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Toni's POV
We're at the Wyrme after hours just the core 4, reggie, and I.
Cher's on her way
"Toni your uncle isn't gunna notice all this alcohol missing?" Pea asks
"Nah he cant count anyways," I joke "plus what's he going to do to me?"
"Where's your girl Topaz?" Reggie asks
"Ah who knows, probably trying to figure out if she can convince me she's sick," I laugh
"No seriously- she didn't even come to karaoke," Ronnie says
"She said she had lots of homework," I say finishing cleaning the counter "I was hoping she'd make an appearance, but I know not to assume with her,"
"How are you two?" Ronnie asks as I sit with them
"Really good, our 6 month is coming up and she's not sick of me yet,"
I hear my phone go off and walk to grab it off the counter
Cher 🤩❤️: babes I'm here but can you come to my car- I'm scared.
She was mugged a few months back in the parking lot
"Cher's here," I say grabbing my blade
I go out to her car and she gets out.
"Hey baby," I say kissing her
"Hey Tones, Thanks for coming out to get me,"
"No problem Cher, cmon,"
We go inside and she says her hellos as I grab myself a drink
"Babes What are you drinking?" I ask
"Just water is fine," she says
I pout and wag my finger to ask her to come over
"What's wrong babe, everyone's drinking,"
"I just don't wanna T,"
"Okay, I was just making sure you're okay. You want me to stop drinking?"
"No have fun," she says
"What's wrong?"
She sighs and looks at me
"Don't laugh,"
"I promise baby,"
"I've never had alcohol before," she whispers "I've never felt comfortable and I've never had someone ask me to,"
"Babes if you want I'll be right here all night," I say "I'm not going to pressure you but if it's something you're interested in trying you can even just sip out of mine for tonight,"
"Maybe I'll do that?" She says "and have a water?"
"Of course Cher,"
"Can you cut me off if I'm embarrassing myself,"
"You are not going to drink enough to embarrass yourself C," I say
She pecks my lips and we sit in the area everyone's moved to with cushions and beanbag chairs
"Baby you Wanna sit on my lap?" I ask
She nods and sits on me, I kiss her temple and put my arms around her
She tentatively takes my drink and takes a sip.
"It's fruity," she says giving back to me
"I know, you probably wouldn't like anything else right now,"
"You can drink what you want,"
"It's fine Baby,"
We hang out and talk for a while before deciding we should dance.
"Wanna dance with me?" I ask
She nods and stands up.
Pea puts on a slow song to start and I put my hands on Cher's waist
"So normally if it wasn't just these people you wouldn't leave your drink and then go back to it- that's how you get drugged,"
"Thank you for making me feel safe," she says
"It's my job babygirl,"
She giggles and looks at her feet.
"Have you been drugged?" She asks
"I have been, once,"
"I'm so sorry,"
"I'm alright babes, it's in the past,"
She nods and kisses me.
"I didn't want to pressure you into drinking, just wanted to make sure you had a choice,"
"I know babe,"
"You're so pretty," I say moving her hips closer to mine
"You're such a flirt," she says
"I love you cheryl,"
"I love you too Toni,"
I smile and press my lips to her forehead.
We dance for a while and then sit back down
"Can I take it?" She asks
I nod and she takes another sip.
"It tastes like a juice," she says "I don't think I could get drunk off of that,"
"Oh babygirl," I laugh "yes you can, that's how Ronnie gets piss drunk,"
She giggles and leans back into me a bit.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course Cher,"
"Have you done any drugs?"
"I used weed once or twice," I sigh "when I was in freshmen year,"
I pull my vape out of my pocket.
"I thought you knew I vaped,"
"Toni that's so bad for your lungs," she sighs "I thought you quit,"
"I quit Nic,"
"Tones please try and not do it. I know I can't tell you what to do and I want you to have fun, but vaping is super dangerous babes,"
"It helps me calm down,"
"Smoke marijuana then, it's way better for you than vaping ever will be,"
"You think,"
"Tones I know. At least weed is natural,"
I nod and kiss the back of her head
"I'll stop,"
She kisses me and sighs
"I just can't lose you Tones. I don't want to,"
"You'll never lose me Cher, not to a substance, not ever,"

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