Dirty Looks

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Toni's POV
Cheryl's been dodging my calls and won't talk to me in the hallways.
I ask Ronnie and she gives me dirty looks, I ask Kevin and he yells.
Hell I asked Archie and he shoved me!
I don't know what I did to deserve this.
She's also started telling people not to talk to me probably because no one sits with me at lunch and no one will tell me what's going on.
"Hey baby, I know you're ignoring my messages. Can you at least tell me why you hate me? I think I know what you think happened but I'm trying to explain, please call me back," I say "bye,"
I shrug and walk through the halls.
Someone punches me but I don't really care
That doesn't hurt more than what Cher's doing to me right now.
I start crying at the thought that I actually lost her and just happen to pass her locker
She glares at me, but when she sees my black eye I see a hint of sympathy in her eyes
"Ton-," she starts
"Cheryl don't talk to that scum," Veronica snaps
I start crying harder and walk into the bathroom to try and calm down.
"Tones?" Cheryl says walking in
"Why the hell are people treating me like this? Why do you hate me?" I hiss "what's going on?"
"This is not my fault," she snaps
"Who's fucking fault is it then?" I snap back
"You kisses Heather!"
"I did not! She kissed me and had a knife to my throat and I would have told you that if you would've let me explain,"
"She had a knife to my throat?" I say matter of factually "and I called you and when you said you hated my and would never speak to me again I tried to kill myself- did you know that?"
"I was so scared of what she would do to me that when the one person I wanted to talk to hated me," I scream "Cheryl you broke me. You said you loved me and you didn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. No explanation, that was it,"
"Toni I'm sorry, she sent me a picture and I didn't know what to think!"
"Sorry isn't good enough Cheryl," I say "you just ignored me and it killed me,"
"Tones look at me please, I love you and I want to be with you, I was confused and scared and didn't want to be hurt again," she says crying
I hug her and she hugs me back.
"I'm sorry," she whispers
"It's okay, it's okay,"
"It wasn't me that put the drama out there it was Veronica,"
I nod and she hugs me tighter
"I'm sorry baby," she says "I'm so sorry,"
"It's okay Cher, I'm okay,"
"But you aren't," she says looking at me "suicide is a big thing Toni,"
"I know," I say looking at my fingers "I'm sorry, I was scared and thought I was alone. Like it felt like no one in the world cared,"
"I care toni. No matter what. I care babe,"
I nod and she looks at my wrists.
"I'm sorry I was being such a bitch. I promise to never ever decline your calls again TT. I'm so sorry,"
"It's alright, it's my fault anyways,"
"Breaking is not your fault,"
"Bad decisions are,"
She kisses me and I kiss her back.
"Wanna go home so I can help you with that eye of yours?" She asks
I nod and she takes my hand.
"What lies did you feed her?" Veronica hisses at me "you fucking whore,"
She grabs my arms and I hiss in pain.
"Veronica leave it please? You can come over later, if you're going to be civil?" Cher says
Veronica rolls her eyes and leaves
"Oh my god your arm," she says
Veronica took the scabs off the fresh cuts and they started bleeding again.
"It's alright Cher," I say hurrying her along
She drives to her house and drags me to the bathroom.
She holds a cloth against the cuts until they clot.
"Now let's see that eye," she says with a small smile
"It's alright babe," I say "you don't have to,"
"No no it's my fault," she says "hop up,"
I sit on her counter and she stands in between my legs.
"It looks like it will be fine," she says "they were wearing rings though,"
She kisses me and I smile.
"I missed you,"
"I missed you too Tones,"
We still have a lot to talk about
And I have to work on myself
But for now?
I just wanna stand here and hug my girl

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