetpea asks panicking
I just shake my head through the tears in my eyes.
"No, Tones-" Fangs says devastated
"She's gone, she said she loved you guys, " i say trying to stop crying
"She was an amazing girl Toni, remember that," Sweetpea says trying to comfort me
"No, she was sensational,"


Part 2 comin' soon beaches

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