Charity Case

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Toni's POV
My uncle kicked me out so I go to the only place in town open 24 hours a day- Pops
At this hour no one is around so it's ok.
After a few hours I get some fresh air outside. Sit behind the restaurant on an old picnic bench.
"May I sit?" A voice asks
I look up and see the most popular girl at school- Cheryl Blossom
"Hey for sure," I say wiping my tears
"Why are you out here- it's late,"
"I could ask you the same thing,"
"I'll tell you if you tell me," she offers
"My uncle kicked me out and I don't want my friends worrying- you?"
"My mother found out I'm gay and she kicked me out," she says looking at her hands
"Funny mine kicked me out because I'm Bi,"
She laughs
"You're a serpent right?" She asks
"Ya," I sigh "Don't run in terror Blossom, I'm not even carrying a switchblade,"
"Why not? I am," she smirks showing me a blade
"Badass Blossom," I laugh
"I have a place to sleep if you wanna come,"
"Really? Then why did you come here?"
"I saw you sneak back here," she admits "and alone, early hours of the morning. I can sympathize,"
"Lead the way,"
She drives to the back of the school and unlocks the gym doors
"Stay quiet,"
I nod and we go inside. Walk through the halls and go into what I thought was a boiler room.
She had a nice little set up- nice enough anyways. She had a mattress (somehow), a sleeping bag , blankets, pillows and a few other things.
"Thank you for bringing me here," I say
"No problem," she says "Take the mattress tonight, I have shower stuff for the morning,"
"We can share the mattress," I laugh "I don't bite Blossom,"
"I might- if you're into it," she winks
"Alrighty Cheryl I think you're over tired, let's go to sleep,"
She laughs and lies down beside me.

Second period, the only class I have with my red headed crush but she sits like 5 rows ahead of me and never talks to me so- I wasn't that excited just excited to see her.
Surprisingly she walks right past her seat and back to mez
"Sweetpea, move I'm sitting next to Toni today," she says
"But I don't want to sit in the front row," he complains
"I don't care,"
"She carries a blade Pea- I wouldn't test her," I joke
He leaves and she sits beside me.
"Any reason why you wanted to sit next to your charity case?" I ask
"You're not a charity case," she laughs "and actually yes,"
"What?" I ask
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date tonight?" She says
I smile- this girl is going to turn my life around

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