Chapter 14

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(Author's note: I didn't proofread this so I'm sorry for the mistakes I'm sure it will have.)

Ryujin had managed to map out the parts of campus that she had been to, mentally of course. Nowadays she didn't struggle to get to where she wanted to be. Only if it was somewhere new.

Yes, she was struggling at the moment because Yeji sent her a message to meet them at the dance rooms which she wasn't even aware existed.

It might have taken her longer than she cared to admit to find such rooms but she did so. Walking into the room with an open door that allowed her to have a full view of how annoyed Yeji was. No doubt because she had taken so long.

Chaeryeong however, did not look bothered in the slightest. She was casually speaking as if Yeji didn't look like she was seconds away from murdering someone.

It looked like a weird dynamic but Ryujin simply shrugged it off, finally walking into the room.

"Finally." Yeji muttered, rolling her eyes in annoyance. Chaeryeong chuckling lightly at her best friend's reaction.

Again, looking like she was all too used to Yeji's reactions.

"You actually got here just in time. Don't mind the grinch over here."

Ryujin smiled, nodding at Chaeryeong and choosing to ignore the side eyed glance coming from the cat eyed girl. It was deadly and she knew it.

"Where are we going?"

The older girl didn't answer, instead, Chaeryeong spoke again. Interlocking her arm with a reluctant Yeji who didn't put up a fight about it.

"To Yeji's favorite coffee shop." She winked at Ryujin, as if that information was something she was offering to her.

Ryujin smiled slightly. It did help. Any information regarding Yeji was helpful because the other didn't really share things about herself so she felt thankful that Chaeryeong had already tried to feed her something.

She followed the other girls, paying attention to all their movements. How despite Yeji's unamused expression, she had gone along with Chaeryeong and didn't bother to pull away from their physical contact. How Chaeryeong kept going on about her day and Yeji didn't complain about how much she was talking. How it was all true, Yeji did have a best friend.

The older girl still looked very much cold, even with Chaeryeong but there was a hint of something. She was comfortable, Ryujin concluded after a few minutes of observing them.

Yeji had made it seem like Chaeryeong was only friends with her out of convenience but, looking at how her best friend was smiling and talking as she pulled Yeji along, she doubts that. Ryujin was pretty sure that, for whatever reason, Chaeryeong seemed to truly care about her. Even if the other chose to be blind about it.

"Ryujin, what do you say?"

She hadn't been paying much attention to her words, having been far too focused on understanding their dynamic.


Chaeryeong smiled glancing at Ryujin who was besides her but a couple of steps behind the both of them.

"I was saying that Yeji can be too uptight."

Ryujin couldn't help but nod in agreement as she stared at the girl who had asked her the question. It didn't take long for Chaeryeong to nudge Yeji once she saw her response.

"Even your future wife agrees."

Yeji only rolled her eyes, glancing at Ryujin for a split second before looking back ahead. Mumbling something under her breath that she couldn't quite understand.

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