Chapter 51

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Hwang Yeji was standing at her door.

She was actually standing there without having to be. Without being forced by their circumstances.

Ryujin was so shocked that she forgot to speak. Standing and openly staring at the girl in front of her.

"Can you dial down on the staring?" Yeji was the first to break their silence, crossing her arms and looking a little uncomfortable.

"Sorry." she whispered, still hardly believing her eyes.

With a roll of her eyes, Yeji sighed. "At least close your mouth." Her fingers gently tapping her chin, only making Ryujin malfunction even more.


"God. Have I told you that you ask too many questions and never the right ones?"


"Exactly." Yeji shook her head. "Now you should ask if I want to come inside. To which I'd say yes, thank you for asking."

She blinked far too many times in the span of the minute it took for Yeji to speak those words, nudge her aside and walk into her apartment.

"Why are you here?"

She closed the door, becoming increasingly aware of how Yeji was at her apartment, on her own, because she wanted to. Everything about that made her dizzy.

"These apartment complexes turned out nicely." she stated, looking out the window.

Ryujin didn't understand why that was something worth stating. "My parents are good at what they do."

Yeji chuckled, clicking her tongue before turning to face her again. "Let's be civil."

Hesitation didn't begin to describe how she felt. The idea of going back to trying to be in Yeji's life was both thrilling and terrifying.

"Are you messing with me?"


"Then what?"

"Look..." Yeji sighed, shaking her head to clear her own mind. "Chaeryeong started talking about some party and then she wanted to invite everyone and of course, Lia wanted you there, so then they asked me how I felt about it. We are clearly not... okay. But Chaeryeong means a lot to me so i'll try to get along with you. For her."

"I think this is the most I've heard you talk without insulting me."

"And somehow you stuck around to hear it."

Ryujin hummed. "Somehow I did."

"Do you regret it?"

"I regret a lot of things about it."

Yeji pursed her lips, nodding. "I expected that."

"I don't regret trying." she added, clearly surprising the other.


Ryujin shrugged. Saying something like you make me feel oddly drawn to you, familiar even and comfortable just doesn't seem right.

"I have to go. Tomorrow we will have another party at Chaeryeong's. 7pm, bring snacks."

Yeji started to walk towards the front door when Ryujin blinked herself of a daze. "The snacks... Did she ask, or is it your request?"

The older girl was standing by the door, holding it open while looking over her shoulder and meeting her gaze.

Then it happened.

Yeji smiled.

Closing the door behind her a moment later.

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