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Tonis POV

Cheryl has her specific style, she does not like when I tell her to wear my clothes
"Babyyyyyyyyy, dont go you can just wear my clothes to school and we can cuddle," I say hugging her
"Not happening Topaz," She says getting up
"Love ya see ya at school,"
"Love you too Toni, bye,"
She leaves and i go through my morning routine like usual.
"TONI! I'M COMING IN," Fangs says walking into the trailer
"Where's Red?" He asks
"She left again to go get dressed," I say eating my cereal
We laugh and then ride to school with Pea.
"Where's Cheryl?" Veronica asks
"She had to go home and change like always, she said to meet her here. She's probably at her locker."
Me, Fangs, Sweets and V walk towards her locker when we see someone standing beside it.
"Who's the new red head?" Sweetpea asks "Shes hot,"
She was standing in a yellow cropped sweater and a black beanie with black leggings on. I wouldn't have recognized her as my girlfriend if it wasn't for the white writing on the back "TT"... I thought I lost that sweater months ago.
"That's my red head," I laugh walking up behind her and grabbing her hips
"Hey babes," I say kissing her cheek
"Hey T,"
"I thought you had a style," I say smirking
"I saw this in my closet and decided I liked it," She says "Plus it still smells like your perfume,"
"And no red lipstick?"
"Why do you not like it?" She asks looking at the floor
"Oh quite the opposite babygirl, this makes it easier for me to do this," I say kissing her
"Cheryl loving the sweatshirt, I'm pretty sure I bought that for Toni though," Fangs says
"Ooo, didnt know you had good taste Fangs, we are totally going shopping soon," She says
V and Cheryl go off and I watch my beautiful, confident, amazing girlfriend go...
"I'm going to marry that girl," I say out loud to Pea and Fangs

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