Chapter 39

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"I can't get rid of you, at least not yet. So instead of apologizing, stop. I'm tired of you. Just let me be as much as possible, please."

That hurt more than Ryujin could have predicted but she tried her best to remain looking unfazed by the words spoken between them.

She wouldn't give Yeji the satisfaction of visibly hurting her.

Yeji on the other hand, looked to be holding the ice cream spoon with a little more strength than usual, her eyes focused on the content of her cup.

"Then stop inviting me out."

This was likely the last thing the other had expected her to say, judging by how she saw her eyebrows furrow in confusion before she looked up to meet her gaze. Yeji seemed confused and slightly lost at her response and Ryujin was enjoying it a little too much.

"You say i'm such a nuance but who invited me here? Who asked me to go to her father's party? And to dine with your parents? And-"

Yeji raised her hand before she could continue, closing her eyes and sighing. Ryujin would take that as a win.

"I did what I had to do."

She shrugged, scooping some ice cream and eating it with a teasing smile on her face. Something that seemed to annoy Yeji who was only glaring at her.

"Keep telling yourself that, Yeji."

"I will, Ryujin."

There was just something about the other saying her name that made it feel so personal and special. Ryujin always loved her name for its meaning but it sounded particularly good coming from Yeji's lips.

A small smile formed on her own lips, without the younger of the two even attempting to hide it. Noticing the other roll her eyes already paying more attention to her ice cream than Ryujin.

"Is dinner at your house?"

Yeji shook her head, much to her dismay. Her house might not be Ryujin's home but it was a lot more comfortable than anywhere else they might be having this dinner at.

"I lost a bet so i'll be paying for our dinner at his favorite restaurant."

Okay, that was somewhat shocking. A bet? Yeji betting? Yeji doing something fun and playful?

"What?" Yeji questioned, probably noticing the shock on her expression as she stared. Whipping her lips, looking curiously at her napkin to see if she had something on her face.


Ryujin's thoughts wandered. She wanted to know more. Maybe it had no significance to Yeji but to her it felt like a new side of the older girl that she had yet to explore. Besides, Ryujin is just too curious about everything related to Yeji.

They silently busied themselves eating the rest of their ice cream, Yeji seemingly avoiding looking at her and Ryujin trying her best to do the same. Yet failing more times than she could count.

The words Yeji had spoken previously, the harsh ones that had hurt Ryujin's feelings were still playing in her mind. Yet she made the executive decision to push her feelings aside and ignore it all. At least for now.

Maybe that night once she laid in bed, the words would continue to replay and she would try to dissect how she felt about it. For now she didn't want to give it the importance.

For the rest of the time they spent together, nothing more than small talk was exchanged. Making things all the more tense for her but apparently she was the only one to feel that way. Yeji looked just as comfortable as ever. Not that such thing meant a lot, considering she never looked like she wanted to be around Ryujin.

The car ride back to Yeji's house was quiet. The music filling the silence between them and for once, Ryujin was happy about it.

Despite all that she could say or ask, the younger girl chose silence for once.

She thinks the girl driving might have sneaked a glance at her a few times during their drive but it's likely wishful thinking. Yeji was probably looking to her side of the road. Or perhaps shocked that Ryujin was so quiet.

The moment they stepped into the house, Yeji stopped. Ryujin was right behind her, stopping in her tracks and observing as Yeji seemed to take a deep breath, taking a moment to fully walk inside. She watched her move closer to the elevator and followed right behind once she took off her shoes at the door.

Yeji pushed the button, waiting for the elevator to come down. It only took seconds. During these few seconds Ryujin walked closer to Yeji. Standing a step behind the taller girl. Her gaze fixated on the girl's hand. Holding tightly to her suitcase, so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Looking at this, she had to fight the urge to place her hand over hers. To ask why she seemed so tense.

Not noticing the obvious reason why Yeji might have felt so tense. Unaware of just how close she had got. How her breath was so close that it could easily move the strands of Yeji's hair.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, both of them walked inside. Ryujin standing by the door while Yeji stood in the back.

It's not like she tried to observe her. Ryujin hadn't even thought about it when her eyes moved to focus on the reflection of the cat eyed girl on the doors in front of her. Immediately looking down once her eyes met Yeji's. Who had already been looking right at their reflection.

Someone brave. Bold. Straightforward. That's how most would describe her. That's how she had started off when she met Yeji. Yet here she was, looking away once their gaze met through a reflection.

There was no time to dwell on her actions and what had caused her reflex. Soon the doors opened and she walked out, trying her best not to look back.

Once she arrived to the bedroom she now called hers, the short girl threw herself into the mattress. Face down on the bed that was as much hers as Yeji was, she started to dread the upcoming dinner. Not only would she have to face Yeji once again, but her brother would be there with them.

As normal as the brother looked, they had been raised in the same family. With the same lifestyle and beliefs. Chances are that he would be just like Yeji. And could Ryujin handle two Yejis? She can barely handle one as it is.

"I'm fucked."

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