Chapter 29

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"You're far too conceited, Ryujin."

"I like it."

Yeji turned her head to face hers, she could feel the older girl's gaze on her but didn't turn to face her. Instead, she made sure to focus on the road ahead, something that seemed like a difficult task when she could feel Yeji looking right at her.

Before she could say something else, Ryujin spoke again. "I like when you say my name."

Maybe Yeji got caught off guard. Maybe she had expected such words to come out of her mouth. Whatever the case might be, Ryujin wasn't able to tell because Yeji turned to face the side window, hiding her reaction from view. Leaving Ryujin smiling to herself. She was happy to get a reaction from Yeji, even if she didn't get to see exactly what it had been.

"You're so annoying." she heard a moment later, hardly being able to tell the words apart as they came in the form of mumbled words.

She didn't bother arguing, smiling again to herself as she busied herself with turning on a playlist as they waited on yet another traffic light. Yeji didn't complain about it either. Maybe she didn't have the energy, or maybe her music taste didn't bother her.

Ryujin hadn't actually thought about their destination and now, driving without somewhere to be, it all felt somehow freeing. She had originally thought to do such thing because of Yeji's poor mood but, maybe she had also been needing this. Simply driving aimlessly while her favorite tracks played through the speakers of Yeji's car. No thinking or worrying. Just the sun hitting her and warming her skin as the wind blows her hair back through her cracked window.

She could tell that Yeji was fond of her playlist by the way her head occasionally moved to the beat or by how her lips seemed to mouth to the words. Not that she was paying attention, but sometimes it would catch her eye, making her glance at the girl.

Tension was apparent and Ryujin was sure that she was not the only one to notice it. She wasn't even sure what had caused it. Had it been the fact she had essentially kidnapped Yeji? Or was it the occasional eye contact they would accidentally make most of the time she glanced at Yeji? Perhaps it was simply the fact they weren't comfortable around each other. Maybe even all the options wrapped into one extremely tense situation.

It was strange. The feeling of relaxing and feeling freed of all the stress. While also feeling tense about the company and their current situation.

Even more so knowing she had caused it.

Somehow, despite the tension she felt, Yeji didn't look as upset as she would have imagined. In fact, she had hardly argued against the sudden decision. Resorting to accepting it calmly and sitting passively next to her.

Something was definitely up with Yeji, she would normally have fought her with everything she had to get out of spending time with her. Let alone do something irresponsible like skipping her afternoon classes.

"I can feel you glancing at me every two seconds. What is it?" Yeji suddenly spoke up, interrupting her thoughts and leaving her too shocked to come up with an immediate excuse.

"I'm surprised you're going along with this, that's all."

Yeji shrugged casually, still focusing on the view instead of her. "Is that your way of asking about it?"

"Maybe." she admitted, looking back at the road.

"It's not because of you. If you're thinking that."

Ryujin nearly chuckled but stopped herself from doing so. She wasn't that delusional to think she would be the reason why Yeji was sat besides her at the moment. "I wasn't."

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