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Cheryl's POV
Toni was a flirt. And I tried, I tried so hard every single day- but I could never put flirt her. Even though we've been dating for 4 months she uses cheesy pick up lines.
"Hey Cher," She says kissing my cheek
"Hey babe,"
"Do you have any raisins?"
"No toni, why would I have raisins?" I ask annoyed
"Then how about a date," she winks
"TT I swear, why are you like this?" I say laughing
"It's fun seeing you blush," she kisses my nose and we walk in the the lounge
"Awe shit Cher do you have a bandaid?" Toni asks
"No why what happened baby?" I ask concerned
"I just scraped my knee falling for you," She says
Everyone laughs and Sweetpea gives Toni a high fine
"I hate you,"
The boys start teasing her about a pool match she lost last night and how that sets her back on being the serpent with the most wins.
"Don't worry baby girl," She says looking me dead in the eye "I may not go down in history but I'll go down on you,"
I blush and everyone laughs again.
"TT you have to stop,"
"But you love it," she pouts
I roll my eyes and play on my phone. I sneeze a couple times.
"I would say god bless you, but it's apparent he already did," toni says not missing a beat
"Toni how do you come up with that?" Veronica asks
"I'm just a natural," She says laughing
It goes on like this forever.
I have science in the afternoon with Sweetpea and Toni and they sit behind me and Veronica
"Hey Cher?" Toni whispers as we complete a worksheet
"What's up babe?"
"Do you have 11 protons? Cuz your so-damn (sodium) fine,"
Sweetpea laughs and high fives her as Veronica and I roll our eyes
"Toni I heard that one in 4th grade,"
She took that as a challenge
"Hey Cheryl, if I were an enzyme I'd be a DNA Helicase, so I could unzip your genes,"
Veronica and Sweetpea both burst out laughing.
"Did you here that one in fourth grade sweetie?" She asks
"No," I mumble
She just laughs
The teacher asks a dumb question.
"Students what two elements would you put together?"
"I would put Uranium and Iodide together," Toni says loudly
And then she whispers to me just loud enough so that me and Veronica could hear,"
"So I could put U and I together,"
Me, V and Sweetpea lose it.
The teacher asks me a question which I answer wrong.
"Babe are you a white dwarf because your really hot but not too bright." Toni whispers
"How did you offend me and make me feel happy at the same time,"
We go the rest of the day without her saying anything else
At pops I finally out flirted Toni. She was flirting and being slick.
I grabbed her ass as she sat down,
"You must have sat in sugar cuz you have a sweet ass,"
"Oh thats good,"
"Well I heard you were a player, but honey I'm the coach."
But she won with this proposition
"Let's go home and play Titanic,"
Everyone looks at her like she's insane.
"You be the ocean and I'll go down on you,"

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