Why at 3 in the morning?

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Toni's POV
I wake up at like 3 am to my phone vibrating.
"Hey Cher," I say instinctively
She calls when she can't sleep
"Hey Tones,"
"What's up?" I ask
"Come outside," she says
"Come outside,"
I throw on a sweater but the late spring air is still warm so I keep my shorts on
I open my door and she's sitting on the porch.
"Hey Cher,"
"Tones!" She says excitedly "I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"
"Wh-what?" I ask stunned
Of course I like her- who doesn't but I thought i was just her best friend.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend? I had this whole big speech, but I think it's easier to just ask, just be direct and simple- like us."
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend," I smile
She hugs me.
"Can I ask a question though?" I ask
"Sure?" She says confused
"Why at 3 in the morning?"
"I'm not 100% sure why, I really didn't want to do it at school because if you said no I didn't want to get upset at school, and I chicken out every time I go to ask you when we walk home so I decided- why not,"
"Are you sure it's not because you wanted your hot girlfriend to invite you inside to cuddle,"
"I'm ok Toni, but I should go home,"
"Where's your car?"
"My mom took my key,"
"So how did you get here?" I ask
"I walked,"
"There is no way I'm letting you walk home, come in or I'll drive you home,"
"Fine I'll come in,"
"Good, Pea has my keys anyways,"
She laughs and walks in.
"Sorry I haven't cleaned," I say noticing the disaster that is my trailer
"Toni I've been here before- I know your messy,"
"I'm not messy,"
"Sorry, you're untidy,"
I throw a sleeping shirt at her and she laughs.
"Shorts or pants?" I ask
"Neither," She smirks
I blush and put them back in the drawer
We get into the bed and she puts her head under my chin.
"I'm so glad you said yes," she whispers
"Ya? I thought you were praying that I was going to say no,"
"Mhm for sure," she laughs
I kiss her forehead and drift off to sleep
I wake up alone in my bed, the only thing hinting that last night wasn't a dream was a small hint of cherry scent and the pile of clothes in the corner. Confused I get up and put slippers on and hear humming from the kitchen. I open the door and see Cheryl making pancakes in the kitchen. I go up behind her and grab her hips.
"Good morning," I say before I kiss her cheek
"Morning babe," she smiles
"How did you sleep?"
"Better than ever," she says turning around
I lean into her forcing her to jump up on the counter.
"How about you?" She asks
"Okay, but..." I sigh
"But what?" She asks
"I would like to wake up next to my beautiful girlfriend,"
"Mhm?" She asks
"Mhm," I confirm
"Well your girlfriend wants to make you breakfast,"
"I love breakfast," I hum
"I know, I've gotten the texts,"
I help her with the rest of the breakfast and we sit down and eat.
"This is great babe thanks," I say
"No problem, thanks for letting me stay over,"
Suddenly, my door flies open and people fly into my trailer. Instinctively I grab my blade and turn.
"Boys!" I sigh seeing Pea and Fangs at the door "what if I was sleeping?"
"Then you would've been a hell of a lot more mad," Fangs says "ooh pancakes!"
"What do you want?" I ask
"I want to use your bike," Fangs says
"Why?" I ask
"Because yours looks cooler,"
"Fuck off Fangs," I say "use your own damn bike, yours is too big for me,"
"Hi Cheryl," Pea says
"Hey Sweetpea," she nods
She blushes, probably because she's in nothing but a long tshirt and underwear.
"Get out of here," I say "Cher and I are hanging out today,"
"Oh?" Fangs smirks
"Fogarty, let me hangout with my girlfriend in peace. We can meet up for shakes tonight,"
"Why don't we go out drinking and dancing tonight?" Pea asks
"Woah woah, girlfriend?" Fangs says
"Wanna go out dancing tonight?" I ask Cher
"Yes Fangs we are dating and sure let's go, 8 at the wyrme?"
"Sounds good," Pea says opening the door
"Way to get the girl Toni," Fangs winks following Sweetpea out
I blush and sit back down
"Get the girl? Does that mean you talk about me Topaz?" Cheryl teases
"Maybe a little," I admit
"That's cute," She smiles
"You're cute,"
I lean over the table and kiss her cheek.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask
The rest of the day i lie around and watch movies- with my girlfriend.

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