Im not hungry Toni

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Quick before it starts; I'm not trying to offend anyone I'm writing based of personal experience and the experience of a friend, not trying to offend anyone at all :( this is kinda triggering as well so...

Toni's POV
It's been happening for a few weeks now. Whether it was just drinking water for lunch or not eating dinner I was noticing Cher wasn't herself. Even when she eats, she leaves for a while- and that's how it started tonight.
"Cher cmon eat your dinner," I whine "for me please?"
"I'm not hungry Toni," she sighs
"You didn't eat lunch or breakfast,"
She sighs and eats her dinner- almost all of it.
"Wanna go lie down and watch tv?" I ask when she finishes
"Oh uh, in a sec, I need to go to the bathroom," she says walking out of the room
Getting suspicious I walk outside the bathroom door and hear her gagging.
"Cher?" I say opening the door
I look in and she's on the ground trying to make herself throw up.
"Cheryl," I gasp sitting beside her "What's going on?"
"N-n-Nothing," she stutters
"Baby, don't lie to me- please tell me the truth,"
"I was trying to throw up," she mumbles
"And why would you be doing that?" I ask putting my hand on her thigh
"Because I'm getting fat and I don't want that," she says looking at the ground
"Baby you're not getting fat, what would make you think that?" I ask
"People at school," she sighs
"Look at me ok," I say raising her chin with my fingers "I love you and there is nothing wrong with your body, nothing at all. Hell Cheryl you practically have abs. Promise me no more of this ok? If you ever feel like this talk to me, your body, you as a whole is perfect Cher and I can't lose you- I won't to something like this ok?"
"I promise," she says
"When did this start Cher?" I ask
"It was really bad in junior high, my mother told me I was fat and the girls at school and heather said the same thing, I would eat 3 almonds and a smoothie a day. I did that- with the occasional milkshake and fries with friends that I would throw up later. It stopped when I met you and then people at school started saying that I was gaining weight and Betty said something about your last girlfriend being some skinny ass model and I got scared,"
"Cher," I say hugging her "I'm never going to stop loving you and thinking you are the hottest girl in the room. Even if you gain 100 pounds, you're going to be the person I look for and the person I love. I'm not just with you for your body, I'm in love with all of you. I love your hair, your eyes, your personality, your laugh, the little smile you get when you beat Sweetpea at pool. My ex is a model now yes, but she was mean and abusive and pretty fucking ugly."
That makes her laugh
"You need to eat, it's so dangerous not to," I say
"I know I'm sorry," she says looking at the floor
"Don't be sorry, eat meals with me from now on though ok?" I say "and we can work out together if it really makes you feel better,"
"You would workout?" She laughs
"I would complain and watch you workout but I would be there,"
"Deal," She says kissing my cheek "Thank you Toni,"
"Every time Cher,"
We go upstairs and sleep.

Lunchtime rolls around and Cher and I sit at the serpents table.
"Cher you're eating right?" I say
She glances at the vixens table and then back to me.
"I forgot my lunch,"
"Good thing I brought you one," I counter giving her the salad
She sighs and mixes the salad.
"I love you Cheryl," I whisper
"I love you too,"
She eats the entire salad and I hug her.
"So proud of you Cher,"

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