Start New pt. 3 (finale)

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Cheryl's POV
A few months go by and Jughead is making Toni's life absolute hell.
Jughead pushes me into a small corridor off of one of the main hallways
"Jughead what do you want? My girlfriend will literally kill you if she sees you this close to me,"
"What if I told you, you could protect her,"
"Protect her from you, right? Because I would say I'm pretty sure both me and Toni could take you in a fight so I'm not worried about you and your small dick,"
"Oh but that's just it, you beat me in a fight and I lay off your girl,"
"Pardon moi?"
"If you beat me, 1 on 1, I leave Toni alone,"
"What's in it for you?"
"You let toni spend the night in my trailer for one night, that's it,"
I can beat him, I know I can beat him.
But is it worth it.
"Counter offer, I will spend a night with you,"
He's taken aback by that offer,
"Good, the circle 4 o'clock, no weapons," I say
"See you then blossom," he smirks leaving the area
I exhale. Hm, Toni's going to kill me.
But that's fine, she'll be ok.
"Hey baby," Toni says as I open my locker
"Don't be mad," I say immediately
"What did you do?" She asks concerned
"I said I would fight Jughead,"
"Why would you do that?" She asks crossing her arms across her chest
"Because he said he will leave you alone if I win,"
"And what if you lose,"
"Don't worry about that mom petit d'mour, I'm going to win,"
"But if you lose, what do you have to do,"
"Stay in his trailer for the night,"
Her jaw clenches
"But- loophole, he said stay. So I can lock myself in the bathroom,"
"He took the lock off the bathroom door after I tried to hide in there," she says "you aren't doing this,"
"But, I am. And I'm going to win,"
"But you're not in a gang and he is, he weighs 100 pounds more than you and I taught him how to fight," she says
"Sweetie, I hope you don't think I'm looking for your approval. I don't care. I'm doing it,"
I close my locker and start walking away,
"Cmon Cher, I have no say in this?"
"Not really," I sigh "unless you have good reason,"
"I don't want you getting murdered,"
"And I won't babe," I say pecking her lips
"So you're on board?"
"I guess, but I get to come,"
"Of course,"
She hugs me and kisses my temple.
"Wanna go nap?" I ask
"Mhm," she says pecking my lips
We go to my house and I change out of my leather pants into jogging pants and she does the same.
"Babe what side do you sleep on?"
"It doesn't matter babe,"
"Ok," she says sitting down "Cmere and cuddle with me,"
I lie down and move into her side, I put my head on her collarbone.
"Am I ok baby?" I ask
"You're perfect," She says kissing my head
I giggle and bury my face in her shirt. She falls asleep and so do I.
I wake up and check the clock
3:30, 1/2 an hour until the fight.
I look up at her still sleeping. I need to win. I need to, for her.
"How long have you been awake?" She asks opening her eyes
"Not long babe," I say pecking her lips
"Good," she smiles
We get up, I change and we head to the circle- The I famous fighting spot in Riverdale.
"If you want to tap out it's ok," she says parking "we'll figure something out,"
"T, my brother taught me how to fight," I laugh "and he was good,"
"I taught Jughead how to fight and I beat your brother,"
"Fair enough,"
We get out and Sweetpea and pea pull in the parking lot as does many serpents. Toni wraps her arm around my waist.
"Are you nervous?"
"If I say yes are you going to freak out?"
"No," she says "I'm not,"
"Then yes, I am nervous,"
She kisses me and I smile.
"You'll do great baby,"
I nod and say something I've never said before
"I love you Toni Topaz," I say
He face goes shocked
"Don't worry, you don't have to say it back, I just wanted to say it,"
She nods and kisses me.
She has a lot of issues with relationships and I get it, she can take her time.
"Blossom, you ready?" Jughead asks
"Yep," I say
"Good luck baby," Toni says kissing my cheek
I nod
Toni's POV
Cheryl said I love you and it caught me off guard. I think I love her but I can't have someone leaving me again. She approaches Jughead and they say the rules.
He swings first and connects at her cheek.
I gasp and Sweetpea grabs my shoulder to prevent me from getting in the middle of it.
She gets a few punches in but again, I taught the asshole how to fight and how to punch. He gets her to the ground, bleeding and bruised.
"Hey blossom, you put up more of a fight then your dumbass girlfriend,"
"You're a dick," she says spitting blood to the side
"You surrendering?" Jughead asks
"No," she says swinging at him
He ducks and gets her into a chokehold.
"Hey Topaz, Don't worry, ill treat your girl like I did you for the night," Jughead yells
Tears start streaming down my face at the thought of that happening to her.
Cheryl smirks at me and stops struggling.
"Hey Blossom, wanna give up? Or want me to snap your neck?" He asks
"Hey jones," she says still smirking "wanna tell everyone the real reason you wanted to fight me? I mean it would make more sense to fight Toni,"
He lets her go and pushes her to the side
"What are you talking about Blossom?"
"I mean, you're angry with Toni. Not me. Why fight me when you've made it clear over the last few months that you can easily beat her. Why suddenly want to fight me?"
"To show you you can't protect her," he smirks "that it doesn't matter that you're a Blossom,"
"Or jealousy?" She says "you jealous I get to date Toni. It's cute really, school boy's crush,"
"It's not a school boy's crush,"
"Then What? Why do you insist on Toni having a terrible life?"
"You are just protecting that whore, because she threatened you," he spits
"Oh Jughead, people don't threaten me. I'm a Blossom, I threaten other people," she says "just like I know a little couple things about you, that I could maybe expose, even if you win, you'll have to leave Riverdale,"
Jughead looks furious
"Bitch you told her?" He snaps trying to walk over
Cheryl grabs his neck and throws him at the ground.
"Who's getting their neck snapped now dumbass?" She spits getting him into a hold
"Tap, Tap, Tap," everyone chants
He taps out and cher lets him go
"If I see you near my girlfriend- I will kill you,"
"Doubt it," he spits
"Oh ya?" She smirks
She takes a blade out of her pocket and bends down to his eye level.
"I'm a Blossom, my girlfriend is in a gang and let's be real her I'm a little emotionally unstable," she laughs flicking the knife open and shut "I wouldn't bet against me buddy,"
He stands up and runs away.
She turns around and smiles.
Everyone cheers and I run over and hug her.
"I love you Cheryl Blossom," I say "I do, I was caught off guard before,"
"I love you too babe," she says hugging me back
"That was awesome,"
"Fighting isn't always about who hits harder, it's about who's smarter," she smirks
"Whatever you say baby," I smirk
I love this girl, and all she's done for me. Maybe, I can get my life back on track and start new
For her

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