No Matter What

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Cheryl's POV
I can't believe it was only two weeks ago Toni asked me to be her girlfriend.
Ugh Toni's perfect, in every way
I wake up to a text from her
Tones ❤️: good morning baby 💕 text me when you're up?
I smile and text her back
Cher ❤️: morning babe, I'm awake now ❤️
She texts back right away which is odd
T: babe we need to talk, breakfast?
I text back I'll be there in 5. What do we need to talk about? I can't think of anything really.
I get dressed, wear her blue sweater that I love so much and head out.
I walk into Pops and I see an awful distraught Toni sitting at our usual booth.
"Hey baby, what's wrong?"
"I've been lying to you," she says "well kid of, I just never told you something that I definitely should have,"
"Well Tones, that's ok," I say "I doubt it will effect ya, what's on your mind?"
"Well, I don't wear baggy pants just for my style," she says
I'm confused
"What do you mean?"
"I was born with a dick, I'm intersex," she sighs "and I never got the surgery to take it away,"
I go silent for a minute just thinking what it means. Really nothing to me- its kind of hot. But to her life, hiding from everyone? My poor baby
"Toni that's okay, I don't like you any less for it,"
She tentatively looks at me confused
"You don't?"
"Never will baby," I say "I want to be with you toni,  no matter what,"
She smiles and I kiss her.
"Were you worried babe?" I ask
She nods and tears stream down her face.
"Everyone that I've told has left," she sighs "except Pea and Fangs. Jughead doesn't even know,"
"Well I'm not leaving baby," I laugh "I promise you, not for this,"
She laughs and pulls me closer to her
"Thank you Cheryl," she says
Pea and Fangs burst in.
"Shut dude, I told you," Fangs says "we're late because of him and I don't want to be beat up,"
"Don't worry," Toni says "it's okay,"
"You told her?" Pea asks
"She did," I sigh putting my hand on the back of her neck
"I told you T," Fangs says
She smiles at me and nods.
"It's kinda hot, by the way," I whisper in her ear
She blushes and shakes her head
"You're something else bombshell," she smiles
We eat with the boys.
"Baby you wanna go on a walk?" She asks
"Ya lets go T," I say grabbing her hand
We walk around for a while, down the river and around town.
"Can I ask a question?" I ask
She nods and looks at me concerned
"Why didn't I notice? I mean we've cuddled before and stuff,"
"I wear shorts under my pants that make it less noticeable and you weren't looking for one so you just wouldn't have noticed,"
I hum and kiss her cheek
"And no one else knows?"
""Just you Pea and Fangs," she sighs "everyone else is dead or might as well be,"
"Thank you for telling me,"
"Thank you for not running away and thinking I'm a weirdo,"
"Never TT," I say "that I promise,"
She smiles and kisses me.
"Wanna sleepover tonight?" I ask
She nods and we walk back to Thistlehouse.
She grabs some of the pyjamas she left here last time and goes to the bathroom to change.
"T, I bet those shorts are uncomfortable, just take them off okay?" I ask
"A-are you sure?" She asks
"Baby, if you're comfortable with it- 100% okay?"
She smiles and nods.
I love her
No matter what

A/N: someone asked me to do one like this and I tried to do some research but I don't want to offend anyone. I don't know what this is like. I hope you all enjoyed- I tried my best
Love you all

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