Start New

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Cheryl's POV
I open my eyes to the sound of knocking at my window.
I look over and it and see my best friend (and crush) Toni Topaz.
"Toni OMG," I say unlocking the window
She rolls in and hugs me.
"What's wrong TT?" I ask "Jughead again?"
"He was high, I made him angry, it's was my fault but I had I get out of there. I can leave if you want,"
"No no," I say
I look at her, she has a black eye and a cut above her eyebrow
"Cmon, lets get you cleaned up,"
Jughead abuses her on a nightly basis.
"Toni you have to stop blaming yourself for this, and I can help you get away from him,"
"I don't love him anymore," she says "never had, never did. I'm too scared,"
"Why would you date him if you didn't like him sweetie?"
"I'm bisexual, and didn't want anyone to know," she says looking at her hands "he found out, that's when it started and I'm scared to leave. I don't want to be alone,"
"You're never going to be alone T, I'm always going to be here,"
She looks at me and then glances at my lips.
She leans in and kisses me.
Holy shit she's a good kisser.
"Toni," I say pulling back
"I'm sorry," she says "I've liked you forever though and if that makes you uncomfortable I hope we can still be friends but I needed to tell you in case something happens to me,"
"I like you too,"
I kiss her back- wait Jughead.
"You're going to break his heart if you do this,"
"Funny, didn't think he had one of those,"
I mean that's solid statement.
She picks her phone up and dials his number, and puts it on speaker phone
"Hey Jughead?"
"What's up Sugar? Coming home to make it up to me for being a cunt tonight?" He slurs
"No, we're done. I'm not putting up with your crap anymore. I'm breaking up with you,"
"Toni you know what happens. You're little crush on blossom gets exposed and she gets murdered," he says
I gasp and she puts him on mute.
"Hey So do you want to be my girlfriend?"
One for the romantics this one.
"Yes T, I'll be your girlfriend," i smile
"Too bad Jughead," she says taking him off mute "she's my girlfriend now,"
"You want a corpse for a girlfriend?"
"Come near her, I tell your dad what you did to me,"
"You deserved everything,"
"No she didn't," I pipe in "she deserves someone to love and care for her,"
"Have fun dying,"
Toni hangs up and hugs me
"That wasn't very romantic but I wanted to do it forever,"
"It's ok babe,"
We lie down and I fall asleep next to my girlfriend.

We're walking hand in hand through the halls when Jughead comes over.
"I need to borrow my girlfriend Blossom," he spits
"Weird since she's my girlfriend," I say back
"So That did happen?" He laughs
"Ya you were too high to realize you beat her up so bad she has a concussion," I spit "let's go babe,"
We push past him and I think this symbolizes something for Toni
Maybe she can push past it and start new
Start new with me.

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