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Tonis POV

I wake up at exactly 2:06 ever night and Cheryl steals my blankets. Usually this is ok because I'm generally really warm but its fucking freezing in my trailer and I wanted blankets. The problem was, she didn't just take them- she rolled herself up like a burrito and held onto them for dear life. Granted she says its because I dont cuddle with her at night but I try and end up kicking her so that went out the window pretty quick. I try tugging before I give up.
« Cher, baby can i have some blankets? » I ask
She grunts in return and doesnt move
« Cheryl, I'm cold, »
She sighs and opens her burrito for me to snuggle in.
« Thanks baby, » I say kissing her cheek
« Toni You're too damn cold » she says trying to push me out of the blankets
« Thats not my fault Cher, now go back to sleep »
She counts and turns so her head is curled up between my chin and my chest. And we fall asleep.

Cheryl woke up in a mood. Didn't eat breakfast, wouldn't kiss me like she normally does when she gets up and is in a bitchy mood all together.
« Baby, Fangs is here, » I yell into the bedroom
She walks out and I grab her bag for her.
« Ready? » I ask
« I can take my bag Toni, » She rolls her eyes
« Whats wrong Cheryl? » I ask
« I didnt sleep well, because someone woke me up » She says opening the door
« Well someone took my blankets and I was freezing my ass off »
She rolls her eyes getting in the car
« Hey guys » Fangs says
« Hey Fangs, hey Pea» I reply
Cheryl shoots me a look and rolls her eyes.
« Shes in a mood » I say rolling my eyes
« Am not Toni, » She snaps back
We drive in silence to the school and she just gets out and walks to class not even waiting for me
« Whats up with red? » Pea asks
« I woke her up because she didnt give me any blankets and now shes angry » I explain
« Have fun with that » he chuckled
I punch his arm and go to my home room.At least I sit beside Cher in this class. I take my seat and she barely notices my existence.
« Hey baby » I say kissing her cheek
« Hi » She says blandly
« Cher I'm sorry ok? I was really cold » I say putting my hand on her thigh
« You have nothing to be sorry about Toni, I dont know why your treating this like I'm angry at you, »
« Cher, you havent even looked at me all day » I say rolling my eyes
She turns and looks at me.
« What Toni? » She asks
« Why are you pissed at me » I ask
She smiles sweetly
« I'm not angry babe just tired ok? » she says
« Ok, »
We get through homeroom and then have to part ways
« See you at lunch? » I ask
« Yep! » She says before running to catch up to Veronica
The second period was really slow and boring other than competing with Fangs to see how many marshmallows we could throw at Jugheads head before he woke up. The answer is 84, with only 76 hitting him. Where'd Fangs got all the marshmallows is another question.
« Hey Toni, » i hear from behind me
« Oh, hey Sophia, » I say remembering her from science class
« Wanna go to Pops for lunch? » she asks getting weirdly close to me
« Sorry I'm waiting for Cheryl, » I say trying to back up
She grabs my hand
« Toni, I've liked you for a long time, I know you like me too. You flirt with me all the time in science, »
« Sorry if I sent you the wrong message but I've been dating Cheryl since last year, »
« That bitch? C'mon I'm way nicer than her, » She says
« Probably one of the many reasons I'm not attracted to you, » I say defensively
« Wanna get away from my girlfriend you human sized maggot? » I hear Cheryl say as she slips her hand around my waist
« Well if she's your girlfriend why does she flirt with me and Sweetpea all the time in science class? » Sophia spits at Cheryl
« One she doesnt flirt with Sweetpea because they're practically siblings and two she has a flirty personality so dont think your special, she would flirt with a rock if it meant making a ally, » She says then kisses my cheek « Thats why I love her »
Sophia just turns around and walks away
« Oh and Sophia, » Cheryl says making Sophia turn around « If I catch you within 10 feet of my girlfriend again- I will make sure everyone knows you're in the bottom third of our class even though you act like a high class bitch who's better than everyone else, »
Sophia walks away fairly quickly.
« hey babe, » I say leaning against my locker
« hi, I'm sorry I was being a class A bitch this morning, » She says pouting
« Cher its ok, I just want to make sure you're ok, » I reply
« When you woke me up last night I woke up about an hour earlier to a text. Nick St. Clair texted me that if I did not break up with you he would break your neck, » She says shyly
« Cheryl," I gasp hugging her "Babygirl you didn't have to hide this from me,"
"I know I just didnt know what to do so I talked to V and I decided I'm not scared of nick anymore,"
"So proud of you, » I say still hugging her
« Wanna go to the lounge? » She asks
« Ya sure Babe" I reply kissing her check
We go to the lounge and Cheryl sits on the couch and I lay across it with my head on her lap. As the core 4, Kevin, fangs, and Sweetpea roll in she plays with my hair and I close my eyes because I'm tired. We make small talk and everyone eats before Cheryls suddenly stops eating, stops playing with my hair and goes stiff and goes pale
"Baby whats wrong?" I ask opening my eyes and looking up at her
She doesn't reply but keeps her eyes fixed on a boy I've never seen before.
"Nick what the hell are you doing here?" Veronica asks in a bitchy tone
"Oh don't worry Veronica, Lodges are so last season but I hear blossoms just came back," he smirks
At that comment I get up and take a step towards him
"Say that about my girlfriend one more time," I say with no expression
"What are you going to do about it snake?" He asks taking a threatening step forward so we are only a foot or so apart
Sweetpea, Fangs and Jug move to get up
"Boys, I got this one," I say and they instantly sit down
"I'm going to ask you to leave," I say calmly, surprising everyone in the lounge
"Wow a snake that doesn't bite- I thought Cheryl liked it rough," he says with a wink
"I would love to bash your skull in but my girlfriend doesn't like me being violent p," I say through gritted teeth
"Oh ya, well why don't I just go over there then, if you're not going to touch me," he smirks again
He tries to walk past me but I grab his throat and throw him to the ground
"No way in hell," i say sweetly
"That was a mistake bitch," he says getting up
Once he's on his feet he makes another walk towards Cheryl which I just push him backwards.
"I'll ask one more time Nick, leave,"
He leans on the back of Veronica's chair.
"Your girlfriend is a slut that is ashamed of her actions," he says non chalantly
"Say that one more time, I dare you,"
"Your girlfriend is a whore,"
That's when I snapped.  I clocked him with an uppercut and a left handed jab-enough to knock him down and give him a black eye, and a swollen jaw.
"Now leave, please," I say backing up
"Gladly, because you just showed your girlfriend who you actually are and now she's scared shitless of you," he says turning and walking away
I turn around and see Cheryl still in shock and looking at me like I just murdered a puppy. I kneel down at her face level because she was still on the couch.
"Baby I'm so sorry," I say "you know I could never hurt you, right?"
She nods.
"How's your hand?" She asks avoiding eye contact and changing the subject
"It's fine Cher, babe I just want to make sure you're fine, »
I wasn't getting any answers.
"Babe, I'm going to go to the bathroom, see you last period?"
She just nods.
"Look out for her will you?" I ask Veronica
"Yes for sure,"
I smile and nod and go to my next period

