Chapter 7

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(Author's note: I didn't proofread so I'm sorry for any mistakes)

"Do your parents know about me?"

"What do you mean? If you're wondering if I have been talking to them about you, no. I haven't."

"I meant about the rumors. Do they know?"

Yeji hummed.

This time both of them were sitting in the back of the car as Mr Handsome drove them to the Hwangs'.

Ryujin pursed her lips, looking out of the window and sighing. Had they found out after setting everything up or had money spoken louder than her reputation? Either way, they were likely as judgmental as Yeji about it.

"Just play nice tonight. The last thing I need to deal with tonight is your lack of manner and appropriate behavior."

She rolled her eyes but nodded. It's not like she wanted to disappoint her own parents by making the Hwangs hate her.

Once they arrived, Ryujin noted that their house was huge. Something she had been expecting already. This house could be compared to her parents' but she had no idea who would win, size wise. Not that she cared about things like that but she almost wanted to point that out to Yeji, who judged her value at every turn. Maybe then she would realize that despite the fact Ryujin wasn't a cold snob, she had as much as Yeji did.

Yeji's parents didn't exactly look like her, she noticed. Each of them had one or another physical trait of hers but Yeji was the perfect blend of the two. Her eyes unique, still. Being a clear mixture of her parents'. She's not even sure why she was analyzing something like that. Instead of focusing on simply getting through the night, as she should be.

Instead, she found herself taking mental notes of every detail she noticed. As if she wanted to piece together something that helped her understand Yeji better. To help her know more about the girl who never opened up. Maybe even get a glimpse of humanity coming from that cold heart of hers.

It seemed that she was right.

The Hwangs were courteous and polite. Snobs in every way, even in their mannerisms. She expected nothing else. And yet, she could see that they were surprisingly warm towards their daughter and that Yeji herself was warmer than she had ever seen her. Sure, she was still all snobbish and proper instead of acting like a normal person. But she smiled, rarely though, and even got teased the same way Ryujin did when her parents spoke to her. Or the same way most families tease each other, she supposed.

"How is the engagement?" Her mother asked, looking at Yeji with what she could only describe as a teasing smile.

Yeji huffed, "Splendid."

Her mother chuckled. Mr Hwang spoke next, "Sarcasm, the language of the new generation." She could tell it was a joke but she didn't laugh, only offering a smile in return. After all, he was also calling her out.

"What am I going to say instead? Is it not wrong of me to complain about my current situation while sitting in front of the people responsible for it?"

"Thank you for being considerate then, dear." Her mother replied, using sarcasm right back.

"Ryujin, I'm sorry that my daughter can be so complicated." Mr Hwang offered, looking at her now.

Ryujin smiled back at him. "Doesn't all that is worth it require patience and effort?" She countered.

Her gaze moving to Yeji and their eyes meeting. She offered her a smile as well, only earning an eye roll in return.

Mrs Hwang was smiling right at Ryujin when her eyes looked around the table, stopping as their gaze met. "I can only hope you share some of your wisdom with our daughter."

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