People who dont live here

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Cheryl's POV
I was sitting in the kitchen with nana rose when the front door opened and people walk in. I recognize the voices as my girlfriend and her two best friends.
"Um hello?" I say as they take off their shoes
The DONT hear me or ignore me or something
"Hey, People that do not live here,"
"Oh hey baby girl how are you?" Toni asks
"Confused TT, I'm confused," I say shaking my head
"Pea NOW!" She yells
Pea body blocks me and her and fangs run up the stairs
"What the fuck?" I say trying to get past Sweetpea
"Lets go Pea!" Toni yells
"Sorry red gotta blast," he says shrugging and sprinting up the stairs
I walk back to the kitchen.
"Who was that dear?" Nana rose asks me
"My girlfriend and her friends be my weird," I say shaking my head and laughing
"Well did they want to join us for lunch?" She asks
"I will go ask Nana, they didn't really say why they are here,"
I walk up the stairs and when I get to the hallway I turn and listen. I hear Toni laughing in my room. I walk over and try the door handle, locked.
"Toni. Open the fuck up," I say angry
"Open, the fuck up? Like surgically?" She asks
"Toni are you high?" I ask
"No babe," she laughs "like you said to open, the fuck up as in Sweetpea I was guessing,"
"You're so fucking funny," I say
"Wow language babe,"
"Open the door Antoniette," I say sternly
"I can't do that Cheryl, I'm busy," she says laughing
"Whatever, Nana wanted to know if you want a snack or lunch,"
"We're ok," she says
"Ok, bye I hate you,"
"Love you too,"
"Promise you'll say bye before you leave?" I ask
"Promise," She says
I go downstairs.

4 hours later, I hear the front door open and close.
"Oh did your friends leave?" Nana asks
"The boys might've but Toni promised she would say goodbye," I say a little disappointed
I get a call from Toni almost immediately.
"Hey baby girl," she says
"Toni, did you leave?" I ask
"No babe, come see me, up stairs," she laughs
"Ok," I say hanging up
"I'm going to see Toni," I say to Nana Rose
I walk upstairs and see a purple light emitting from beneath my door. I open the door slowly to see my walls covered in pictures and little quotes, a little purple light lighting up the room and Toni standing with a rose in a dress.
"TT," I say looking around "this looks amazing,"
"You probably don't know what day it is," she starts "but today's the day I fell in love with you. The day I knew you were my one shot,"
"I need a little memory boost," I say confused
She leads me over to a set of pictures, some of her, Sweetpea and Fangs and a picture I've never seen before.
"Why haven't I seen this before?"
I recognize the moment and the outfits from the day of the drag race.
"I'm not sure, Fangs took it and I just forgot about it I guess,"
"People told me you were checking me out but I didn't believe them until now," I laugh touching the edges of the newly printed picture
"I love it toni," I say putting my head on her shoulder.
"I'm glad, because I love you," she replies kissing my temple
"I love you too," I say
We walk around the room looking at our pictures and our memories.
"You know? I think you should live here,"
"Oh?"She says
"If you want to," I say "and you could dress like that more often it's hot,"
"I know," she shrugs "I would love to live you you baby,"
She kisses my forehead.

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