Chapter 52

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(authors note: last chapter for today)

She waited outside of her classroom for the right moment. Dragging her as soon as she came outside.

"What are you doing?"

"I need clarifications."

Chaeryeong sighed rather dramatically before pinching the bridge of her nose and gesturing for her to speak.

"What happened to Yeji?"

"Why did I bet with Lia that you wouldn't pester me about this." Chaeryeong rolled her eyes, looking around to check who was there.

"Yeji is... She's a challenge."

"One that I failed miserably at, I know."

"You're both idiots and the day you realize that is the day I'll know peace."


Chaeryeong took a deep breath, "She told you that you two can be civil, right?"

Ryujin nodded.

"Then be civil. Stop trying to control the situation and be yourself. That's all I'll say about this." She started pushing her away, forcefully ending the conversation they were having. "Now please leave me out of this. I already have to deal with one side of it."

Ryujin left but only because she didn't want to make an enemy of Yeji's best friend.

If someone spotted her sitting on a bench that overlooked the classroom where Yeji would be having her next class, no they didn't.

"Are you looking at Yeji?"

The way Ryujin jumped at the sudden presence besides her, nearly spilling her coffee all over but luckily it didn't come to that.

"Sorry." the guy smiled, looking a little embarrassed about it.

She vaguely recognized his face, eventually coming to the conclusion he was Yeji's friend that worked at her favorite coffee shop.

"You're Yeji's friend."

He nodded, smiling. "Ive heard what happened."

"You have?"

Soobin nodded once again.

"It's unfortunate. After everything, I thought you'd be the one to soften her up."


Soobin looked at her curiously before shaking his head. "I'm guessing she hasn't shared much, has she?"

Ryujin shook her head, wondering what he was talking about.

"It's not really for me to say but Yeji hasn't been lucky in her relationships."

"Yeji had relationships?"

Soobin clicked his tongue, running a hand through the back of his neck nervously. "I should stop talking before I face her wrath."

"Well, thank you for risking your life to provide me with some insight."

"At your service."

He bowed, laughing before walking away from her. Ryujin smiling at the sight before looking in Yeji's direction. Only to find that she was no longer there.

"I guess her class started already." she whispered to herself, grabbing her belongings and walking away.

Ryujin went to visit her sister at her dance academy. Arriving some time before she was dismissed and having to wait for Yuna at the entrance.

"Why are you sitting there?"

She was playing solitaire and the last thing she expected was to hear the familiar voice of none other than Yeji.

"I'm waiting for Yuna."

Her brain was malfunctioning, Ryujin was not prepared for the sight of Yeji in front of her.

"Come with me."

Who was she to question such request. Grabbing her bag, she quickly started to walk behind the older girl. Being silently lead to the audience, observing as Yuna and the others practiced on the stage.

Yeji and her were standing at the back, in the darkness and leaning against the wall behind them. Only the stage was currently illuminated so she's sure the others aren't aware of their presence.

Ryujin tried to focus on the dancing and her sister. She really tried to. But then the other was so close that their shoulders threatened to touch and her mind was as blank as can be.

"Why are you talking to me now?" she whispered, curiosity overthrowing caution.

"Because you're done acting like everyone else."

Ryujin looked at Yeji who took the moment as an excuse to leave her alone. Walking away and leaving her shocked by the unexpected answer.

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