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Cheryl's POV
"Hey baby," I say waving
"Hey Hottie, hows it going?"
I'm on FaceTime with my long term girlfriend Toni Topaz.
She's overseas on her second and last tour in Afghanistan
"I'm alright, I miss you a lot,"
"I know baby, and I have some... bad news,"
"What's wrong?" I ask
"They need to keep me here for another 6 months," she says
"Tones you said you'd be back for her birth," I say disappointed
I'm 6 months pregnant with our first baby, we decided over FaceTime that I would start trying almost a year ago so we could have a baby and start a life when she got back,"
"I know and I'm sorry baby. I feel terrible but they can't move us right now. It's too dangerous,"
"Stay safe Tones, our little girl needs two moms,"
"Always careful C," she smirks "have you decided on names yet?"
"I was thinking CeeJay" I say "CeeJay Samantha Topaz,"
"Awe baby I love that,"
"Did you have any ideas?"
"My idea was to let you pick," she jokes "and obviously that was a good idea,"
"You're funny Tones," I laugh
There's a lot of panic on her end and she sits up
"Mal what's going on?"
I can't hear what is said but Toni panics
"Cher I got to go. I love you and CeeJay," she says "I love you,"
"I love you too Tones,"
She ends the call and I have a bad feeling
I don't think Toni's coming home.
4 years later
I had CeeJay just over three years ago now and she's the most behaved and kind kid you'll ever meet.
Toni was captured in a raid and 2 years ago was presumed dead after the rebels told the government they had no more prisoners.
"Mommy!" CeeJay says running towards me
"Hey babygirl," I say bending down and picking her up
"Mommy may we play outside,"
"Sweetheart it's a little rainy right now but it's supposed to clear up after like lunch. Wanna watch tv with me?"
"Ya!" She says clapping
I kiss her cheek and I smile.
"Mommy why are all the pictures with that girl?" CeeJay asks pointing at the wall
She's never asked about Toni before.
"Why do you ask Cee?"
"Because she on your phone too mommy,"
"Well sweetheart, she's your other mommy- but she was a soldier and she went missing," I try and explain
"Like in the army,"
"Oh so she didn't come home?"
"She got lost on her way home,"
"Oh," she says "she's pwetty,"
"She was very pretty,"
We watch a movie and then decide to go to pops
"Mommy can I get a milkshake?" CeeJay asks as I unbuckle her
"Sure baby," I smile picking her up
"Mommy what's the girl's name? The one in the picture?"
She nods and I kiss her temple
I bounce her and go sit down in the restaurant.
Ronnie comes in and sits with us.
"There are my two favourite red heads," she jokes
"Uncle Arshie has wed hair!" CeeJay laughs
Veronica winks and we order food and milkshakes.
"Auntie did you know Toni?" Cee asks
"Oh uh," Ronnie stutters
"Baby we aren't going to talk about Toni okay?"
"Okay mommy," she says
"Go wash your hands baby,"
She nods and walks off to the bathroom
"Talked to her about Toni?"
"She asked about the pictures on our walls and I tried to explain it,"
"You think she's still out there?"
"I hope so, I miss her,"
"We all do Cher,"
"I just hate that she never met her baby. It was all she ever wanted. She wanted to be a mother and she wanted to raise her baby girl,"
"CeeJay acts a lot like Toni,"
"I know it's weird," I laugh
The bell dings and Ronnie's jaw drops
"Did Archie dye his hair again?" I joke turning around
I stop dead in my laugh when I see who it is.
A woman that's looks older than my long lost girlfriend- but pink died hair and in a USA military uniform.
"Toni?" I ask standing up
"Hey babe," she says taking her hands out of her pocket
I run over and hug her
Tentatively she wraps her arms around my waist and picks me up and spins me around
I start crying and bury my face in her neck.
"I'm here baby, I got you, I'm okay, I'm okay," she whispers
"I thought I'd never see you again Tones,"
"I know, I know," she soothes "I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"
She kisses the side of my head and releases from the hug
"I love you Cher," she says
"I love you too Tones,"
"Mommy?" I hear from behind me
"Hey CeeJay," I say bending down and picking her up "you know how we were talking about the pictures before?"
"Ya Mommy,"
"Well this is Toni, mommy's girlfriend and your other mommy," I say bouncing her
"Hi," CeeJay says shyly
"Hi CeeJay,"
"You found your way home?"
