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Tonis POV

I'm hanging out with Jason and we're doing homework.

"Where's your sister?"

"Who knows," he sighs

We're a year older than Cheryl- but have you seen her? She's so pretty.

"Are you on 5 yet?" I ask

"No, 2,"

"Jheez you're slow- I'm going to grab a drink, want something?"

"Water please,"

They live alone most of the time since their parents are always travelling so their parents are never an issue.

I hope C's in the kitchen.

"There you are," she hums kissing my cheek

"Hey Princess," I whisper hugging her "how are you?"

She shrugs and sighs

"I have a couple tests tomorrow," she sighs sitting at her notes

I go behind her and lightly massage her shoulders.

"You're amazing," I say "you will be just fine,"

"When can we tell my brother,"

"I'll talk to him today okay? I just don't want him to be pissed at me C, or you for that matter. He's one of my only friends,"

"I know baby,"

"I gotta go back up,"

"Love you,"

"I love you too princess,"

I grab two waters and go back upstairs.

"Get lost?" He jokes

"Oh no, I was just talking to your sister. Said she was staying in tonight,"

"She better be, who would she be going out with?"

"A lot of people like your sister Dude,"

"I wouldn't let anyone date her, she's too young,"

"She's a sophomore," I say back confused "can't she make her own decisions?"

"Why do you care Topaz? Going for her?"

"Say I did, metaphorically,"

"Dude she's too young for you,"

"I'm born in December and she's born in February," I say "that's two months,"

"Still man, even metaphorically," he sighs "she's not ready- and she's not gay,"

"Yeah lets just drop it," I laugh

We finish our homework and go downstairs to make dinner.

"Hey Cheryl," I say sitting next to her

"Oh hi Toni, staying for dinner?"

"I was going to yeah,"


Jason takes a call outside and I look at her

"I thought you were out to him?" I whisper

"I am?" She says confused

"He doesn't seem to think so, he told me you were into guys,"

"T can we please just tell him? I wanna be out with you," she says "it's been 4 months,"

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