Chapter 47

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"My father said we don't have to get married."

That was not how she was expecting to confess.

Not in the slightest.

Chaeryeong was now staring at her, wide eyes and mouth open. No doubt shocked by the sudden words.

She had spotted her walking across campus, chased after her, pulled her by the sleeve of her sweater and blurted those words out. All in the span of five minutes.

And there she was, jacket falling over her shoulder, cheeks flushed from running to the other side of the gigantic university garden, hair messy and panting while Chaeryeong stared at her.

"Can you say something?"

Chaeryeong blinked once, twice and then shook her head.

"No." she stated. Ryujin swears her word left no room for any doubt. Proceeding to walk away from her.

"What do you mean no?" she asked, still chasing after her.

"I mean no."

"It wasn't really a question."

Chaeryeong came to a full stop, placing her fingers on the bridge of her nose, her eyes closed tightly. After a moment she looked back at her. Ryujin took the silence as a moment to notice that unfortunately Chaeryeong was taller than her. Nearly pouting at the newfound information.

"Look, I do not have the time for this." she stated clearly, leaving no room for doubts. "My classes are kicking my ass and I have dance practice every single day. So unless you know anything about-" she stopped speaking, looking at one of the papers she had been holding close to her chest, "Psychology, I do not have the time to talk."

Ryujin smirked. Although she doubted the exception being psychology knowledge was an actuality, she took it as an opportunity to continue following the other girl.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm good at psychology."

Chaeryeong sighed, defeated by her persistent side. Much to her happiness.

"Look I know you probably don't like me much but-"

She started rambling as soon as they sat down on the library, leading to Chaeryeong raising a finger while writing down on her notebook.

"Not so loudly and certainly not so fast."

Ryujin sighed, tapping her finger while waiting for permission to speak. Earning a glare from the other.

"You know what?" Chaeryeong sighed, closing her eyes in defeat before closing her notebook too. "Just tell me."

Smiling widely, she started to gather her thoughts to tell the girl.

"My father told me Yeji and I don't have to marry."

"Did this happen today?"

Running a nervous hand through her hair, Ryujin avoided meeting eyes with the girl.

Chaeryeong took the hint and sighed. "How long?"

"Too long."

Chaeryeong sighed yet again. "Why did I have to choose such a pain in the ass as a best friend?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind." Chaeryeong dismissed, clicking the pen she was holding. "If it's advice you're looking for, I have none for you. I think you already know what you need to do."

Ryujin leaned back against the chair, throwing her head back and looking up at the ceiling.

"She'll hate me even more."

Chaeryeong hummed, "She will."

"You're not very good at cheering people up."

"I'm not trying to."

Ryujin looked back at Chaeryeong who was paying attention to her notebook instead of her, silently thinking back to her conversation with Lia.

"You and Lia are truly good for each other."

That seemed to get her attention, her gaze now focused on her before she went back to writing on her notebook. "Thanks?"

Ryujin got up, looking even more defeated than before. She took a set away from the table and stopped the moment the other spoke up.

"It didn't have to be this way."

"Didn't it?" she countered, not bothering to look back. Instead her gazed focusing on the dirty sneakers she had on.

"Go. Be honest with Yeji and suffer the consequences. Maybe that will do both of you some good."

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