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Cheryls POV

I wake up alone in Toni's trailer. I check my phone. 3:09 am. What the hell? I get out of bed and go get a drink of water.
"TT, want water?" I ask thinking she was in the bathroom
No answer. I look behind me towards the bathroom and notice no one is in there. Panicking, I call SAweetpea.
"Red it's 3 in the morning, this better be good,"
"Are you with Fangs?" I ask
"Ya I am, what's wrong?"
"Toni's missing and she hates it if I leave the trailer at night can you come?"
"Be right there,"
just earlier this week, Toni was attacked by a bunch of ghoulies and was really shaken up. I was pretty worried about her as was FP and the boys. I hear a knock at the door and go let the two boys in.
"RED!" Sweetpea says giving me a hug
"What happened Cheryl?"
"Nothing dramatic or anything, I just woke up alone and assumed T was in the bathroom, I got up to get water and noticed she wasn't in here and called you cuz I got scared"
"Ok, ok," Fangs says sitting down and thinking "her bike wasn't outside,"
"Thats weird,"
"You don't think she..." Fangs says
"No she did that when she was young, she actually has people she care about now," Sweetpea replies
"Boys do what?" I ask annoyed
"Run away," Sweetpea says looking at the ground
"She tried when she was 14 or so, because she was scared the ghoulies were gunna gang up on her after she beat one of them up at school, but I dont think that's what this is. SHe would've told you,"
"Wait Cheryl, do you stress bake?" Sweetpea asks
"What Pea? No I dont bake and its 3 on the morning," I say rolling my eyes
"What's all of this?" He asks picking up a bowl
Just as he does Toni quietly comes in the door and looks up like a deer in the headlights.
"Tones!" I say hugging her
"Cheryl, whats going on?"
"You disappeared Topaz," Sweetpea says "Cheryl was scared,"
"Where the hell did you go at this hour?" I ask
"I needed milk," she says innocently
"At 3 am, really Toni?" I say crossing my arms
She pulls a litre of milk straight out of the bag to her side.
"My cookies needed milk," She says looking at me and then nodding to the bowl in sweetpeas hand.
"Again, 3 in the morning T, we went to bed at 10,"
"Losers," Fangs says
"Shut it Fangs," I say back
"I couldn't sleep so i sat up and played with your hair for a bit, but I didnt want to wake you so I decided to bake cookies. I didn't mean to worry you, I was gone for less than 20 minutes," She says looking at the floor
"Boys thanks for coming over, can we talk over breakfast later? Like 9?" I ask
"For sure Red, call us if you need us," Sweetpea says hugging me
"See Cheryl, bye T," Fangs says
They leave and Toni sits down beside Toni who is sitting on the couch.
"T was it because of the ghoulies? The reason you couldn't sleep i mean," I say putting my hand on the bottom of her back
She just nods and starts crying.
"I'm sorry," She says through her breakdown
"Babe, it's ok, I just thought something happened to you ok?" I saying rubbing her back
"I'm sorry Cheryl. I just was- I don't know what I was doing, I don't know why I left," She says shaking her head
"Hey Tones, we all haves lapses in sanity, I'm just glad you're ok, and that you didnt get hurt again," I say "But Tones, the ghoulies have never gotten to you before, what changed this time baby?"
"They mentioned you Cheryl, The ghoulies. They said, once they finished with me they were going to come for you Cheryl. They knew you lived here," She says defeated
I look into her eyes and see the exhaustion and the sadness, I havent really seen her in a few days but I don't see Toni in her eyes. I don't see the passion, and strive I usually see in her eyes.
"OH Tones," I say hugging her "You dont have to worry about me, you have to worry about getting better."
"Cher, I'm always going to worry about you,"
We just sit there for a moment- just hugging.
"Toni look at me," I say breaking the hug
"What?" She asks quietly
"How long has it been since you slept? And I mean actually slept,"
"Cheryl we fell asleep together the last 3 nights," She tries to say
"And I dont believe you actually fell asleep, Tones I can see it in your eyes andPea and Fangs have noticed it too,"
"I wanted to stay up just in case the ghoulies came,' she admits
I just hug her again, I know what she went through was terrible. I don't know what to say.
"T, if you aren't gunna sleep tonight atleast let me bake the cookies with you,"
She smiles and grabs my hand as we walk to the kitchen. We finish the recipe and put the cookies in the oven and go sit down on the couch. I play with her hair until I hear her start snoring in my lap.
"I love you TT," I laugh as I plant a kiss on he cheek "Sleep well,"

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