Last period had finally come and I was excited to see Cher. She was at her locker with her back to me and I hug her from behind. She immediately tenses up and jumps to turn and face me.
"Didn't mean to scare you baby," I say backing up
"Oh its ok, I'm just... on edge i guess," She says looking at the floor
I raise my hand to put it on her shoulder and She flinches and backs up.
"Babe," is start
"I have to go to class," She says
"I'll be in, in a bit I need to talk to fangs,"
She just nods and walks into the classroom. Tears start welling up my eyes by the time I reach the lounge.
"Topaz whats up?" Fangs says concerned as I walk in
"Cher-," I say before completely breaking down "Is scared of me, after the Nick thing, I dont know what to do,"
"What do you mean scared?" He asks calmly
"Well, I hugged her and she jumped and then I tried to put my hand on her arm and her eyes got really wide and shrugged it off," I say
"Calm down T, shes probably just jumpy because of what happened," hey says calmly
"I did nothing! I just punched nick and now she's upset," I say "Where is she?"
"In the bathroom with Veronica," She says
I get up and half run half jog to the bathroom
"V, I'm not scared of her, I'm scared of what i could do to her, she deserves better V," I hear Cheryl say before I open the door,
"Cher?" I say walking in to the bathroom
"T, I'm so sorry," She says hugging me
"Babes its ok, I just wanted to know you weren't scared of me or what I did," I say hugging her back
"I was scared because no one would stand up for me like that and I couldn't figure out why you would because you can do so much better than me," She says
"Cheryl, no I cant because you may not think you're perfect, but you're perfect for me. Ok? You're the most perfect girl I've ever met," I whisper into her ear
She kisses me and looks at me.
« I'm so sorry T, »
« Hey babygirl, dont apologize. I love you ok? »
« Ok, » She smiles and we decide to go home and cuddle.

Its 2:06 and Cheryl is rolled up like a burrito yet again but thats not what woke me up- shes having another nightmare. She hasn't had one in a while.
« Baby, baby, Cheryl wake up! » I yell shaking her awake
« T, I thought you were angry at me? You- you, » She stutters
« What did I do Cheryl? » I ask sitting up
« You slapped me, »
« In your dream? »
She nods
« I know it wasn't real, » She says cuddling into the side of me
« Where did I hurt you babe? »
« What? » she asks
« Wher did I hit you babe? »
« My cheek and my neck, » she says pointing to her. Left cheek
I place my hand on her right cheek and kiss her left cheek twice.
« Wanna cuddle and talk more in the morning? » I ask
She nods and smiles snuggling into me placing her head right under my chin and falls asleep.
I wake up with her not beside me and I immediately panic before I hear her humming in the kitchen. I get up an walk behind her and put my hands on her waist. she tenses before melting into my grip.
« Babygirl I want to wake up next to you, » I say kissing behind her ear
« And I wanted to make you breakfast to apologize for the hell I put you through yesterday, » she says smiling
« But I just wanted to make sure you were ok, thats the only thing i wanted, » I say still hugging her
« Y'a well eggs wont hurt either, » She smiles
I kiss the left side of her neck nicely and leave a chain of light kisses to her cheek
« Tones what are you doing, »
« I'm showing you that I love you so much. I'm never going to hurt you babe, I promise, »
« I know Toni, I love you too, » She says turning and kissing me
« I love everything about you Cheryl except maybe one thing, »
« Oh? » she says confused
« You dont wake up with me everyday, » I smile
« Cute, T, » she laughs

A/N: Wow dont know where that went but it was fun to write, I might have read something similar but I dont know when per where or who so sorry

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