Date PT. 2

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Cheryls POV

I go sit with toni like I did yesterday.
"Hey babe, how was your morning?" She asks
"Pretty boring because someone didn't come to my locker this morning like they always do," I joke
"I'm sorry babe, I wasn't in the mood to deal with Heather because I woke up late,"
"Its ok Tones," I laugh "Do you mind me sitting over here?"
"I love that you sit over here," She smiles
She kisses me.
"Hi I'm Sweetpea, since Toni doesnt like to introduce me to hot girls,"
"This is asshole, he has a small dick and is annoying," Toni says before looking at Sweetpea "better now?"
"Since when do you get all the hot girls?"
"Cheryl Blossom," I say "Nice to meet you,"
"Pretty name, suits you," he winks
"Thank you," I laugh
"Sweetpea go find my brother, maybe he'll teach you how to suck dick so you have more options,"
"I'm going to find Fangs but no one will be sucking dick,"
"Fangs might be,"
He leaves.
"Sorry my friend is an asshole, he's really nice once you get to know him and once he figures out we are dating," Toni laughs
"He just saw us kiss,"
"Ya he's really stupid, I'll need to tell him 5 times before he remembers," She laughs
"Don't be so mean to your friends," I say half pushing her shoulder
She smile sand puts her hand on my thigh.
"You're cute," I say
"You're cuter,"
She kisses me.
"Hi Toni, Cheryl," Fangs says sitting across from us
"Dude every time," She says glaring at me
"Makeout with your girlfriend later and not infront of my sandwich," He says back
I blush and put my head into Toni's hair to hide my face.
"Fangs do not be a bitch," Toni says
"Toni do not tell me what to do,"
Veronica and Betty approach the table cautiously,
"Heyyy Cheryl," Betty says clasping her hands in front of her
"Hello?" I say annoyed
"Are you ok Cheryl?" Veronica asks
"Fine, better than I've been in awhile until you two showed up, why?" I ask
"You havent sat with the vixens in days," Betty says
"And you missed the vixen-bulldog mixer last night,"
"I had more important things to do,"  I smile at Toni
"Veronica Lodge," She says sticking her hand out to Toni
"Toni Topaz," she says shaking her hand
"Like the gemstone, love it," Veronica says
"Betty Cooper," betty says
"We've met, remember, I told you to loosen the ponytail," Toni laughs
"Right, you've died your hair since then," She says uncomfortably
"Not really, you were just afraid to look at me because I had my serpent jacket on Cooper," Toni winks putting her arm around my shoulder
"Right," Betty says awkwardly
"Betty dont you have a crime to solve with mr. Nancy Drew, and Veronica don't you have to go suck Archie's dick, or its almost 1 o'clock so at least feed his ego," I say "leave me and my girlfriend, alone,"
Both looked stunned at my comment
"Leave," I say
They both walk away.
"Wow you two really are going to be a power couple," Fangs says "With Toni bossing around the south siders and apparently  Cheryl can tell the northsiders off as well."
"Ya people are kinda afraid of me," I shrug
"Why youre such a nice person," Toni says sarcastically
"Wow youre nice," I say
"Just kidding babe,"
"TOPAZ," Sweetpea yells
"Give it a break Pea,"
"I was wondering if you saw your locker," he asks
"No," she says confused
"Lets go, its bad," He says
"You coming?" She asks me
"Of course," I say grabbing her hand
We get to her locker and immediately she stops.
'Dyke' and 'Slut' are painted on her locker with newspaper articles of her parents death, serpent controversy and other things not relevant to her. People have swarmed by now and have started taking pictures.
"Alrighty this was really fucking funny, whoever did this I hope you have a great art mark," She sighs
"This doesnt bother you?" I whisper
"Of course it does but I cant let them see that," She says back
She takes down one of the articles and scans it. She laughs and shakes her head.
"But going after my dead parents was kinda not needed," She says sadly
"Topaz," I hear from behind me
"Heather," She sighs "How did I know this was you?"
"Oh did you get my gift?" She asks sweetly
"Oh yes I love the un needed slut shaming and the homophobic slurs," Toni says sarcastically
I punch Heather straight in the face.
"You psycho bitch," Heather sneers pushing me backwards
"I'm a psycho bitch? You wrote homophobic slurs and slut shamed my girlfriend on her locker," I say as Toni pulls me backwards
"What is your issue Heather? Jealousy?" I sneer "Jealous that I like Toni? That she gets to hold my hand in the hall, hangout with me after school? What is it Heather because i never liked your bitchy ass anyways and unlike Toni, you do not care about me at all, you care about status and popularity,"
"And you think the snake doesnt? Why do you think she is suddenly into you Cheryl?"
"What did she say to you when you said you were going to ask me out after she already did?" I ask
Heather stutters
"Tell the whole GODDAMN school what she said, and dont you fucking lie," I say stepping so we are only inches apart
"She said go for it bro, as long as she is happy i guess," She says
"Exactly, Toni cared more about my happiness than her own, you on the other hand refuse to see that I'm finally happy,"
"No buts, leave, never come back and if I ever and I mean ever catch you so much as look at me or my girlfriend again, I'll end you faster than you can say Go Bulldogs," I threaten
"Cheryl we are best friends," She sputters
"Not anymore," I sigh "Everyone go the hell away before I personally make all your lives hell,"
Everyone scatters leaving me Toni and Fangs alone.
"I'm so sorry Toni," I say hugging her
"What are you sorry about? That was amazing," she says
I can tell she's about to lose it.
"Now I have to fix my hair," I lie so on lookers don't get suspicious "come with me to the bathroom?"
She grabs my hand and we go into the bathroom. Immediately I lock the door.
"Let it out," I say
"What?" She asks
"Leg it out, I know we've only been dating for a day but we've been friends for a while now Tones and I know you, you don't needs walls around me,"
Immediately she collapses into my arms and sobs.
"I just miss them you know?" She says through her tears "it sucks to have her throw them in my face like that,"
"It's ok to miss them toni, I would be concerned if you don't. Hell I miss my dad sometimes and he was a monster. I didn't know your parents, but I do know they raised two of the best people I know. And that if they are anything like you-they were amazing. They didn't deserve what happened to them, not one bit," I say
"I'm sorry Cheryl, that you had to fight with Heather, I know you guys were friends,"
"She was never my friend," I say "A friend doesn't do this,"
I stop the hug and wipe her tears.
"You're amazing Toni,"
"Thank you Cheryl,"
"Anytime Babe,"
"Wanna go finish lunch?" She asks
"Lets fix your mascara first," I laugh
"Good idea,"
She fixes it up and we leave
"Hey Tiny, hey Cheryl," Sweetpea says "I found a hot girl,"
"Good for you and if she has red hair and her hand on my back right now, run the fuck away," Toni says
"No, fangs explained that to me," he sighs "Veronica Lodge,"
"Veronica Lodge?" I laugh
"Ya why?"
"She has a boyfriend, like long term," I say
"That never stops Pea," Toni sighs
"Do you want me to find a vixen with low standards?" I ask
"Yes," he says "if it doesn't work out with Veronica,"
He walks away and Toni sighs.
"He's really not a bad dude, just lonely,"
"I get that vibe," I laugh
She kisses my cheek
"Thank you Cheryl, for standing up for my like that," she whispers
"Anytime babes,"

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