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Cheryls pov

".. so effective immediately Mrs. Blossom, you have been banned from holding your seat as a student council member, senior prom, and.. the Rivervixens,"

"Mr. Honey, that's a little extreme- that's the first time I've been caught texting in class," I say flabbergasted "I haven't done anything else?"

"Quote, Baby are you mad? i love you- why are you ignoring me en quote," he sighs "with a kissing emoji,"

"You can't read my texts,"

"Mrs. Blossom- this was going to another female student," he says "that's unethical,"

"It's.. because I'm gay?" I say with a tear running down my cheek

"No tolerance in my school Cheryl, now out of my office,"

I leave and am almost in tears when I walk past the lounge.

"Cheryl!" Veronica yells

I go in and choke back my tears.

"Toni has the stomach bug that's going around and she went home, her phone was dead so she asked me to tell you,"

"Oh.. thanks,"

"We have Vixens practice tonight right?"

"Ya, you guys do,"

"You.." she asks confused

"I was kicked off, I really don't wanna talk about it," I sigh sitting in a chair

Betty, Jughead, Kevin, Fangs, Archie and Reggie all gather in the same area and Veronica brings it up.

"Mr. Honey kicked Cheryl off the cheerleading team," she says

Varied worried voices fill the room.

"Why?" Kevin asks me

"I- I was texting in English class," I sigh

"So.. we all text in English,"

I start crying and hide my face.

"Cher.. what happened?" Betty asks

"It didn't matter that I was texting, the problem was who I was texting,"

"That doesn't make any sense,"

"I was texting Toni," I say "I didn't know her phone was dead and I thought she was ignoring me,"

"And?" Archie asks

"It's unethical to be gay, so I can't be gay at prom, Rivervixens, or.. student council,"

"That's barbaric," Veronica says shocked

"He said that?" Fangs asks

I nod and wipe my tears.

"I wanna go see T, tell my teachers I got sick,"

They all nod and let me go.

I walk home and T is sitting in the couch when I get there.

"Hey baby, I was just about to nap- wanna cuddle with me?" She asks

I start bawling and she comes over and hugs me

"C what happened?"

"I'm not allowed at prom. Or river vixens and I can't be on student council anymore,"


"I was texting you in class and Mr. Honey said I am unethical,"

"For what baby?"

"Texting you, being.. g-gay,"

"Oh babygirl," she says hugging me tighter "baby you know that's not true, it's not okay? I promise,"

I nod and she kisses my forehead

"You're a beautiful, independent, intelligent, brave, hard working woman," she says looking me dead in the eyes "your sexuality might be a part of you but those things define you Cheryl, those are why I fell in love with you. That's how I know he's wrong, because a person like you could never me described as unethical,"

She kisses me and I smile

"Thank you toni,"

"Be proud, everyday for the rest of your life C. You fought to be happy, enjoy it- I will deal with Mr. Honey, and you just be happy okay?"

"Okay," I nod "how about that nap?"

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