Overseas pt 3

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3 years later
Cheryl's POV
Toni lost the battle a few months ago and had to go back to war. I miss her, but we talk almost every single day.
"Hi mommy," CeeJay says coming down stairs
"There's my beautiful little girl," I say kissing her cheek
"Mommy when is mama coming home?"
"I hope soon baby," I sigh "but auntie Ronnie, uncle Archie, and Sweetpea and Fangs are coming over this afternoon,"
"Yay!" She yells
"I love you sweetheart,"
"I love you too mommy, but I miss mama,"
"I miss her too baby,"
Right on cue Toni calls us.
"Hey Tones,"
"Hey baby, where's my little girl,"
"I'm right here mama,"
"Are you being good sweetheart?"
"Always Mama,"
"I know baby," she laughs "I have good news,"
"I'm coming home. Really soon,"
"Really that's amazing baby!"
"I got to go, just wanted to call while I had service. I love you both,"
"I love you mama,"
"Love you babe,"
She hangs up and I hug CeeJay.
"She's coming home sweetheart,"
"How soon?"
"I don't know baby, but I'll find out,"
She nods and we get ready for the barbecue.
"Hey girls," Archie says walking in with Ronnie and their kid
"Hey guys, we just set up out front if you wanna get drinks and come out,"
"I'll go outside with the kiddos if you two wanna catch up," Archie says
I nod and they leave
"So how is everything?"
"Better than I thought, Toni's coming home soon,"
"That's amazing, I thought she'd be half a year,"
"Me too, I guess they didn't need her for as long as she thought,"
She shrugs and we make margaritas and grab a beer from the fridge for Archie
"When's your girl coming home?" Ronnie asks
"She didn't say, but soon,"
"That's good at least,"
I nod and we go out front to see her daughter April- who's the same age as CeeJay, their son Randal who's 4, and CeeJay all playing tag and Archie just watching
I start barbecuing and they go inside to wash their hands.
I see a government car pull in and I get confused
Toni gets out and salutes at the driver and they drive away.
"Baby?" I yell
"Hey baby, told you I'd be home soon," she says as I run towards her
I hug her and she kisses the side of my head
"I love you," She says
"I love you Tones,"
I release from the hug realizing it doesn't feel the same.
"Oh my goodness Tones,"
Her arm is amputated just above the elbow, I didn't notice since she has long sleeves still.
"I'm okay," she says "UED, side of the road,"
"Baby, What? How long ago?" "3 weeks,"
I hug her and she squeezes me with one arm.
"Youre Okay baby," she says "so am I, I'm alright,"
"Mama?" I hear from the front porch
"Come give me a hug babygirl," she says bending down
CeeJay runs over and hugs her
"I missed you Mama,"
"I missed you baby,"
"What happened to your arm Mom?" She asks scared
"Oh baby, I'm okay," Toni says kissing her forehead
"I love you,"
"I love you too sweetheart,"
"Topaz, when I heard you were coming home soon I didn't think Cher meant today," Ronnie says hugging her
"Wanted to surprise y'all
"One less arm and all," I laugh kissing her cheek
"Oh my gosh Toni," Ronnie says
"Ah this thing ain't holding me back Ronnie. Don't you worry,"
"I wasn't," she laughs
"Tones you sure you're okay?"
"I'll be alright baby," she says "just glad to be home and glad to be with you,"
I kiss her and smile
"I'm glad you're home too," I say "Are you hungry?"
"Baby we've been together for almost 10 years.."
"I know, I know, you're always hungry," I laugh kissing her cheek
We walk over to porch so I can keep barbecuing.
"Fuck, Ronnie let's get more burgers. They're all burnt now," I sigh
"I'll get them princess," Toni says
"No no baby, you relax,"
"I'm good cher," she laughs going inside
"Someone has a lot of energy," Ronnie says
"When does she not?" I laugh throwing the burgers out
Toni is taking an awful long time and I go in to check on her.
She's standing in the middle of the kitchen with two burgers in her hand and looking at the other ones.
"Baby you good there?" I laugh
"I forgot I had one arm and there's 8 burgers,"
"Could have grabbed a plate?" I ask
"Oh ya, probably," she sighs
"I got it baby," I laugh kissing her cheek
"How's the baby?" She asks grabbing my hips
"I'm only 5 months," I laugh
"Do you know the gender yet?"
I nod and kiss her
"We're having a baby boy," I smile
She kisses me and smiles
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
"Let's go baby,"
She laughs and I grab all the stuff to barbecue again.
"Topaz, What the hell?" Pea says seeing Toni
She hugs him and Fangs joins in for a hug
"Bro wheres your arm?" Fangs asks
"Ask the idiot that planted a bomb on the side of the road," she laughs
"When did you get home?"
"Like 20 minutes ago,"
We talk for a while before Toni looks at her water bottle and looks like she's in pain.
"Baby? You okay,"
"No, I- I can't grab it," she says
"Babe you don't have an arm,"
"I can feel it,"
"I know baby, but it's not there,"
She nods and sighs reaching with her other hand
"Phantom limb?" I ask
"It happens from time to time," she sighs "sorry,"
"It's alright babe," I say putting my hand on her leg
We decide to go swimming and all get changed
"Baby I can't go in, my arm is still at risk for infection,"
"No problem tones, still put on a bathing suit and maybe you can put your feet in?" I suggest
She nods and goes to the washroom
"Mommy I'm ready," Ceekay says bouncing into the room
"So am I sweetheart, let's go,"
I pick her up and we go downstairs
"You're getting so big kiddo," I laugh putting her down
She giggles and goes to play with April.
"Baby?" I hear Toni say
"Ya Tones?" I ask not looking up from my phone
"I can't tie my bathing suit up," she says
"Oh Tones I'm so sorry,"
I tie her bathing suit up and kiss her neck
"There you go baby, I'm sorry I left you with this,"
"It's alright," she laughs
She grabs my hip with her one hand and smiles
"When did you get so cute?" She asks
"When did you become a flirt?" I ask "oh wait that was junior year?"
"Mhm and I realized you were hot in sophomore," She winks
"Ugh you're relentless Topaz,"
"Cher, Toni, you two coming?" Veronica asks
I nod and go in the water and Toni sits on the edge.
"Come here baby," she says
I swim over and she tells me to turn around and she tries to tie my hair
"Babe put your hand there," she says
I do it and she finishes
"Good job babe," I say turning around
She smiles and kisses me
"I love you baby,"
"I love you too Toni,"

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