Toni looks at me confused
"Remember Toni? You got lost on your way home?" I say
"Oh ya right, I found my way home kiddo,"
"Topaz you're looking rough," Ronnie says standing up
"Well I was in a war zone Lodge, What's your excuse?" Toni smirks hugging her
"Tones you wanna come sit down?" I ask
She nods and comes to sit down across from me
"Mommy May I sit with Toni?"
"If it's okay with her baby, she might want to relax,"
She looks at Toni and Toni gives her a smile
"Sure Ceej," She says
CeeJay climbs down the booth and then look up at Toni
"Tones she's too small to climb up," I say
"Oh sorry girlie," she chuckles
She puts her beside her and CeeJay can barely look over the table
"Tones She has to sit on your lap," I say
"Oh right," she laughs uncomfortably "sorry,"
"You'll get used to it," I say
She nods and we talk for a while
"Cee, you wanna come for a play date with uncle Archie and April?" Veronica asks
"Mommy mommy, may I?" CeeJay asks excitedly
"Of course babygirl, be good, come give mommy a kiss," I say
She scrambles off Toni's lap and I get out of my side and bend down.
"Be polite, use your manners, okay?"
"Okay," She says as I do up her jacket
"I will," She says before giving me a kiss
"Bye baby," I say
She waves and leaves with Ronnie
I sit on the same side as Tones and smile at her
"Now we can actually talk," I laugh
"How have you been?"
"Up and down, I went through a really hard time after CeeJay was born and it's gotten better since then,"
"It was hard knowing you were alone it this," She says looking at her hands. We had no clue what was going on in the world and not seeing you or knowing if you and her were okay- it was terrible,"
"I can't even imagine," I sigh
"What's changed around here?" She asks
"Well they dedicated a street in town and a hallway at Riverdale High to you,"
"Tones the government assumed you and all your friends dead after the second year," I say
"Oh," she says "well I was the only one to get out,"
I go silent and swallow
"They killed the rest of them and were about to kill me when their leaders daughter said she liked my hair,"
"That's terrible Tones," I say rubbing her back
"I don't wanna talk about it really," she says "did you move on? Find someone else?"
"I did not," I laugh "Tones I couldn't replace you if I wanted to,"
She nods and laughs
"CeeJay seems healthy?" She asks
"Ya She is, She was a very easy baby and as a toddler she's absolutely amazing," I say "lots of personality,"
"She talks pretty well for her age,"
"I decided to put her in a private school as soon as she was three, get a good base education anyways,"
"So she's a smarty pants like you,"
"Very much so," I laugh
We talk for a while before deciding to go to pick CeeJay up.
We make it to a pretty spot in the road and Toni stops.
"Cheryl I've been wanting to do this for 6 years now. The only thing that kept me going in the hell of a place was knowing that you weren't my wife yet. Knowing that we waited so long and I didn't get a chance to ask before I went overseas. I fought every single day to get home to you and didn't want to wait a day longer. I'm home, and the only thing that could make this day better is if you say yes to marrying me," she says kneeling "so Cheryl Majorie Blossom- will you marry me?"
I nod and kiss her
She slips her arms around my back and bends me backwards in the kiss
"I love you baby," she says connecting our foreheads
"I love you too,"
She slips the ring on and I gasp
"Oh my gosh Tones this is gorgeous,"
"You like it?"
"I love it baby,"
She hugs me and spins me around again.
"You're such a cutie,"
We walk the rest of the way to Ronnie's house and I knock
"Hey girls," Ronnie says "what's wrong Cher?"
I show her my ring and she squeals
"Good taste Topaz,"
"Thanks Lodge,"
"Mommy!" CeeJay says running towards me
"Hey baby," I say bending down to pick her up
"Why are you crying?" She asks
"Toni and I are getting married sweetheart," I say bouncing her
I kiss her cheek and laugh
"Cher I do gotta get home, I haven't slept in like 3 days," Toni says
"Oh ya, of course let's go,"
"Oh I got a loft for a few weeks,"
"Why would you do this?"
"I haven't talked to you in four years. Didn't know if you moved on or whatever,"
I nod and kiss her
"Come home Tones,"

I got her back
And I think everything's going to be just fine

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